GNOME Foundation

Trademark Usage Guidelines for Third Parties

GNOME Foundation (“GNOME”) brands, trademarks, styles, logos and slogans (together, “GNOME Trademarks”) are among GNOME‘s most valuable assets. Proper use of GNOME trademarks by following these trademark usage guidelines protects the value of GNOME Trademarks. Following are the guidelines for the proper use of GNOME Trademarks by publishers and other third parties. Any use of or reference to GNOME Trademarks that is inconsistent with these guidelines, or other unauthorized use of or reference to GNOME Trademarks or marks that are confusingly similar to GNOME trademarks, is prohibited and may violate GNOME‘s trademark rights.

Any questions with respect to these guidelines should be referred the GNOME Foundation at

  1. Fair Use of GNOME trademarks

    You may make fair use of GNOME word marks to make true factual statements GNOME, or to truthfully communicate that your product or service is compatible with, designed for use with, or was designed using, GNOME. Assertions of compatibility, design, must, of course, be accurate. You cannot use GNOME logos or stylizations of GNOME word or other GNOME Trademarks unless you have explicit written permission to do so. You should not in any way state or imply that GNOME produces, endorses, or supports your company, products, or services unless you have explicit written permission to do so.

    When making fair use of a GNOME Trademark, you should acknowledge that the GNOME Foundation owns the trademark. The following language is appropriate: “[Insert marks used] are registered trademarks or trademarks of GNOME Foundation in the United States or other countries.”

  2. Proper Use of GNOME Trademarks, Generally
  3. Prohibited Use:
  4. Revision of Guidelines

    When these trademark guidelines are revised, the updated version will be posted at

  5. Permission

    To obtain permission for proposed use of the GNOME trademarks, contact: the GNOME Foundation at