from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.shortcuts import render from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from functools import wraps from registrasion import views ''' A list of report views objects that can be used to load a list of reports. ''' _all_report_views = [] class Report(object): def __init__(self): pass def title(): raise NotImplementedError def headings(): ''' Returns the headings for the report. ''' raise NotImplementedError def rows(content_type): ''' Arguments: content_type (str): The content-type for the output format of this report. Returns: An iterator, which yields each row of the data. Each row should be an iterable containing the cells, rendered appropriately for content_type. ''' raise NotImplementedError def _linked_text(self, content_type, address, text): ''' Returns: an HTML linked version of text, if the content_type for this report is HTMLish, otherwise, the text. ''' if content_type == "text/html": return Report._html_link(address, text) else: return text @staticmethod def _html_link(address, text): return '%s' % (address, text) class _ReportTemplateWrapper(object): ''' Used internally to pass `Report` objects to templates. They effectively are used to specify the content_type for a report. ''' def __init__(self, content_type, report): self.content_type = content_type = report def title(self): return def headings(self): return def rows(self): return class BasicReport(Report): def __init__(self, title, headings, link_view=None): super(BasicReport, self).__init__() self._title = title self._headings = headings self._link_view = link_view def title(self): ''' Returns the title for this report. ''' return self._title def headings(self): ''' Returns the headings for the table. ''' return self._headings def cell_text(self, content_type, index, text): if index > 0 or not self._link_view: return text else: address = self.get_link(text) return self._linked_text(content_type, address, text) def get_link(self, argument): return reverse(self._link_view, args=[argument]) class ListReport(BasicReport): def __init__(self, title, headings, data, link_view=None): super(ListReport, self).__init__(title, headings, link_view=link_view) self._data = data def rows(self, content_type): ''' Returns the data rows for the table. ''' for row in self._data: yield [ self.cell_text(content_type, i, cell) for i, cell in enumerate(row) ] class QuerysetReport(BasicReport): def __init__(self, title, attributes, queryset, headings=None, link_view=None): super(QuerysetReport, self).__init__( title, headings, link_view=link_view ) self._attributes = attributes self._queryset = queryset def headings(self): if self._headings is not None: return self._headings return [ " ".join(i.split("_")).capitalize() for i in self._attributes ] def rows(self, content_type): def rgetattr(item, attr): for i in attr.split("__"): item = getattr(item, i) if callable(item): try: return item() except TypeError: pass return item for row in self._queryset: yield [ self.cell_text(content_type, i, rgetattr(row, attribute)) for i, attribute in enumerate(self._attributes) ] class Links(Report): def __init__(self, title, links): ''' Arguments: links ([tuple, ...]): a list of 2-tuples: (url, link_text) ''' self._title = title self._links = links def title(self): return self._title def headings(self): return [] def rows(self, content_type): print self._links for url, link_text in self._links: yield [ self._linked_text(content_type, url, link_text) ] def report_view(title, form_type=None): ''' Decorator that converts a report view function into something that displays a Report. Arguments: title (str): The title of the report. form_type (Optional[forms.Form]): A form class that can make this report display things. If not supplied, no form will be displayed. ''' def _report(view): @wraps(view) @user_passes_test(views._staff_only) def inner_view(request, *a, **k): if form_type is not None: form = form_type(request.GET) form.is_valid() else: form = None reports = view(request, form, *a, **k) if isinstance(reports, Report): reports = [reports] reports = [ _ReportTemplateWrapper("text/html", report) for report in reports ] ctx = { "title": title, "form": form, "reports": reports, } return render(request, "registrasion/report.html", ctx) # Add this report to the list of reports. _all_report_views.append(inner_view) # Return the callable return inner_view return _report def get_all_reports(): ''' Returns all the views that have been registered with @report ''' return list(_all_report_views)