{% extends "site_base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block head_title %}{{ flatpage.title }}{% endblock head_title %} {% block body_class %}text-primary{% endblock body_class %} {% block main_class %}container{% endblock main_class %} {% block content %} <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-8 content text-page"> <h1>Dana Lewis<br /> <small class="subtitle">Co-founder of OpenAPS</small> </h1> <p> After building her own DIY "artificial pancreas", Dana Lewis (<a href="https://diyps.org/about/dana-lewis/">https://diyps.org/about/dana-lewis/</a>) helped found the open source artificial pancreas movement (known as "OpenAPS"), making safe and effective artificial pancreas technology available (sooner) for people with diabetes around the world. </p> <p> She is also a Principal Investigator for a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded grant project to work to scale patient-led innovation and scientific discovery in more patient communities. </p> <p> <a href="https://openaps.org/">https://openaps.org/</a><br /> <a href="https://twitter.com/danamlewis">@danamlewis</a> </p> <img src="{% static '/assets/speakers/dana.jpg' %}" style="filter: grayscale(100%);" alt="Dana Lewis" /> </div> </div> {% endblock content %}