2002-12-21  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* index.html: added the news for the official results
	* ballot-summary.html
	* electionrules.html
	* elections.html
	* overview.html
	* voters.html
	* elections/2002/preliminary_results.html
	* elections/2002/verify.html: added a link to the official results
	* board_of_directors-2000.html
	* board_of_directors-2001.html
	* board_of_directors.html: changed the board of directors and added a
	page for the 2001/2002 board

2002-12-03  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* index.html: fix wrong date

2002-12-03  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html
	* electionrules.html
	* elections.html
	* index.html
	* overview.html
	* voters.html
	* elections/2002/* (new): preliminary results for the elections

2002-11-24  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* election-2000.html
	* voters-2000.html (new): added a list of voters for 2000 elections

2002-11-24  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* voters-2001.html: fixed the list (some people were missing)
	* ballot-summary-2001.html
	* ballot-summary.html
	* election-2000.html
	* election-2001.html
	* electionrules-2001.html
	* electionrules.html
	* elections.html
	* overview.html
	* voters-2001.html
	* voters.html: better navigation for archives of elections

2002-11-24  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* election-2001.html
	* voters-2001.html (new): added back list of voters for 2001 elections

2002-11-23  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* voters.html: we talk about elections, not memberships

2002-11-23  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* voters.html: sorted the list alphabetically and removed the
	contribution (they are in membership-list.html)

2002-11-21  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* voters.html: corrected Patrick Costello's e-mail address

2002-11-20  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* index.html: corrected the date

2002-11-20  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary-2001.html
	* election-2000.html
	* election-2001.html
	* electionrules-2001.html
	* electionrules.html
	* elections.html
	* membership-form.php
	* overview.html
	* voters.html (new): added the list of voters for the elections
	* election-2000.html
	* election-2001.html: removed bad link for the list of voters of
	past elections
	* membership-list.html: updated the membership list
	* membership-policy.html
	* membership.html
	* membership-form.php: added links to the membership list
	* index.html: added a news about the elections

2002-11-11  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* membership-policy.html: added a link to the new guidelines.

2002-11-07  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: updated Nat's summary.

2002-11-06  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: updated Jeff's affiliation.

2002-11-06  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: final list.

2002-11-06  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: fixed the numbers.

2002-11-06  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: added Jim Gettys and some affiliations.

2002-11-05  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: updated Jonathan's summary.

2002-11-05  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: new candidates.

2002-11-04  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: we have 11 candidates now. Fixed two typos.

2002-11-03  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: another candidate.

2002-11-03  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: three new candidates.

2002-10-30  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: third candidate.

2002-10-30  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* ballot-summary.html: first two candidates.

2002-10-29  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* elections.html: Remove reference to 2001, since it's the
	2002 rules and timelines.

2002-10-23  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* gnome.jpg: new foot logo
	* gnome2.jpg
	* gnome.png: removed old logo
	* *.html: removed height and width for the logo

2002-10-13  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* *: s/membership@gnome.org/membership-committee@gnome.org/g
	* elections.html
	* ballot-summary-2001.html
	* board_of_directors-2001.html
	* election-2001.html
	* electionrules-2001.html: archives of 2001 elections
	* ballot-summary.html
	* electionrules.html
	* overview.html: first update for the 2002 elections
2002-09-24  Steve Fox <drfickle@k-lug.org>

	* index.html: Update the news
	* documentation.html: Add by-laws
	* bylaws.pdf: by-laws doc

2002-09-19  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* membership-form.php: Update mail address for new committee.

2002-09-01  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* membership-form.php: made it strip the slashes before the quotes.

2002-08-31  Mike Newman  <mike@gtnorthern.demon.co.uk>

	* membership-policy.html: Fixed to reflect current renewal process.
	* membership-form.html: Made the URL in the mailout work :)
	* index.html: Update the news.

2002-08-19  Mike Newman  <mike@gtnorthern.demon.co.uk>

	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.cgi:
	* membership-form.html: OK, it works. Remove the old form and handler.

2002-08-18  Vincent Untz  <vincent@vuntz.net>

	* membership-form.php: added the new form (it checks if fields
	are correctly filled).
	* electionrules.html
	* index.html
	* membership-policy.html
	* membership.html : changed the links to the form.

2002-08-06  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.cgi: Perl uses 'eq' not

2002-08-06  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>
	* membership-form.html: Add some spacing.

2002-08-06  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.cgi: Minor updates.

2002-08-06  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.cgi: Add backend for new checkbox.
	* membership-form.html: Add a new checkbox for previous foundation

2002-07-17 Steve Fox <drfickle@uberh4x0r.org>

	* index.html
	* template.html

	Ack! Increase table width (I _hate_ fixed table widths)

2002-07-17 Steve Fox <drfickle@uberh4x0r.org>

	* index.html
	* template.html

	Add the Friends of GNOME program

2002-06-26 Steve Fox <drfickle@uberh4x0r.org>

	* press.html
	* press/pr-gnome20.html

	Add 2.0 announce

2002-06-25 Steve Fox <drfickle@uberh4x0r.org>

	* membership-list.html

	Wow! Fix my old email address

2002-06-25 Steve Fox <drfickle@uberh4x0r.org>

	* press/pr-accessible.html
	* press/pr-borlandjoins.html
	* press/pr-foundation.html
	* press/pr-gnome14.html
	* press/pr-mandrakesoftjoins.html
	* press/pr-newcommitments.html
	* press/pr-redflagjoins.html
	* press/pr-redhat.html
	* press/pr-sunjoins.html : Fix bad HTML
	* press/pr-gnomeenelsur.html : Add Latin American tour
	* press.html

2002-03-05  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* index.html: Remove Borland, Gnumatic, OMG, TurboLinux.
		      s/VA Linux/OSDN
	 logos/*: Removed old and added new.

2002-03-05  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* index.html: Changed link to new Ximian logo [better quality].
	* logos/ximian.jpg: Added.

2001-02-14  Dan Mueth <muet@alumni.uchicago.edu>

	* press.html: Adding link for recent Assistive Technology press release
	* pr-assistivetech.html: Adding recent press release on assistive 

2001-01-23  Glynn Foster <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* logos/*.gif: logos
	* index.html: Added logos to the main page as 
	provided by Dan.

2001-12-08  Glynn Foster <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* board_of_directors-2000.html:
	* board_of_directors.html:
	* index.html:

	Add details of new official board members.

2001-12-07  Glynn Foster <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* press/pr-accessible.html:
	* press/pr-borlandjoins.html:
	* press/pr-foundation.html:
	* press/pr-gnome14.html:
	* press/pr-mandrakesoftjoins.html:
	* press/pr-newcommitments.html:
	* press/pr-ney_execdir.html:
	* press/pr-redflagjoins.html:
	* press/pr-redhat.html:
	* press/pr-sunjoins.html:
	Fix links. Thanks to Andreas J. Guelzow for 
	pointing this out.

2001-12-02  Glynn Foster <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* advisory_board.html: s/TurboLinu/TurboLinux
	Thanks to Nicholas Bachmann for pointing this 

2001-11-20  Gregory Leblanc  <gleblanc@linuxweasel.com>

	* index.html: Fixed the election dates on the main page.

2001-11-20  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* ballot-summary.html: Revised order to reflect
	the order on the ballots that are being sent out
	Nov 20th. ie. alphabetical

2001-11-17  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* electionrules.html: Fix election rules to 
	reflect new dates.

2001-11-15  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Updating navigation links for new press stuff.

	* advisory_board.html:
	* ballot-summary.html:
	* ballot_summary.html:
	* board_of_directors.html:
	* charter.html:
	* directory.html:
	* documentation.html:
	* election-2000.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* executive_director.html:
	* faq-ln7.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:
	* membership.html:
	* organization.html:
	* overview.html:
	* template.html:

	Adding press release info.

	* press.html:
	* press/pr-accessible.html:
	* press/pr-borlandjoins.html:
	* press/pr-foundation.html:
	* press/pr-gnome14.html:
	* press/pr-mandrakesoftjoins.html:
	* press/pr-newcommitments.html:
	* press/pr-ney_execdir.html:
	* press/pr-redflagjoins.html:
	* press/pr-redhat.html:
	* press/pr-sunjoins.html:

2001-11-10  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Fixing the navigation links a bit - one was missing, and a couple
	were linking when they shouldn't.  Also made a couple small
	changes to HTML to increase consistancy of appearance with other

	* ballot-summary.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* overview.html:

2001-11-11  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	Add Daniel's affiliation. Slipped through the gap.

	* ballot-summary.html:

2001-11-11  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	Add news item to main page and fix links.

	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* index.html:
	* overview.html:

2001-11-11  Glynn Foster  <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	Adding list of candidates for the Foundation Board 
	elections 2001.

	* ballot-summary-2000.html:
	* ballot-summary.html:
	* election-2000.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* overview.html:

2001-11-08  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Integrating overview.html into the the web site, since it was
	left out during my integration work last week.

	* election-2000.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* overview.html:

2001-11-04  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Fixed a few typos and updated the maintainer line.

	* advisory_board.html:
	* board_of_directors.html:
	* charter.html:
	* directory.html:
	* documentation.html:
	* election-2000.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* executive_director.html:
	* faq-ln7.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:
	* membership.html:
	* organization.html:
	* template.html:

2001-11-04  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Adding organization section for the web page.

	* advisory_board.html:
	* board_of_directors.html:
	* charter.html:
	* directory.html:
	* documentation.html:
	* election-2000.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* executive_director.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:
	* membership.html:
	* organization.html:
	* template.html:

2001-11-03  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Created documentation section for the web page.

	* charter.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:

2001-11-03  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Cleaning up organization of election materials.

	* election-2000.html:
	* electionrules.html:
	* elections.html:
	* index.html:
	* template.html:

2001-11-03  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Cleaning up organization of membership materials.  Moved 
 	membership.html to membership-list.html so we can use membership.html
	for general membership info.

	* charter.html:
	* directory.html:
	* elections.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:
	* membership.html:
	* template.html:

2001-11-03  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Added a directory and template file.

	* charter.html:
	* directory.html:
	* elections.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:
	* template.html:

2001-11-03  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Updating news items.

	* index.html:

2001-10-23  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Moving old overview document out of the way and putting
	in an updated draft for the 2001 elections.

	* overview.html:
	* overview_2000.html:

2001-10-18  Glynn Foster <glynn.foster@sun.com>

	* membership-form.html: s/Name/Full Name in 
	attempt to get people to put their full names down
	when applying for membership

2001-07-16  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Every module deserves HACKING and README files :)


2001-07-16  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Added a little blurb and cleaned up links a bit.

	* elections.html:

2001-07-16  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Copied the FAQ into these pages so we can have a nicer and
	more uniform appearance.  In the future, make sure to run
	tidy first, since this is pretty ugly.

	* charter.html:
	* elections.html:
	* faq-ln7.html:
	* faq.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:

2001-07-13  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Updating the various pages so they have a common style and
	set of links.  Before you couldn't navigate from any of them
	to the main page or to www.gnome.org or to each other.  Now
	you can :)

	* charter.html:
	* elections.html:
	* index.html:
	* membership-form.html:
	* membership-policy.html:

2001-07-13  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Testing scripts...... 

2001-07-13  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Removing underscores and replacing with <em> because some
	people were complaining lots of things look like links but aren't.

	* index.html:

2001-07-13  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	I now have membership-list.html generated which is the current
	membership list, while membership.html is the original list
	at the time of the first elections.  I clarified this and
	updated the links.

	* elections.html:
	* index.html:

2001-07-12  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Small improvements to appearance of page which pops up
	to confirm application is received.
	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.cgi:

	Fixed path for script which I forgot to do last time.
	* membership-form.html:

2001-07-12  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Updating main page in various places.  Fixed formatting 
        and HTML.  Added membership information and application links.
	* index.html:

	Changed background color to white.
	* membership-form.html:

	Adding this file by Russell.
	* membership-policy.html:

	Removing old versions of the script
	* membership-form-handler.pl:
	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.pl:

2001-07-12  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Pointing to correct path for script.

	* membership-form.html:

2001-07-12  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Putting the script into a cgi-bin directory

	* cgi-bin/membership-form-handler.pl:

2001-07-12  Dan Mueth  <d-mueth@uchicago.edu>

	Adding the membership application form a script which processes
	it, both created by: Russell Steinthal <rms39@columbia.edu>

	* membership-form-handler.pl:
	* membership-form.html: