2015-10-23 18:19:14 -04:00

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* Copyright 2004 - 2009 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
* MPP */ /**
* \addtogroup Storage
* @{
* \defgroup MPP Multi-Pathing Plugin Interfaces
* @{
#ifndef _VMKAPI_MPP_H_
#define _VMKAPI_MPP_H_
/** \cond never */
#error This vmkapi file should never be included directly but only via vmkapi.h
/** \endcond never */
#include "scsi/vmkapi_scsi.h"
#include "scsi/vmkapi_scsi_mgmt_types.h"
#include "scsi/vmkapi_scsi_ext.h"
#include "scsi/vmkapi_scsi_const.h"
#include "scsi/vmkapi_scsi_types.h"
#include "mpp/vmkapi_mpp_types.h"
/** \cond never */
/** \endcond never */
/** \brief Max length of vendor name string including terminating nul. */
//** \brief Max length of model name string including terminating nul. */
/** \brief Default name used for unregistered devices */
#define VMK_SCSI_UNREGISTERED_DEV_NAME "Unregistered Device"
* \brief Choices for probe rate for vmk_ScsiSwitchDeviceProbeRate.
typedef enum {
/** \brief For normal operation (once/5 Sec.) */
/** \brief Selected when the device is in APD (once/Sec.) */
} vmk_ScsiDeviceProbeRate;
* \brief Flags defined for vmk_ScsiSwitchDeviceProbeRate.
typedef enum {
/** \brief Revert to VMK_SCSI_PROBE_RATE_DEFAULT after next probe. */
} vmk_ScsiSetDeviceProbeRateOption;
* vmk_ScsiGetCachedPathStandardUID -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the cached NAA, EUI, IQN, or TIO UID for physical path.
* The function returns the cached UID saved with the path as recorded
* during the last rescan (since rescans will cause UIDs of all paths
* to be verified). Success may be returned even if the path to the
* device is not working. Plugins can use this API function in the
* plugin's \em pathClaim entrypoint.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] path Path to obtain cached UID for.
* \param[out] uid Obtained UID on success.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The passed in path or uid was null.
* \retval VMK_FAILURE The path does not have a standard UID.
* \retval VMK_OK Otherwise.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetCachedPathStandardUID(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiUid *uid);
* vmk_ScsiReadPathStandardUID -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Read the NAA, EUI, IQN, or TIO UID for physical path from
* the device.
* This function reads the UID from the SCSI device logical unit
* that the path refers to and will return failure if the path is
* not working. This API function is useful to check whether the UID
* for a given path has changed; for example, in the plugin's
* \em pathProbe entrypoint.
* \note This will regenerate the UID saved with the path.
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \param[in] path Path to acquire standard UID for.
* \param[out] uid Obtained UID on success.
* \retval VMK_OK The UID was successfully obtained.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The passed in path or uid was null.
* \retval VMK_MEDIUM_NOT_FOUND Bad SCSI version or device class
* \retval VMK_UID_CHANGED Path is connected but the existing
* devclass has changed. This may indicate
* a change in the existing device.
* \retval VMK_PERM_DEV_LOSS LUN is no longer connected
* \retval Other Failed to obtain the UID.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiReadPathStandardUID(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiUid *uid);
* vmk_ScsiVerifyPathUID -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Re-read path standard or legacy UID and verify that
* it did not change.
* This function will reread the standard path UID from the device and
* compare it against the cached UID obtained during the last rescan.
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \param[in] path Path to check UID for.
* \param[out] uid UID read from disk.
* \retval VMK_OK UID was generated and did not change.
* \retval VMK_UID_CHANGED New UID was detected.
* \retval VMK_PERM_DEV_LOSS LUN is no longer connected.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT Path connectivity has failed.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM vmkPath or uid is NULL.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiVerifyPathUID(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiUid *uid);
* vmk_ScsiComputeUidFromEvpd83 -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get NAA, EUI, IQN, or TIO UID for physical device using
* caller supplied inquiry evpd page 0x83 data.
* This function will compute the UID from the passed in evpd83Buf.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The size of the \em evpd83Buf has to to be at least as big as
* indicated by its 16-bit page length field.
* \param[in] vmkPath Path to acquire inquiry evpd page 0x83.
* \param[in] evpd83Buf Buffer to store evpd page 0x83 data.
* \param[out] uid UID.
* \retval VMK_OK UID was generated and did not change.
* \retval VMK_FAILURE No usable UID type (NAA/EUI/IQN/T10)
* was found in the passed buffer.
vmk_ScsiPath *vmkPath,
vmk_uint8 *evpd83Buf,
vmk_ScsiUid *uid);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathTransportUID -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get Path Transport UID for the physical path.
* This function will obtain a pair of UIDs - one UID for the HBA
* endpoint and one for the target endpoint of the path. The UID is
* transport dependent - for FC each endpoint will be of the form
* WWNN:WWPN and for other transports each endpoint will be whatever
* unique identifier is used in place for traditional target IDs
* (e.g. for iSCSI each endpoint will be an IQN).
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note This call will fail during device unregistration and removal;
* as soon as the device state changes to VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_QUIESCED
* the device will become effectively invisible.
* \param[in] path Path to acquire transport uids for.
* \param[out] uid Obtained UIDs on success.
* \retval VMK_OK UID successfully obtained.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Either path or uid is NULL.
* \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND The UIDs could not be obtained.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetPathTransportUID(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiPathUid *uid);
* vmk_ScsiUIDsAreEqual -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief compare two uids and return true if they are equal.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] uid1 First UID to compare.
* \param[in] uid2 Second UID to compare.
* \retval VMK_TRUE The UIDs are equal.
* \retval VMK_FALSE The UIDs are not equal.
vmk_Bool vmk_ScsiUIDsAreEqual(
vmk_ScsiUid *uid1,
vmk_ScsiUid *uid2);
* vmk_ScsiAllocateDevice -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Allocate a logical storage device data structure.
* This function will allocate space for a vmk_ScsiDevice structure.
* Obtaining this structure also ensure that the call to register
* the device will not fail due to max. number of devices already
* registered. Since the success of this call takes up a slot for a
* registered SCSI device it is important that such allocations are
* not left around idle, but are either fully registered or freed
* again as soon as possible through vmk_ScsiFreeDevice().
* \see vmk_ScsiFreeDevice().
* \see vmk_ScsiRegisterDevice().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The call also allocates and initializes various associated
* VMkernel private data structures.
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \post The obtained device MUST be freed through vmk_ScsiFreeDevice().
* \param[in] plugin Plugin allocating the device.
* \return Pointer to vmk_ScsiDevice or NULL if allocation fails or
* if max. number of SCSI devices are already registered.
vmk_ScsiDevice *vmk_ScsiAllocateDevice(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin);
* vmk_ScsiRegisterDevice -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Add a logical storage device.
* This function will attempt to register a logical SCSI device with
* the VMkernel. There must be at least one UID passed in and precisely
* one of the UIDs must have \em VMK_SCSI_UID_FLAG_PRIMARY set in its
* \em uid->idFlags. The \em device->ops field must point to a structure
* filled with at least the \em startCommand, \em taskMgmt, \em open,
* \em close, \em probe, \em getInquiry, \em issueDumpCmd,
* \em isPseudoDevice and \em u.mpDeviceOps.getPathnames function
* pointers.
* \see vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* vmk_ScsiUnregisterDevice().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The plugin will be pinned (unable to unload) until the device
* has been unregistered again
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \pre The caller MUST have obtained the passed vmk_ScsiDevice
* through a call to vmk_ScsiAllocatedevice().
* \pre The device MUST be ready to accept I/O when the call is made.
* \param[in] device Device to register.
* \param[in] uid Pointer to an array of numUids uids
* to register for this device.
* \param[in] numUids Number of UIDs in the **uid list.
* \retval VMK_OK Device successfully registered.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The value of numUids is less than 1,
* there is not exactly one uid marked
* the device->ops are not specified
* correctly, or same as
* vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* \retval VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED The plugin controlling the device
* is not marked as
* or same as vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND No paths are specified for the device.
* \retval VMK_EXISTS Same as vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* \retval VMK_DUPLIATE_UID Same as vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* \retval VMK_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS Same as vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* \retval VMK_FAILURE Could not determine the legacy UID
* for the device.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT A path to the device is in the
* process of being removed.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT I/O command did not complete within
* the timeout time due to a transient
* errors.
* \retval VMK_ABORTED I/O command did not complete and
* was aborted.
* \retval VMK_BUSY I/O command did not complete because
* the device was busy or there was a
* race to register/unregister the same
* device with another thread.
* \retval VMK_RESERVATION_CONFLICT I/O command did not complete due
* to a SCSI reservation on the device.
* \retval VMK_STORAGE_RETRY_OPERATION I/O command did not complete
* due to a transient error.
* \retval VMK_HBA_ERROR I/O command did not complete due
* to an HBA or driver error.
* \retval VMK_IO_ERROR I/O command did not complete due
* to an unknown error.
* \retval VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED I/O command did not complete due
* to an unspecified error.
* \retval VMK_MEDIUM_NOT_FOUND I/O command did not complete on a
* removeable media device and media
* is not present.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiRegisterDevice(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device,
vmk_ScsiUid **uid,
vmk_int32 numUids);
* vmk_ScsiUnregisterDevice -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Remove a logical storage device.
* This function will wait for outstanding Task Management operations
* on the device to drain before finally unregistering the device.
* If the device is open by any world the call will fail.
* \see vmk_ScsiRegisterDevice().
* \see vmkScsiFreeDevice().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The caller should not hold any semaphores.
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \pre The device MUST have been successfully registered with a call
* to vmk_ScsiRegisterDevice().
* \param[in] device Device to unregister.
* \retval VMK_OK Device successfully unregistered.
* \retval VMK_BUSY Device not unregistered as the device
* was busy.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Device has already been unregistered.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiUnregisterDevice(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiFreeDevice -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Free the storage associated with a logical storage device.
* This function will undo the work of vmk_ScsiAllocateDevice() and
* will both free the structure and also clean up some associated
* VMkernel internal structures. Among this is the freeing of the
* device "slot" that will limit the total number of allocated devices.
* It is therefore important that this function is used to free the
* vmk_ScsiDevice structure allocated through vmk_ScsiAllocateDevice().
* \see vmk_ScsiUnregisterDevice().
* \see vmk_ScsiAllocateDevice().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \pre The device MUST have been unregistered (or never registered).
* \param[in] device Device to free.
void vmk_ScsiFreeDevice(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiSetDeviceState-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Set current device state.
* This function allows a plugin to set the state of a device. The
* intent of this call is to allow the user to see the state of a
* device through the UI or CLI.
* \note This is a non-blocking call except when called with
* VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_QUIESCED. vmk_ScsiSetDeviceState with
* VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_QUIESCED is a blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* except when it can block (e.g. VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_QUIESCED).
* \note A device coming back after a permanent device loss event is
* considered a user error. There are NO data consistency
* guarantees if this occurs. MPPS must set the state to
* VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_PERM_LOSS indication IFF all paths to
* the device have hit a permanent device loss condition. ESX
* will fail back all I/Os and abort I/Os in progress. MPP can
* expect aborts (virt resets) for I/Os in flight or Qed. MPPs
* may choose to return (non-VMK_SCSI_COMMAND_FLAGS_NO_CONNECT_IF_APD)
* Qed I/Os but this is optional. ESX will also generate a VOB
* indicating that the device is lost.
* \note The VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_QUIESCED can only be used
* during device unregistration time (with info set to
* will drain all I/Os and after this call no MPP device
* entry points will be invoked.
* \param[in] device Device whose state should be set.
* \param[in] state The new state of the device.
* \param[in] info Additional information about the state.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARM Incorrect state (e.g.
* state = VMK_SCSI_DEVICE_STATE_OFF) or info param.
* \retval VMK_EOPNOTSUPP Setting state not supported (e.g
* Others maybe added in the future.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiSetDeviceState(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device,
vmk_ScsiDeviceState state,
vmk_ScsiDeviceStateInfo info);
* vmk_ScsiDeviceStateToString -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Convert a device state into a human readable text string.
* \see vmk_ScsiSetDeviceState().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The string output of this function is not recommended for
* display in end-user visible tools. However, the string output
* of this function is suitable for kernel logging.
* \param[in] state Device state to convert to string.
* \return String with human readable representation of device state.
const char *vmk_ScsiDeviceStateToString(
vmk_ScsiDeviceState state);
* vmk_ScsiGetDeviceState -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the current device state.
* \see vmk_ScsiSetDeviceState().
* \see vmk_ScsiDeviceStateToString().
* \note The purpose is to have a common device state for logging
* purposes.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] device Device whose state to acquire.
* \return Device's state
vmk_ScsiDeviceState vmk_ScsiGetDeviceState(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiDeviceIsPerenniallyReserved-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the current perennial reservation state of the device.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] device Device whose perennial reservation
* state to acquire.
* \param[out] perenniallyReserved Device perennial reservation state.
* Valid only if return status is VMK_OK.
* \retval VMK_OK Device perennial reservation state obtained
* successfully.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Passed in device OR perenniallyReserved
* parameter is NULL.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiDeviceIsPerenniallyReserved(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device,
vmk_Bool *perenniallyReserved);
* vmk_ScsiGetDeviceClass -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the current device class.
* This function returns the device class of the device.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] device Device whose class to acquire.
* \return Device class
vmk_ScsiDeviceClass vmk_ScsiGetDeviceClass(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiGetDeviceNumBlocks -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Return the number of blocks as reported by Read Capacity.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] device Device whose # of blocks to acquire.
* \return The number of blocks.
vmk_uint64 vmk_ScsiGetDeviceNumBlocks(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiGetDeviceBlockSize -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Return the block size as reported by Read Capacity.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] device Device whose block size to acquire.
* \return The block size used by the device.
vmk_ByteCountSmall vmk_ScsiGetDeviceBlockSize(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiGetDeviceMaxQDepth -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Return the maximum number of I/Os queueable to the MPP by
* the framework.
* This function will get the queue depth of the logical device
* registered with the PSA layer and will be the maximum number of
* I/Os that is allowed to be outstanding to the logical device's
* owning MP plugin.
* \see vmk_ScsiSetDeviceMaxQDepth().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note This is \b not the maximum queue depth on the physical device.
* \note You may see less I/Os queued on the logical device even when
* multiple VMs are very busy on a VMFS volume. This is due to
* the throttling mechanism in ESX that ensure fairness.
* \param[in] device Device to acquire max. queue depth for.
* \return Device's queue depth.
vmk_uint32 vmk_ScsiGetDeviceMaxQDepth(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiSetDeviceMaxQDepth -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Set the maximum number of I/Os queuable to the MPP by
* the framework.
* This function will set the queue depth of the logical device
* registered with the PSA layer. It will be the maximum number of
* I/Os that is allowed to be outstanding on the logical device.
* A MPP plugin can use this to increase the number of I/Os if it
* needs to distribute them on many paths (load balancing).
* \see vmk_ScsiGetDeviceMaxQDepth().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note This is \b not the maximum queue depth on the physical device.
* \note You may see less I/Os queued on the logical device even when
* multiple VMs are very busy on a VMFS volume. This is due to
* the throttling mechanism in ESX that ensure fairness.
* \param[in] device Device whose max queueing depth to set.
* \param[out] qDepth Depth to set.
* \retval VMK_OK The queue depth was successfully changed.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The qDepth parameter value was 0.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiSetDeviceMaxQDepth(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device,
vmk_uint32 qDepth);
* vmk_ScsiSwitchDeviceProbeRate -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Set a device's periodic path state update rate and
* return the current probe rate settings.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note The device should be probed at least as frequently as
* specified but may be probed more frequently than specified.
* \param[in] vmkDevice Targeted device.
* \param[in] newProbeRate New probe rate
* ("DEFAULT" or "FAST").
* \param[in] flags Options if any
* \param[out] currentProbeRate Probe rate prior to this call.
* \param[out] currentProbeRateFlags Probe flags prior to this call.
* \retval VMK_OK Probe rate set successfully.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM A new probe rate other than
* was requested.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiSwitchDeviceProbeRate(
vmk_ScsiDevice *vmkDevice,
vmk_ScsiDeviceProbeRate newProbeRate,
vmk_ScsiSetDeviceProbeRateOption flags,
vmk_ScsiDeviceProbeRate *currentProbeRate,
vmk_ScsiSetDeviceProbeRateOption *currentProbeRateFlags);
* vmk_ScsiGetDeviceName -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the logical device's name.
* This function can be used to provide a consistent device name
* among logs from PSA and MP plugins.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] device Device to acquire name for.
* \return The name of the device as a human readable string.
const char *vmk_ScsiGetDeviceName(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device);
* vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Add a UID to a device.
* Valid UIDs (vmk_ScsiUid.id) are nul-terminated C strings that
* may contain only the following characters:
* - '0' through '9'
* - 'a' through 'z'
* - 'A' through 'Z'
* - '_', ':', ',', '.'
* Valid UIDs should be persistent across power cycles, HBA
* reordering, and SAN reconfiguration. Additionally, a valid UID
* should be the same on all ESX hosts that can access the same
* physical storage. This function can only be called on a registered
* device. Only one UID of type Primary ID is permitted.
* \note This function can only be called for registered devices.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \param[in] vmkDevice Device to add uid to.
* \param[in] uidToAdd UID to add to device.
* \retval VMK_OK The UID was successfully added.
* \retval VMK_EXISTS The UID matches the uid of a
* different device.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The UID has invalid flags or is
* composed of disallowed characters.
* \retval VMK_DUPLICATE_UID The UID to be added to the device is
* already associated with the device.
* \retval VMK_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS UID to be added is a primary UID and
* the device already has a primary UID.
* \retval VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED The specified device is unregistered.
* \retval VMK_NAME_TOO_LONG UID is too long (>128 bytes).
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd(
vmk_ScsiDevice *vmkDevice,
vmk_ScsiUid *uidToAdd);
* vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDRemove -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Remove a UID from a device.
* \see vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDAdd().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \param[in] device Device to remove UID from.
* \param[in] uidToRemove UID to remove from device.
* \retval VMK_OK The UID was successfully removed.
* \retval VMK_READ_ONLY The UID is the primary uid or a legacy UID
* for a device and cannot be removed.
* \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND The UID is not associated with the device.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiDeviceUIDRemove(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device,
vmk_ScsiUid *uidToRemove);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathState-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Return current path state.
* This function returns the current path state. It does not block
* nor does it acquire another spin lock. So it is safe to call it
* while holding a spin lock without having to worry about blocking
* or lock ranking issues.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] path Path to get state for.
* \return The state of the path.
vmk_ScsiGetPathState(vmk_ScsiPath *path);
* vmk_ScsiSetPathState-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Set PSA framework current path state.
* This function may only be called by the MP Plugin that is
* managing the path. Other callers wishing to change a path's
* state should instead use vmk_ScsiSetPluginPathState(). This
* function exists so that an MP Plugin may notify the PSA
* framework of a path state change. vmk_ScsiSetPluginPathState()
* exists so that other callers can notify the MP Plugin of a
* path state change (with the expectation that the MP Plugin will
* duly call vmk_ScsiSetPathState() after doing any internal
* bookkeeping).
* \see vmk_ScsiGetPathState().
* \see vmk_ScsiSetPluginPathState().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] plugin Plugin that owns the path.
* \param[in] path Path to set state on.
* \param[in] state State to set.
* \retval VMK_OK The path state was successfully set.
* \retval VMK_NO_PERMISSION The plugin is not the owner of the path.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The path state was invalid.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiSetPathState(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin,
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiPathState state);
* vmk_ScsiSetPluginPathState-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Set MP Plugin current path state.
* This function may only be called by non-MP Plugin callers. An
* MP Plugin wishing to change a path's state should instead use
* vmk_ScsiSetPathState(). This function exists so that
* non-MP Plugin callers can notify a plugin of a path state
* change. vmk_ScsiSetPluginState() exists so that an MP Plugin
* can notify the PSA framework of a path state change, with the
* expectation that the MP Plugin will duly call
* vmk_ScsiSetPathState() after its internal bookkeeping as a
* of vmk_ScsiSetPluginPathState(). The path state change is
* limited to admistrative change only to enable a disabled path
* and vice versa.
* \see vmk_ScsiSetPathState().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note Only VMK_SCSI_PATH_STATE_{ON/OFF} are allowed.
* \param[in] path Path to set state on.
* \param[in] state State to set.
* \retval VMK_OK Path state was successfully set.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Invalid path state was passed.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiSetPluginPathState(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiPathState state);
* vmk_ScsiPathStateToString-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get a text string describing the current path state.
* \see vmk_ScsiGetPathState().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] state State to convert to string.
* \return Human-readable string describing the path state or
* "Unknown path state" in case an invalid path state is passed.
const char *vmk_ScsiPathStateToString(
vmk_ScsiPathState state);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathLUN -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get path LUN.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] path Path to acquire logical unit number.
* \return LUN for the given path.
vmk_int32 vmk_ScsiGetPathLUN(
vmk_ScsiPath *path);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathTarget -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get path target.
* \note This is the target ID as returned from the driver layer and
* in case of FC/iSCSI this is thus a logical mapping of the
* real target ID (which is a WWNN or IQN).
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] path Path to acquire target id for.
* \return Target ID for the given path.
vmk_int32 vmk_ScsiGetPathTarget(
vmk_ScsiPath *path);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathChannel -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get path Channel.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] path Path to acquire channel number.
* \return Channel number for the given path.
vmk_int32 vmk_ScsiGetPathChannel(
vmk_ScsiPath *path);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathAdapter -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get path's Adapter name.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] path Path to acquire adapter name for.
* \return Adapter name for the given path.
const char *vmk_ScsiGetPathAdapter(
vmk_ScsiPath *path);
* vmk_ScsiGetAdapterTransport -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the adapter transport type.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \param[in] adapName Adapter to acquire transport from.
* \param[out] transportType Transport type
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully obtained transport type.
* \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND The passed adapter could not be found.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetAdapterTransport(
const vmk_Name *adapName,
vmk_StorageTransport *transportType);
* vmk_ScsiAdapterTransportToString -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Convert adapter transport type into a human readable text string
* Get printable string for adapter transport type (fc/iscsi/..).
* \see vmk_ScsiGetAdapterTransport().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] adapterTransport Adapter Transport type
* \param[out] transportString Human readable string format
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Bad adapterTransport type
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiAdapterTransportToString(
vmk_StorageTransport adapterTransport,
const char **transportString);
* vmk_ScsiGetAdapterPendingCmdInfo -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the queued and active cmd counts for the adapter.
* Get the number of active and queued commands on the given adapter.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note This information is only a snapshot of the values and they
* may even have changed as the function returns.
* \param[in] adapterName Adapter name.
* \param[out] ioCmdCounts If this pointer is non-NULL the memory
* specified will be filled in with a
* snapshot of the adapter active / queued
* command count structure
* \em vmk_ScsiIOCmdCounts.
* \param[out] queueDepthPtr If the pointer is non-NULL the memory
* specified will be filled in with a
* snapshot of the adapter maximum queue
* depth.
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully obtained the pending cmd. info.
* \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND The passed adapter could not be found.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetAdapterPendingCmdInfo(
const vmk_Name *adapterName,
vmk_ScsiIOCmdCounts *ioCmdCounts,
vmk_int32 *queueDepthPtr);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathInquiry -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the path's cached inquiry data.
* This function is used to obtain a copy of cached inquiry data for
* a path. The call can fail if the data has not yet been obtained.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note \em inqBuf may be NULL in which case only \em *pageLen is
* returned. This can be used to find the right buffer size up
* front and see whether the data is available at all.
* \param[in] path Scsi path from which we are retrieving
* inquiry data.
* \param[out] inqBuf Buffer to which inquiry data will be copied.
* \param[in] inqBufLen Size of the inquiry buffer in bytes.
* \param[in] vmkScsiPage Page type for the inquiry data to be
* copied into the inquiry buffer.
* \param[out] pageLen Optional actual page length based on page
* header.
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully obtained the inquiry data.
* \retval VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED The data was not yet available or the
* page type was invalid.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetPathInquiry(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_uint8 *inqBuf,
vmk_ByteCountSmall inqBufLen,
vmk_ScsiInqType vmkScsiPage,
vmk_ByteCountSmall *pageLen);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathVendor -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the path's vendor from its cached inquiry data.
* This function will retrieve the vendor string from the cached
* inquiry data.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The passed string buffer must have space for at least
* \param[in] path SCSI path from which we are retrieving inq
* vendor.
* \param[out] vendor Buffer to which inquiry vendor will be copied.
void vmk_ScsiGetPathVendor(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
* vmk_ScsiGetPathModel -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the path's model from its cached inquiry data.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The passed string buffer must have space for at least
* \param[in] path Scsi path from which we are retrieving inquiry
* model.
* \param[out] model Buffer to which inquiry model will be copied.
* \return Human readable string with the inquiry data's model.
void vmk_ScsiGetPathModel(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
* vmk_ScsiGetPathName -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the current path name.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The obtained string should never be modified/freed.
* \param[in] path Path whose name to acquire.
* \return Human readable string with the path's name.
const char *vmk_ScsiGetPathName(
vmk_ScsiPath *path);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathInfo -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the path's adapter/channel/target/lun info.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] vmkPath Path to get info for.
* \param[out] adapterName Adapter name for the given path.
* \param[in] adapterNameSize Size of adapterName array in bytes.
* \param[out] channel Channel of the given path.
* \param[out] target Target id of the given path.
* \param[out] lun LUN id of the given path.
* \retval VMK_OK The path info was successfully obtained.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM One of the input parameter(s) was NULL.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetPathInfo(
vmk_ScsiPath *vmkPath,
vmk_Name *adapterName,
vmk_ByteCountSmall adapterNameSize,
vmk_uint32 *channel,
vmk_uint32 *target,
vmk_uint32 *lun);
* vmk_ScsiGetPathPendingCmdInfo -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the queued and active cmd counts for the path.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note This information is only a snapshot.
* \param[in] vmkPath Path to get info for.
* \param[out] ioCmdCounts If this is non-NULL the memory specified
* will be filled in with a snapshot of the
* path active / queued command count
* structure vmk_ScsiIOCmdCounts.
* \param[out] queueDepthPtr If this is is non-NULL the memory specified
* will be filled in with a snapshot of the
* path's maximum queue depth.
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully obtained the pending cmd. info.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The path was invalid or NULL.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiGetPathPendingCmdInfo(
vmk_ScsiPath *vmkPath,
vmk_ScsiIOCmdCounts *ioCmdCounts,
vmk_int32 *queueDepthPtr);
* vmk_ScsiIssuePathTaskMgmt-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a task management command on the specified path.
* This function issues a task management command to abort/reset one
* or more outstanding I/Os. While a virtual reset will reset only
* commands for the given world a device/LUN reset will reset all I/O
* on the path. An abort is targeting a single I/O though that I/O may
* have been split into several smaller ones and can thus cause several
* I/Os to be aborted in the driver layer.
* Note that any I/Os aborted by the call will complete asynchronously
* and may not have completed when the call returns. The abort/reset is
* thus only meant as a mean to speed up completion of I/Os - normally
* by returning the I/O with an error (aborted/reset status).
* The \em taskMgmt structure is obtained from a prior call to
* vmk_ScsiInitTaskMgmt().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \param[in] path Path to issue task mgmt on.
* \param[in] taskMgmt Task management request to issue.
* \retval VMK_OK Task management call was successfull. This
* does \em not mean that everything will
* complete since there are natural races in the
* stack so retry the operation if things don't
* complete soon after this (in a second or two).
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The task management type in the passed
* taskMgmt struct is invalid.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Memory needed to issue the command could
* not be allocated.
* \retval VMK_FAILURE Could not abort/reset for other reason,
* but the operation can be retried.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssuePathTaskMgmt(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiTaskMgmt *taskMgmt);
* vmk_ScsiCreateCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Allocate and initialize a SCSI command.
* For performance reasons, this routine will initialize only
* some of the fields of the vmk_ScsiCommand (lba, lbc,
* dataDirection, cdb, cdblen will NOT be initialized).
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The command must be freed using vmk_ScsiDestroyCommand().
* \return a pointer to vmk_ScsiCommand or NULL if allocation failed.
vmk_ScsiCommand *vmk_ScsiCreateCommand(void);
* vmk_ScsiDestroyCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Free a SCSI command.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \pre The supplied command must have been allocated via
* vmk_ScsiCreateCommand() or one of the utility
* vmk_ScsiCreateXXXCommand() functions.
* command->sgArray must be NULL. (the implication is that if
* this field was previously set, caller has vmk_SgFree()'d it).
* \param[in] command Command to destroy.
void vmk_ScsiDestroyCommand(vmk_ScsiCommand *command);
* vmk_ScsiCreateInqCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Allocate and initialize a SCSI inquiry command.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The command must be freed using vmk_ScsiDestroyCommand().
* \return a pointer to vmk_ScsiCommand or NULL if allocation failed.
vmk_ScsiCommand *
vmk_Bool evpd,
vmk_uint8 evpdPage,
vmk_uint16 minLen,
vmk_uint16 maxLen);
* vmk_ScsiCreateTURCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Allocate and initialize a SCSI test unit ready command.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note The command must be freed using vmk_ScsiDestroyCommand().
* \return a pointer to vmk_ScsiCommand or NULL if allocation failed.
vmk_ScsiCommand *vmk_ScsiCreateTURCommand(void);
* vmk_ScsiGetNextDeviceCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the next command for a logical device from the IO
* scheduler.
* This function is meant to be used from within an MPP in its
* \em startCommand entry point. This should be called in a loop since
* the scheduler will automatically stop when enough I/O has been
* queued (e.g. the PSA queues may still hold I/Os, but due to max.
* device queue depth or throttling no more I/Os will be issued).
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \pre The caller should not hold any spinlocks.
* \pre The caller should have acquired any needed resources that need
* to be tied to the I/O up front as I/Os cannot be returned to
* the device queue again.
* \param[in] vmkDev Device for which to get the next command.
* \return Pointer to a SCSI command or NULL if there are no more
* commands to send at this time.
* In that case, SCSI will invoke the plugin's \em start() entry
* point again when the scheduler wants to issue I/Os again.
vmk_ScsiCommand *vmk_ScsiGetNextDeviceCommand(vmk_ScsiDevice *vmkDev);
* vmk_ScsiDeviceFlushAPDCommands -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \brief Scan the device's scheduling queues for commands tagged with
* with NO_CONNECT now.
* \param[in] vmkDev The target SCSI device
void vmk_ScsiDeviceFlushAPDCommands(vmk_ScsiDevice *vmkDev);
* vmk_ScsiIssueAsyncPathCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a command on the specified path.
* This function issues a SCSI command on a specific path. The command
* will complete asynchronously at a later point using the command's
* \em done() completion callback. If the specified path is claimed
* the function will call the owning MPP's \em pathIssueCmd entry point to
* issue the command, otherwise the command is directly issued on the path.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \pre The caller should not hold any spinlocks.
* \param[in] path Path to issue command to.
* \param[in] command Command to issue on path.
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully issued the command.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT Path is in process of being removed.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for additional
* resources to be associated with command.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT The command had a timeout set and the
* timeout time had already been passed when
* the command was to be issued.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssueAsyncPathCommand(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiCommand *command);
* vmk_ScsiIssueAsyncPathCommandDirect -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a command on the specified path.
* This function issues a SCSI command on a specific path. The command
* will complete asynchronously at a later point using the command's
* \em done() completion callback. The MPP's \em pathIssueCmd entry point
* is not called.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note This function should be called only by the owning MPP.
* \pre The caller should not hold any spinlocks.
* \param[in] path Path to issue command to.
* \param[in] command Command to issue on path.
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully issued the command.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT Path is in process of being removed.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for additional
* resources to be associated with command.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT The command had a timeout set and the
* timeout time had already been passed when
* the command was to be issued.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssueAsyncPathCommandDirect(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiCommand *command);
* vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a synchronous command on the specified path.
* This function issues a command on a specific path and waits for
* the command to complete before returning. If the specified path
* is claimed by a MPP the function will call the owning MPP's
* \em pathIssueCmd entry point to issue the command, otherwise the
* command is directly issued on the path.
* \see vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithData().
* \see vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithRetries().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The call specifies the buffer to use for data transfer (if
* needed) using \em command->sgArray.
* \note The calling world sleeps until the command completes.
* \pre The caller should not hold any spinlock.
* \param[in] path Path to issue command to.
* \param[in] command Command to issue on path.
* \retval VMK_OK The command was issued successfully and
* the command's status is valid.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT Path is in process of being removed
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for additional
* resources associated with command.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT The command had a timeout set and was
* already timed when it was to be issued.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommand(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiCommand *command);
* vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithData -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a synchronous command on the specified path.
* This function issues a command on a specific path and waits for
* the command to complete before returning. If the specified path
* is claimed by a MPP the function will call the owning MPP's
* \em pathIssueCmd entry point to issue the command, otherwise the
* command is directly issued on the path.
* The caller can specify the buffer to use for data transfer using
* the \em data and \em dataLen parameters. The passed data buffer is
* used to create an sgArray for the command, so the
* \em command->sgArray must be NULL.
* \see vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommand().
* \see vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithRetries().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The calling world sleeps until the command completes.
* \pre The caller should not hold any spinlock.
* \pre The \em command->sgArray must be NULL.
* \param[in] path Path to issue command to.
* \param[in] command Command to issue on path.
* \param[in,out] data Data buffer.
* \param[in] dataLen Length of data buffer.
* \retval VMK_OK The command was issued successfully and
* the command's status is valid.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT Path is in process of being removed.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for additional
* resources associated with command.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT The command had a timeout set and was
* already timed when it was to be issued.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithData(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiCommand *command,
void *data,
vmk_ByteCountSmall dataLen);
* vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithRetries -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a synchronous command on the specified path.
* This function issues a command on a specific path and waits for
* the command to complete before returning. If the specified path
* is claimed by a MPP the function will call the owning MPP's
* \em pathIssueCmd entry point to issue the command, otherwise the
* command is directly issued on the path.
* This function is same as \em vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithData(),
* the only difference being that it retries the command on all transient
* errors. Refer \em vmkapi_scsi_ext.h to read about transient errors.
* \see vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommand().
* \see vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithData().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The calling world sleeps until the command completes.
* \param[in] path The path the cmd is to be issued to.
* \param[in] command Command to be issued.
* \param[in] data Read/write data associated with
* the command.
* \param[in] dataLen Length of the read/write data
* associated with the command.
* \retval VMK_OK The command was issued successfully and
* the command's status is valid.
* \retval VMK_NO_CONNECT Path is in process of being removed.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for additional
* resources associated with command.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT The command had a timeout set and was
* already timed when it was to be issued.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssueSyncPathCommandWithRetries(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiCommand *command,
vmk_uint8 *data,
vmk_ByteCountSmall dataLen);
* vmk_ScsiIssueSyncDumpCommand -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a dump command to a path during a system core dump.
* This function issues a dump command on the given path and
* busywaits until the command completes. It is meant for an MP plugin
* to call this from it's device->dumpCommand entry point.
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note This does not call the MPP's \em pathIssueCmd entry point
* \param[in] path Path to issue command to.
* \param[in] command Command to issue on path.
* \retval VMK_OK Dump command was issued successfully and
* the command's status is valid.
* \retval VMK_FAILURE The adapter backing the path is not enabled.
* \retval VMK_TIMEOUT Command timed out and should NOT be retried.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiIssueSyncDumpCommand(
vmk_ScsiPath *path,
vmk_ScsiCommand *command);
* vmk_ScsiIssueSyncFilterCommandWithRetries -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Issue a synchronous command on a device.
* This function issues a command on the device on behalf of
* the Filter or VAAI plugin and waits for the command to complete
* before returning. The device is opened before command is issued,
* and is closed after the command completes. The caller can specify
* the buffer to use for any data transfer using either the data and
* dataLen parameters or vmkCmd->sgArray, but not both.
* The command gets retried for basic low level failures such
* as device busy, queue full, and some check conditions.
* \note Only Filters and VAAI plugins can use this API.
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \note The calling world sleeps until the command completes.
* \param[in] vmkPlugin Issuing plugin.
* Has to be Filter or VAAI type.
* \param[in] vmkDevice The device the cmd is to be issued to.
* \param[in] vmkCmd Command to be issued.
* \param[in] data Read/write data associated with
* the command.
* \param[in] dataLen Length of the read/write data
* associated with the command,
* or NULL if vmkCmd->sgArray is used.
* \return The IO issue status
vmk_ScsiPlugin *vmkPlugin,
struct vmk_ScsiDevice *vmkDevice,
vmk_ScsiCommand *vmkCmd,
vmk_uint8 *data,
vmk_ByteCountSmall dataLen);
* vmk_ScsiSchedCommandCompletion -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Schedules a non-blocking context to complete the command.
* This function schedules a non-blocking context to complete a
* command. The intent is to use this from the issuing path where
* a command cannot be completed directly since that could lead to
* stack exhaustion due to recursive calls to the issuing path from
* the completion path.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] command The cmd to complete.
void vmk_ScsiSchedCommandCompletion(
vmk_ScsiCommand *command);
* vmk_ScsiRegisterEventHandler -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Add an Event Handler for the specific masked event types
* on the specified adapter.
* This function registers a handler that will be called as certain
* events on the passed adapter occur.
* \see vmk_ScsiAdapterEvents.
* \see vmk_ScsiUnRegisterEventHandler().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note When the callback is called, it should not grab any locks
* below minor rank 7, major rank SP_RANK_SCSI.
* \param[in] adapterName Adapter name to register callback for.
* \param[in] mask Events to be notified of as a bit mask.
* \param[in] handlerCbk Callback to be called when an event
* occurs.
* \retval VMK_OK Event handler successfully registered.
* \retval VMK_INVALID_ADAPTER The passed adapter does not exist.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Failed to allocate memory for event.
vmk_ScsiRegisterEventHandler(const vmk_Name *adapterName, vmk_uint32 mask,
vmk_EventHandlerCbk handlerCbk);
* vmk_ScsiUnRegisterEventHandler -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Remove an Event Handler for the specific masked event types
* on the specified adapter.
* This function unregisters an event handler earlier registered by
* vmk_ScsiRegisterEventHandler. All arguments need to match those that
* were used to register the handler in order for the call to succeed.
* \see vmk_ScsiRegisterEventHandler().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \param[in] adapterName Name of the adapter to unregister for events.
* \param[in] mask Event bit mask to unregister.
* \param[in] handlerCbk Event callback to be unregistered.
* \retval VMK_OK Event handler successfully unregistered.
* \retval VMK_INVALID_ADAPTER The passed adapter does not exist.
vmk_ScsiUnRegisterEventHandler(const vmk_Name *adapterName, vmk_uint32 mask,
vmk_EventHandlerCbk handlerCbk);
* vmk_ScsiAllocatePlugin -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Allocate a plugin data structure.
* This function will allocate a plugin structure for use when
* registering the plugin with PSA. The structure should be freed
* with vmk_ScsiFreePlugin() again when it is no longer registered.
* \see vmk_ScsiRegisterPlugin().
* \see vmk_ScsiUnregisterPlugin().
* \see vmk_ScsiFreePlugin().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \post The plugin MUST be freed through vmk_ScsiFreePlugin().
* \param[in] heapID Heap id to allocate memory from.
* \param[in] pluginName Name of allocating plugin.
* \return Pointer to vmk_ScsiPlugin structure or NULL if memory
* could not be allocated for the structure.
vmk_ScsiPlugin *vmk_ScsiAllocatePlugin(
vmk_HeapID heapID, char *pluginName);
* vmk_ScsiFreePlugin -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Free a plugin data structure allocated by
* vmk_ScsiAllocatePlugin().
* \see vmk_ScsiAllocatePlugin().
* \see vmk_ScsiUnregisterPlugin().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \pre The plugin structure must first be unregistered with PSA (or
* never have been registered).
* \param[in] plugin Plugin to free.
void vmk_ScsiFreePlugin(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin);
* vmk_ScsiRegisterPlugin -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Register a plugin with SCSI.
* This function will register a plugin with PSA.
* \see vmk_ScsiAllocatePlugin().
* \see vmk_ScsiUnregisterPlugin().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \pre The vmk_ScsiPlugin structure MUST have been allocated through
* vmk_ScsiAllocatePlugin().
* \param[in] plugin Plugin to register.
* \retval VKM_OK Successfully registered the plugin.
* \retval VMK_EXISTS The plugin is already registered with PSA.
* \retval VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED The API revision the plugin is compiled
* for is incompatible with the ESX server.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The plugin's type is invalid/unsupported
* or some required entry points are not set.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiRegisterPlugin(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin);
* vmk_ScsiUnregisterPlugin -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Unregister a plugin previously registered via
* vmk_ScsiRegisterPlugin().
* This function is used to unregister a plugin that has previously
* been successfully registered with PSA. Before a plugin can be
* unregistered it must not have any paths claimed or devices
* registered.
* The plugin must also have a state of VMK_SCSI_PLUGIN_STATE_DISABLED
* when this function is called, which has to be set through
* vmkScsiSetPluginState() - the latter will ensure that no claim
* operations will be passed to the plugin.
* \see vmk_ScsiFreePlugin().
* \see vmk_ScsiSetPluginState().
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \pre The plugin should have released all its SCSI resources (paths,
* devices, ...).
* \pre The plugin state must be VMK_SCSI_PLUGIN_STATE_DISABLED.
* \param[in] plugin Plugin to unregister.
* \retval VMK_OK Successfully unregistered the plugin.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The plugin was already not registered.
* \retval VMK_BUSY The plugin state was not set to disabled.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiUnregisterPlugin(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin);
* vmk_ScsiSetPluginState-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Set the current state of the plugin.
* This function sets the plugin state to one of the possible values
* defined by the vmk_ScsiPluginState enum. The plugin will normally
* operate in ENABLED mode and when the \em pathClaimBegin entry point
* is called the plugin should (temporarily) set it to CLAIM_PATHS and
* then set it back to ENABLED when the \em pathClaimEnd entry point is
* later invoked. Lastly it should be set to DISABLED before the
* plugin is finally unregistered.
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] plugin Plugin to set state to.
* \param[in] state New state to set.
void vmk_ScsiSetPluginState(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin,
vmk_ScsiPluginState state);
* vmk_ScsiGetPluginState-- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Get the current state of the plugin.
* \see vmk_ScsiSetPluginState().
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \param[in] plugin Plugin to get state from.
vmk_ScsiPluginState vmk_ScsiGetPluginState(
vmk_ScsiPlugin *plugin);
* vmk_ScsiIncReserveGeneration -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Increment the reservation generation count of the device.
* This function is used to tell the PSA layer that a reservation was
* broken/cleared by the MP plugin and thus PSA should fail any
* reservation sensitive transactions using the previous generation.
* The intent is that an MP plugin calls this if it has to do a failover
* while a SCSI-2 reservation is held on the device and thus has to
* force a LU reset on the new path (or if it has to do a LU reset for
* any other reason - or invokes/knows about any other operation that
* will clear or has cleared the held reservation).
* \note This is a non-blocking call.
* \note Spin locks can be held while calling into this function
* \note This call should only be used by MP plugins.
* \param[in] vmkDevice Device whose reservation generation to bump.
vmk_ScsiIncReserveGeneration(vmk_ScsiDevice *vmkDevice);
* vmk_ScsiCommandMaxCommands -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Maximum outstanding SCSI commands
* This returns the maximum number of SCSI commands that the VMkernel
* SCSI command slab allocator supports. These many SCSI commands can
* be outstanding in the ESX kernel at any time.
* Any slab in a plugin, that is created for the purpose of allocating
* any per-command plugin data structures, should be sized per this, to
* ensure that at any time we have enough plugin objects for all the
* SCSI commands.
* vmk_ScsiCommandMaxFree -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Maximum idle SCSI commands
* This returns the maximum number of SCSI commands that the SCSI command
* allocator will keep in its cache for fast allocation. Any more freed
* SCSI commands are freed to the slab heap, for better memory utilization.
* This should be used by plugins as a good guidance value while creating
* their own slabs for any per-command object allocation.
* vmk_ScsiDefaultDeviceGetBoolAttr -- */ /**
* \ingroup MPP
* \brief Auto-detect device attribute support for a SCSI device.
* PSA invokes this function by default if the isSSD() and
* isLocal() plugin-entry points are not specified.
* The default auto-detection behaviour for various device attributes
* are outlined below.
* - Device is not a pseudo-device. Always return VMK_FALSE in result.
* - Issue a T10-standards-based EVPD inquiry (B1H - Block Device
* Characteristics VPD Page) to determine if the given device is SSD.
* SSD Devices report a medium rotation rate of 0x1 (non-rotating medium).
* - Determine if the device is local based on storage transport type of
* the adapter associated with the device. Devices residing on the
* following storage transports are considered local by default.
* \see vmk_ScsiDeviceOps
* \note This is a blocking call.
* \param[in] device SCSI Device to be probed.
* \param[in] attr Device attribute to probe for.
* \param[out] result Flag indicating device supports the attribute.
* Valid only if return status is VMK_OK.
* \retval VMK_OK Device attribute status obtained successfully.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Internal memory allocation failure.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Invalid input device or attribute.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_ScsiDefaultDeviceGetBoolAttr(
vmk_ScsiDevice *device,
vmk_ScsiDeviceBoolAttribute attr,
vmk_Bool *result);
#endif /* _VMKAPI_MPP_H_ */
/** @} */
/** @} */