Content Management ================== The content management system allows organizers to create pages and page sections for a conference. You may want to have an entire page about a job fair, or may only want to have an editable section at the top of a tutorial schedule with some instructions for all of the tutorial attendees. CMS App ------- The ``cms`` app provides functionality for creating wiki pages. These pages can be created using the django admin. The django admin form has controls for specifying: * title * markup content * url path * tags * public or draft mode * publication date Page content and title can also be edited directly at the url. The ``cms`` app uses the `django-reversion <>`_ package, thus content is version controlled. Boxes App --------- The ``boxes`` app allows for sections of a page to be edited like a wiki. To use this in a template use the ``boxes_tags`` and specify a box section of a page using the ``boxes`` tag: .. code-block:: django {% load boxes_tags %} {% boxes "intro_section" %} This template will render an editable content box. When a staff user visits the page, they will see an ``Edit this content`` button. The ``boxes`` app also uses the ``django-reversion`` package.