Remove fixtures from 2018 and 2019. Add fixtures for 2020. Cleanup structure of fixtures directory. Update scripts to match.
42 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file
42 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file
#!/bin/bash -x
if [ -e ./symposion-tools ]; then
pushd ./symposion-tools
docker image build -f docker/Dockerfile -t ${IMAGE_NAME} --target symposion_dev .
docker container stop symposion
docker container rm symposion
docker container create --env-file docker/laptop-mode-env -p 28000:8000 -v $(pwd):/app/symposion_app --name symposion ${IMAGE_NAME}
docker container start symposion
## When we started the container and mounted . into /app/symposion_app, it hides the static/build directory
## As a kludge, re-run collectstatic to recreate it
## Possible alternative here: don't mount all of ., just mount the bits that we'd live to have update live
docker exec symposion ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput -v 0
docker exec symposion ./manage.py migrate
docker exec symposion ./manage.py loaddata ./fixtures/{conference,sites,sitetree,flatpages}.json
docker exec symposion ./manage.py create_review_permissions
docker exec symposion ./manage.py loaddata ./fixtures/????/*.json
#docker exec symposion ./manage.py populate_inventory
if [ -e ./symposion-tools ]; then
pushd ./symposion-tools
./fixture_to_docker.sh fixtures/dev_dummy_superuser.json
./fixture_to_docker.sh fixtures/????_*.json
echo Now creating a Django superuser. Please enter a
docker exec -it symposion ./manage.py createsuperuser --username admin1 --email root@example.com
set +x
echo "Now you can log into http://localhost:28000/admin"
echo "Username: admin1 Password: the one you just typed twice"
echo "If you need to test as a non-admin user, create one at"
echo "http://localhost:28000/admin/auth/user/add/ - then log out"
echo "and log back in at http://localhost:28000"