diff --git a/foundation.gnome.org/elections/2009/rules.wml b/foundation.gnome.org/elections/2009/rules.wml
index 380c80c..76ead70 100644
--- a/foundation.gnome.org/elections/2009/rules.wml
+++ b/foundation.gnome.org/elections/2009/rules.wml
@@ -53,9 +53,12 @@
-	Instructions explaining how to vote will be sent via e-mail to all
+      	<s>Instructions explaining how to vote will be sent via e-mail to all
 	eligible voters on June 3rd, 2009, and votes must be returned by
-	June 17th, 23:59 UTC (18:59 EST).
+	June 17th, 23:59 UTC (18:59 EST).</s><br/>
+	<em>Update:</em> Instructions explaining how to vote will be sent via e-mail to all
+	eligible voters on June 8rd, 2009, and votes must be returned by
+	June 22th, 23:59 UTC (18:59 EST).
         Votes will be held confidential during the elections, but an anonymized
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
         Any eligible voter may challenge the preliminary results by e-mailing
-        prior to June 26, 2009. The decision of the Elections Committee as
+        prior to June 30, 2009. The decision of the Elections Committee as
         to any challenge shall be final. Once any challenges have been
         resolved, the Elections Committee shall announce the final results.
@@ -123,16 +126,16 @@
         for these elections).
-        June 3rd (Tuesday): Instructions mailed to eligible voters, voting begins.
+        June 8rd (Tuesday): Instructions mailed to eligible voters, voting begins.
-        June 17th (Wednesday): Voting closes.
+        June 22th (Wednesday): Voting closes.
-        June 19th (Friday): Preliminary results are announced.
+        June 24th (Friday): Preliminary results are announced.
-        June 26th (Friday): Last day to challenge preliminary results.
+        June 30th (Friday): Last day to challenge preliminary results.