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  <title>The GNOME Foundation: Documentation</title>
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       <a href="index.html">Home</a> :&nbsp;
       <a href="organization.html">Organization</a> :&nbsp;
       Documentation :&nbsp;
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      <h2 align="center">GNOME Foundation Documentation and Press Releases</h2>


       The <a href="charter.html">GNOME Foundation Charter</a> outlines the overall
       purpose, structure, and process for the GNOME Foundation. 


       The <a href="faq.html">GNOME Foundation FAQ</a> answers many of the frequently
       asked questions about the GNOME Foundation.

      <h3>Board of Directors Meeting Minutes</h3>

       The GNOME Foundation Board of Directors meets every other week to discuss
       various topics pertaining to the regular activities of the GNOME Foundation
       and GNOME.  The minutes to these meetings are posted publicly on the 
       <a href="mailto:foundation-list@gnome.org">foundation-list@gnome.org</a></b>
           (<a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list">archive</a>|
           <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/foundation-list">subscription
           page</a>) mailing list.

      <h3>Press Releases</h3>

       The GNOME Foundation makes most press releases relating to GNOME and the GNOME
       Foundation.  The press releases are <a href="http://www.gnome.org/pressreleases.html">archived</a>
       for your convenience.
       You can also read the <a href="http://www.gnome.org/pr-foundation.html">press release 
       announcing the creation of the GNOME Foundation</a>.


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      <center><font size=-1>This site is maintained by
      <a href="mailto:membership@gnome.org">the GNOME Foundation Membership and Elections Committee</a>
      and was designed by <a href="mailto:jpsc@users.sourceforge.net">JP
      Schnapper-Casteras</a> and <a href="mailto:bart@eazel.com">Bart Decrem</a>.</font></center>
