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6.08301 31.9474 6.6588C31.7397 7.2346 31.6361 7.85683 31.6361 8.52549C31.6361 9.19415 31.7397 9.81638 31.9474 10.3922C32.1548 10.968 32.4477 11.4634 32.8262 11.8781C33.2043 12.2931 33.6592 12.6211 34.1901 12.8625C34.7211 13.104 35.3038 13.2247 35.9386 13.2247C36.2192 13.2247 36.4998 13.1844 36.7807 13.104C37.0614 13.0233 37.3208 12.9182 37.5588 12.7882C37.7968 12.6582 38.0074 12.5035 38.1905 12.3239C38.3735 12.1445 38.52 11.9495 38.6299 11.7388V13.0018H41.431ZM46.4292 4.44482H43.628V13.3975H46.4292V8.90257C46.4292 8.20925 46.5693 7.65812 46.8503 7.24949C47.1309 6.84086 47.558 6.63655 48.1318 6.63655C48.7177 6.63655 49.1233 6.83798 49.3493 7.2402C49.575 7.64274 49.688 8.16602 49.688 8.8097V13.3975H52.4892V8.08532C52.4892 7.44163 52.4434 6.8937 52.3519 6.44152C52.2607 5.98966 52.0741 5.59032 51.7935 5.2435C51.5492 4.92166 51.2196 4.67091 50.8048 4.49125C50.3898 4.31192 49.8954 4.22193 49.3219 4.22193C48.6262 4.22193 48.0312 4.35515 47.5368 4.62127C47.0425 4.88771 46.6732 5.26207 46.4292 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11.0499 62.7046 10.4901L64.4711 8.6417L67.9477 5.03995V8.51105Z" fill="white"/>
