<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>GNOME Foundation 2003 Elections Preliminary Results</title> <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date$" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h1>Preliminary Results of the GNOME Foundation 2003 Elections</h1> <h3>Why preliminary?</h3> <p> This results are preliminary results: they can be challenged by sending a mail to <a href="elections@gnome.org">elections@gnome.org</a>. If you want to verify the results, you can look at the <a href="verify.html">instructions</a> that explain how to do so.<br /> All challenges must be sent before December 19th, 23:59 UTC. </p> <h3>The results</h3> <p> You can download the <a href="results.txt">full results</a>. There were 191 valid votes. Two votes were not valid because the voters chose too many candidates. </p> <p> Owen Taylor (172 votes) - Red Hat Inc.<br /> Glynn Foster (171 votes) - Sun Microsystems Inc.<br /> Jody Goldberg (167 votes) - Novell Inc.<br /> Jeff Waugh (165 votes) - Flow Communications<br /> Luis Villa (160 votes) - Novell Inc.<br /> Jonathan Blandford (157 votes) - Red Hat Inc.<br /> Nat Friedman (156 votes) - Novell Inc.<br /> Leslie Proctor (134 votes) - None<br /> Bill Haneman (128 votes) - Sun Microsystems Inc.<br /> Dave Camp (124 votes) - Novell Inc.<br /> Michael Meeks (119 votes) - Novell Inc.<br /> Malcolm Tredinnick (109 votes) - CommSecure<br /> Sri Ramkrishna (102 votes) - Intel </p> <h3>The future board</h3> <p> If these results are not challenged, then the eleven board directors will be: </p> <p> Owen Taylor<br /> Glynn Foster<br /> Jody Goldberg<br /> Jeff Waugh<br /> Luis Villa<br /> Jonathan Blandford<br /> Nat Friedman<br /> Leslie Proctor<br /> Bill Haneman<br /> Dave Camp<br /> Malcolm Tredinnick </p> <p> Please note that Michael Meeks is not elected because there can't be more than 40% of the board directors affiliated with any one corporation (here Novell Inc.). As there are 11 directors on the board, it means there can't be more than 4 directors affiliated with any one corporation. </p> </body> </html>