Show the same options for reviews on the dashboard and on review screens. Add title to all pages within the review section.
97 lines
4.6 KiB
97 lines
4.6 KiB
{% extends "symposion/reviews/base.html" %}
{% block head_title %}Reviews - Voting Status ({{ section_slug }}){% endblock %}
{% block body_class %}{{ block.super }} voting-status {{ key }}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>Voting Status ({{ section_slug }})</h1>
{% if key %}
<br />
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link {% if key == 'positive' %}active{% endif %}" href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "positive" %}">Positive</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link {% if key == 'negative' %}active{% endif %}" href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "negative" %}">Negative</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link {% if key == 'indifferent' %}active{% endif %}" href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "indifferent" %}">Indifferent</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link {% if key == 'controversial' %}active{% endif %}" href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "controversial" %}">Controversial</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link {% if key == 'too_few' %}active{% endif %}" href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "too_few" %}">Too Few</a>
{% if key == "positive" %}
<small>proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and at least one +2 and no −2s</small></h3>
{% endif %}
{% if key == "negative" %}
<small>proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and at least one −2 and no +2s</small></h3>
{% endif %}
{% if key == "indifferent" %}
<small>proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and neither a +2 or a −2</small></h3>
{% endif %}
{% if key == "controversial" %}
<small>proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and both a +2 and −2</small></h3>
{% endif %}
{% if key == "too_few" %}
<h3>Too Few Reviews
<small>proposals with fewer than {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }}</small></h3>
{% endif %}
{% include "symposion/reviews/_review_table.html" %}
{% else %}
<p>Reviews are placed into one of five buckets depending on the state of their votes:</p>
<a href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "positive" %}">Positive</a>
<span class="badge">{{ proposals.positive|length }}</span>
proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and at least one +2 and no −2s
<a href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "negative" %}">Negative</a>
<span class="badge">{{ proposals.negative|length }}</span>
proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and at least one −2 and no +2s
<a href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "indifferent" %}">Indifferent</a>
<span class="badge">{{ proposals.indifferent|length }}</span>
proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and neither a +2 or a −2
<a href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "controversial" %}">Controversial</a>
<span class="badge">{{ proposals.controversial|length }}</span>
proposals with at least {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }} and both a +2 and −2
<a href="{% url "review_status" section_slug "too_few" %}">Too Few Reviews</a>
<span class="badge">{{ proposals.too_few|length }}</span>
proposals with fewer than {{ vote_threshold }} vote{{ vote_threshold|pluralize }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}