#!/usr/bin/perl # # A *really* simple CGI handler for the GNOME Foundation membership # form. # # Author: Russell Steinthal <rms39@columbia.edu> # # my $MAIL_COMMAND = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; use CGI qw /-debug/; my $form = new CGI; $form->import_names ("FORM"); print $form->header; my $date = localtime; open MAIL, "|$MAIL_COMMAND"; print MAIL <<END; From: gnome-membership\@condor.nj.org (GNOME Membership Script) To: membership\@gnome.org (GNOME Membership Committee) Subject: Application received from $FORM::name ($FORM::email) Contact Information: -------------------- Name: $FORM::name E-mail: $FORM::email irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): $FORM::ircnick cvs.gnome.org username (if any): $FORM::cvsuser GNOME contributions: -------------------- Summary: $FORM::summary Detailed description: $FORM::details Contacts: $FORM::contacts Other comments: --------------- $FORM::comments [Application received at $date (Eastern time)] END close MAIL; print "<html>\n"; print "<head><title>Application Received</title></head>\n"; print "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"; print "<h1>Thank you</h1>\n"; print "<p>Thank you for your submission. It has been forwarded to the membership committee, which will inform you when it has been processed.</p>\n"; print "<p>If you have any questions, please e-mail <a href=\"mailto:membership\@gnome.org\">membership\@gnome.org.</p>\n"; print "<br> <br>\n"; print "<center><a href=\"http://foundation.gnome.org\">Return to the GNOME Foundation home page</a></center>\n"; print "</body>\n"; print "</html>\n";