#!/usr/bin/perl use utf8; # Script to send instructions to all voters. # # How to use this script # ====================== # # You probably want to first update the subject of the e-mail that will be # sent. The second line of the instructions.txt will be the subject. # # So let's suppose that the instructions are in instructions.txt and that you # made a list of voters in maildata.txt (probably using create-tmp-tokens.pl). # The format of this file should be: # name;email;token # # You should use this script like this: # $ ./mail-instructions.pl maildata.txt instructions.txt # # This script needs a MTA to send the e-mails. If you don't have one or if # you're not sure that your ISP allows you to directly send mails, it's # probably better and safer to run the script from a gnome.org server. # Please test this script with your own email address by creating a # maildata.txt with a single entry like # foo;your@address;bar # # You may want to look at your mail server logs (and maybe keep them) to # know if the mail was delivered. There are usually 10-15 errors. In case of # such errors, you can try to look for the new e-mail addresses of the voters # to ask them if they want to update their registered e-mail address and # receive the instructions. use Mail::Internet; die "Usage: mail-instructions.pl <recipient list> <instructions template>\n" unless $#ARGV == 1; open INSTRUCTIONS, "<$ARGV[1]" || die "Cannot open instructions file $ARGV: $!"; my @instructions = <INSTRUCTIONS>; close INSTRUCTIONS; my $from_header = shift @instructions; my $subject_header = shift @instructions; my $head = Mail::Header->new ( [ $from_header, "Subject" => $subject_header ]); $head->add("Subject", $subject_header); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#instructions; $i++) { push @dear_indexes, $i if $instructions[$i] =~ /^\s*Dear <member>/; push @addr_indexes, $i if $instructions[$i] =~ /^\s*E-mail:/; push @token_indexes, $i if $instructions[$i] =~ /^\s*Vote token:/; } open RECIPS, "<$ARGV[0]" || die "Cannot open file $ARGV: $!"; my $sent = 0; my $errors = 0; while (<RECIPS>) { chomp; next if (/^\#/ || /^$/); if (!(/^ *(.*);(.*@.*);(.*) *$/)) { print "Error for line: $_\n"; next; } my $identity = $1; my $addr = $2; my $token = $3; foreach $index (@dear_indexes) { $instructions[$index] = "Dear $identity,\n"; } foreach $index (@addr_indexes) { $instructions[$index] = "E-mail: $addr\n"; } foreach $index (@token_indexes) { $instructions[$index] = "Vote token: $token\n"; } $head->replace ("To", $addr); my $mail = Mail::Internet->new (Header => $head, Body => \@instructions); unless ($mail->smtpsend ()) { print "Error: Could not send to $addr ($identity)!\n"; $errors++; } else { $sent++; } } close RECIPS; print "Mailed $sent instructions; $errors could not be mailed.\n";