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2015-10-23 22:26:03 +00:00
/* **********************************************************
* Copyright 2012 - 2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
* **********************************************************/
* Management Interfaces */ /**
* \defgroup Mgmt Management
* Interfaces that allow management of vmkapi modules (runtime
* parameterization, notifications to modules from user space and
* to user space from modules).
* @{
* vmkapi_mgmt.h --
* vmkernel declarations for datatypes & functions used for
* enabling per-module management APIs between user-space and
* vmkernel modules.
#ifndef _VMKAPI_MGMT_H_
#define _VMKAPI_MGMT_H_
/** \cond never */
#error This vmkapi file should never be included directly but only via vmkapi.h
/** \endcond never */
#include "base/vmkapi_mgmt_types.h"
/** \brief Opaque generic handle allocated by the API */
typedef struct vmkMgmtHandleInt * vmk_MgmtHandle;
* vmk_MgmtCleanupFn -- */ /**
* \brief Prototype for a management interface's cleanup callback.
* \param[in] private Optional cookie data to be used by the callback,
* as was originally provided to vmk_MgmtInit().
typedef void (*vmk_MgmtCleanupFn)(vmk_uint64 cookie);
* vmk_MgmtKeyGetFn -- */ /**
* \brief Prototype for get-key function.
* \note This prototype is for a module-supplied "get" function
* for fetching a key's value, for a key that was registered
* using vmk_MgmtAddKey.
* \param[in] cookie Cookie supplied with vmk_MgmtInit.
* \param[out] keyVal Value of the key that was read. The type of
* pointer this represents depends on the type
* of key that was added using this function.
* \retval VMK_OK The 'get' function executed correctly.
* This is not an indicator of the success or failure of
* the operations in the function, but merely that they
* ran.
typedef VMK_ReturnStatus (*vmk_MgmtKeyGetFn)(vmk_uint64 cookie,
void *keyVal);
* vmk_MgmtKeySetFn -- */ /**
* \brief Prototype for set-key function.
* \note This prototype is for a module-supplied "set" function
* for storing a key's value, for a key that was registered
* using vmk_MgmtAddKey.
* \param[in] cookie Cookie supplied with vmk_MgmtKeyValueInit.
* \param[in] keyVal Value of the key to set. The type of
* pointer this represents depends on the type
* of key that was added using this function.
* \retval VMK_OK The 'set' function executed correctly.
* This is not an indicator of the success or failure of
* the operations in the function, but merely that they
* ran.
typedef VMK_ReturnStatus (*vmk_MgmtKeySetFn)(vmk_uint64 cookie,
void *keyVal);
* vmk_MgmtInit */ /**
* \brief Initialize the kernel side of a user/kernel management API
* \note The API passed must have an equivalent signature that is passed
* to the library interface in userland.
* \param[in] modId The module ID of the kernel module registering
* the API.
* \param[in] heapId The heap ID to use for allocating temporary
* metadata and parameter passing in event delivery.
* \param[in] sig The API signature of the API being registered.
* are reserved and may not be used.
* \param[in] cleanupFn Optional cleanup function that is executed
* after the last in-flight operation
* concludes. Note that in-flight management
* operations can be going on during a vmk_MgmtDestroy.
* \param[in] cookie A data cookie that will be provided as the
* first argument to all kernel-space callbacks
* and the cleanup function that are invoked.
* \param[in,out] handle The handle that will be allocated for accessing
* this API.
* \retval VMK_OK Initialization succeeded.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Either the modId or signature were invalid.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Internal metadata for operation could not be
* allocated.
vmk_MgmtInit(vmk_ModuleID modId,
vmk_HeapID heapId,
vmk_MgmtApiSignature *sig,
vmk_MgmtCleanupFn cleanupFn,
vmk_uint64 cookie,
vmk_MgmtHandle *handle);
* vmk_MgmtRegisterInstanceCallbacks */ /**
* \brief Register instance-specific management callbacks.
* \note This API registers an instance and instance-specific callbacks
* that will be associated with a given management handle. If
* you provide instance-specific callbacks, those callbacks will
* be invoked instead of the default corresponding callbacks that
* were originally registered with the handle. Note that it is
* valid to supply a subset of instance-specific callbacks
* (or even none).
* \param[in] handle The management handle that was initialized.
* \param[in] instanceId The unique instance that will have its
* callbacks registered. Must be unique for
* the current handle, and must not be 0.
* \param[in] modId The modId of the module where the
* callbacks reside.
* \param[in] heapId The heapId from the module where the
* callbacks reside.
* \param[in] displayName The name that will be displayed for
* this instance when it's listed.
* \param[in] numCallbacks The number of instance-specific
* callbacks that are being registered. 0
* is valid, if the instance does not
* supply instance-specific callbacks.
* \param[in] callbacks The callback information for each
* instance-specific callback, corresponding
* to callbacks that override those
* registered in the API signature
* for this handle.
* \retval VMK_OK Initialization succeeded.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM Parameters couldn't be validated.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Internal metadata for operation could not be
* allocated.
vmk_MgmtRegisterInstanceCallbacks(vmk_MgmtHandle handle,
vmk_uint64 instanceId,
vmk_ModuleID modId,
vmk_HeapID heapId,
vmk_Name *displayName,
vmk_uint32 numCallbacks,
vmk_MgmtCallbackInfo *callbacks);
* vmk_MgmtUnregisterInstanceCallbacks */ /**
* \brief Unregister an instance from being management handle.
* \param[in] handle The management handle that was initialized
* and to which this instance is associated.
* \param[in] instanceId The unique instance that was already
* registered for management.
* \retval VMK_OK Unregistration succeeded.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The instance was not already registered.
vmk_MgmtUnregisterInstanceCallbacks(vmk_MgmtHandle handle,
vmk_uint64 instanceId);
* vmk_MgmtDestroy */ /**
* \brief Destroy the kernel side of a user/kernel management API
* \param[in] handle The handle that was passed and initialized with
* vmk_MgmtInit
* \note The heap that was passed to vmk_MgmtInit should not be
* destroyed until all access to the management channel has stopped,
* and thus the cleanup function has run. If you call
* vmk_MgmtDestroy during module-unload, you are assured that the
* management channel is not in use & thus you can safely destroy
* the heap immediately.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The API has already been destroyed or has
* already been requested to be destroyed.
* \retval VMK_OK The API will be destroyed once all in-flight
* operations conclude (may be immediate, if
* none are currently in-flight).
vmk_MgmtDestroy(vmk_MgmtHandle handle);
* vmk_MgmtCallbackInvokeInt --
* This is used by vmk_MgmtCallbackInvoke(). VMKAPI clients should
* never call this function directly.
/** \cond nodoc */
vmk_MgmtCallbackInvokeInt(vmk_MgmtHandle handle,
vmk_uint64 instanceId,
vmk_uint64 callbackId,
vmk_uint32 argCount,
/** \endcond */
* vmk_MgmtCallbackInvoke */ /**
* \brief Invoke a user-space callback that has zero or more parameters.
* \note The callback will be asynchronously delivered to user-space,
* but only if there currently is a user-space process associated
* with this management handle that is listening for callback
* requests. This call does not block.
* \note Parameters are immediately copied for delivery. Sizes are
* determined by the API signature that was registered with
* vmk_MgmtInit. Additionally, the data cookie that was
* registered with the receiver (in user space) will be provided
* as the first argument to the callback that is delivered in
* user space.
* \param[in] handle The handle that was passed and initialized with
* vmk_MgmtInit
* \param[in] instanceId The unique instance ID from which this callback
* is originating. If this is not an instance-
* specific invocation, use VMK_MGMT_NO_INSTANCE_ID.
* \param[in] callbackId The unique ID corresponding to the callback to
* invoke, as registered with the API signature.
* \param[in] ... Pointers to the parameters to copy and pass.
* The number of parameters passed here must match
* the number used by the callback indicated by
* callbackId.
* \retval VMK_OK The callback was prepared for delivery. This
does not indicate that it has run, however.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM The callback or number of parameters supplied
* was invalid.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Temporary storage required to deliver the event
* was unavailable.
* \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND There is no listening user-space process
* running that can receive this callback request.
#define vmk_MgmtCallbackInvoke( \
/* (vmk_MgmtHandle) */ handle, \
/* (vmk_uint64) */ instanceId, \
/* (vmk_uint64) */ callbackId, \
...) \
vmk_MgmtCallbackInvokeInt(handle, instanceId, callbackId, VMK_UTIL_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__), ##__VA_ARGS__)
* vmk_MgmtAddKey */ /**
* \brief Add a key to be managed as a key-value pair.
* \note This creates a key-value pair that can be managed using
* the vmkmgmt_keyval utility. The name of the management
* handle that was initialized is the name of the key-value
* instance that would be the "instance" argument to
* vmkmgmt_keyval. For the get and set functions registered
* here, the cookie that is given back is the cookie that
* was initialized with vmk_MgmtInit.
* \param[in] handle The handle that was initialized by
* vmk_MgmtInit.
* \param[in] keyType The type of the key being added.
* \param[in] keyName The name of the key being added. Must be
* unique compared to other registered
* keys for this management handle.
* \param[in] getFn The function that will be used to get the key
* value at runtime.
* \param[in] setFn The function that will be used to set the key
* value at runtime.
* \note Both the getFn and setFn must be provided.
* \retval VMK_OK The key was added.
* \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM A bad parameter was given.
* \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY Memory was not available to allocate the required
* metadata structures.
vmk_MgmtAddKey(vmk_MgmtHandle handle,
vmk_MgmtKeyType keyType,
vmk_Name *keyName,
vmk_MgmtKeyGetFn getFn,
vmk_MgmtKeySetFn setFn);
#endif /* _VMKAPI_MGMT_H_ */
/** @} */