import forms import models from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.db import transaction from django.http import Http404 from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from registrasion.controllers.credit_note import CreditNoteController from registrasion.controllers.invoice import InvoiceController from registrasion.models import commerce from pinax.stripe import actions from pinax.stripe.actions import refunds as pinax_stripe_actions_refunds from stripe.error import StripeError from symposion.conference.models import Conference CURRENCY = settings.INVOICE_CURRENCY CONFERENCE_ID = settings.CONFERENCE_ID def _staff_only(user): ''' Returns true if the user is staff. ''' return user.is_staff def pubkey_script(request): ''' Returns a JS snippet that sets the Stripe public key for Stripe.js. ''' script_template = "Stripe.setPublishableKey('%s');" script = script_template % settings.PINAX_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY return HttpResponse(script, content_type="text/javascript") def card(request, invoice_id, access_code=None): ''' View that shows and processes a Stripe CreditCardForm to pay the given invoice. Redirects back to the invoice once the invoice is fully paid. Arguments: invoice_id (castable to str): The invoice id for the invoice to pay. access_code (str): The optional access code for the invoice (for unauthenticated payment) ''' form = forms.CreditCardForm(request.POST or None) inv = InvoiceController.for_id_or_404(str(invoice_id)) if not inv.can_view(user=request.user, access_code=access_code): raise Http404() args = [] if access_code: args.append(access_code) to_invoice = redirect("invoice", *args) if inv.invoice.balance_due() <= 0: return to_invoice if request.POST and form.is_valid(): try: inv.validate_allowed_to_pay() # Verify that we're allowed to do this. process_card(request, form, inv) return to_invoice except StripeError as e: form.add_error(None, ValidationError(e)) except ValidationError as ve: form.add_error(None, ve) data = { "invoice": inv.invoice, "form": form, } return render( request, "registrasion/stripe/credit_card_payment.html", data ) @transaction.atomic def process_card(request, form, inv): ''' Processes the given credit card form Arguments: request: the current request context form: a CreditCardForm inv: an InvoiceController ''' conference = Conference.objects.get(id=CONFERENCE_ID) amount_to_pay = inv.invoice.balance_due() user = inv.invoice.user token = form.cleaned_data["stripe_token"] customer = actions.customers.get_customer_for_user(user) if not customer: customer = actions.customers.create(user) card = actions.sources.create_card(customer, token) description="Payment for %s invoice #%s" % ( conference.title, ) charge = actions.charges.create( amount_to_pay, customer, source=card, currency=CURRENCY, description=description, capture=True, ) receipt = reference = "Paid with Stripe reference: " + receipt # Create the payment object models.StripePayment.objects.create( invoice=inv.invoice, reference=reference, amount=charge.amount, charge=charge, ) inv.update_status() messages.success(request, "This invoice was successfully paid.") @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def refund(request, credit_note_id): ''' Allows staff to select a Stripe charge for the owner of the credit note, and refund the credit note into stripe. ''' cn = CreditNoteController.for_id_or_404(str(credit_note_id)) to_credit_note = redirect("credit_note", if not cn.credit_note.is_unclaimed: return to_credit_note form = forms.StripeRefundForm( request.POST or None, user=cn.credit_note.invoice.user, min_value=cn.credit_note.value, ) if request.POST and form.is_valid(): try: process_refund(cn, form) return to_credit_note except StripeError as se: form.add_error(None, ValidationError(se)) data = { "credit_note": cn.credit_note, "form": form, } return render( request, "registrasion/stripe/refund.html", data ) def process_refund(cn, form): payment = form.cleaned_data["payment"] charge = payment.charge to_refund = cn.credit_note.value stripe_charge_id = # Test that the given charge is allowed to be refunded. max_refund = actions.charges.calculate_refund_amount(charge) if max_refund < to_refund: raise ValidationError( "You must select a payment holding greater value than " "the credit note." ) refund = actions.refunds.create(charge, to_refund) models.StripeCreditNoteRefund.objects.create( parent=cn.credit_note, charge=charge, reference="Refunded %s to Stripe charge %s" % ( to_refund, stripe_charge_id ) )