from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, Q from django.db.models import Sum from django.db.models import Case, When, Value from django.shortcuts import render from registrasion import forms from registrasion.models import commerce from registrasion import views from reports import get_all_reports from reports import Report from reports import report_view @user_passes_test(views._staff_only) def reports_list(request): ''' Lists all of the reports currently available. ''' reports = [] for report in get_all_reports(): reports.append({ "name": report.__name__, "url": reverse(report), "description": report.__doc__, }) reports.sort(key=lambda report: report["name"]) ctx = { "reports": reports, } return render(request, "registrasion/reports_list.html", ctx) # Report functions @report_view("Paid items", form_type=forms.ProductAndCategoryForm) def items_sold(request, form): ''' Summarises the items sold and discounts granted for a given set of products, or products from categories. ''' data = None headings = None products = form.cleaned_data["product"] categories = form.cleaned_data["category"] line_items = commerce.LineItem.objects.filter( Q(product__in=products) | Q(product__category__in=categories), invoice__status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID, ).select_related("invoice") line_items = line_items.order_by( # sqlite requires an order_by for .values() to work "-price", "description", ).values( "price", "description", ).annotate( total_quantity=Sum("quantity"), ) print line_items headings = ["Description", "Quantity", "Price", "Total"] data = [] total_income = 0 for line in line_items: cost = line["total_quantity"] * line["price"] data.append([ line["description"], line["total_quantity"], line["price"], cost, ]) total_income += cost data.append([ "(TOTAL)", "--", "--", total_income, ]) return Report("Paid items", headings, data) @report_view("Product status", form_type=forms.ProductAndCategoryForm) def product_status(request, form): ''' Summarises the inventory status of the given items, grouping by invoice status. ''' products = form.cleaned_data["product"] categories = form.cleaned_data["category"] items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter( Q(product__in=products) | Q(product__category__in=categories), ).select_related("cart", "product") items = items.annotate( is_reserved=Case( When(cart__in=commerce.Cart.reserved_carts(), then=Value(1)), default=Value(0), output_field=models.BooleanField(), ), ) items = items.order_by( "product__category__order", "product__order", ).values( "product", "product__category__name", "product__name", ).annotate( total_paid=Sum(Case( When( cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_PAID, then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_refunded=Sum(Case( When( cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED, then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_unreserved=Sum(Case( When( ( Q(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(is_reserved=False) ), then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_reserved=Sum(Case( When( ( Q(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(is_reserved=True) ), then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), ) headings = [ "Product", "Paid", "Reserved", "Unreserved", "Refunded", ] data = [] for item in items: data.append([ "%s - %s" % ( item["product__category__name"], item["product__name"] ), item["total_paid"], item["total_reserved"], item["total_unreserved"], item["total_refunded"], ]) return Report("Inventory", headings, data) @report_view("Credit notes") def credit_notes(request, form): ''' Shows all of the credit notes in the system. ''' notes = commerce.CreditNote.objects.all().select_related( "creditnoterefund", "creditnoteapplication", "invoice", "invoice__user__attendee__attendeeprofilebase", ) headings = [ "id", "Owner", "Status", "Value", ] data = [] for note in notes: data.append([, note.invoice.user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.invoice_recipient(), note.status, note.value, ]) return Report("Credit Notes", headings, data, link_view="credit_note")