from . import conditions from . import inventory from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, Q from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager # Commerce Models @python_2_unicode_compatible class Cart(models.Model): ''' Represents a set of product items that have been purchased, or are pending purchase. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" index_together = [ ("status", "time_last_updated"), ("status", "user"), ] def __str__(self): return "%d rev #%d" % (, self.revision) STATUS_ACTIVE = 1 STATUS_PAID = 2 STATUS_RELEASED = 3 STATUS_TYPES = [ (STATUS_ACTIVE, _("Active")), (STATUS_PAID, _("Paid")), (STATUS_RELEASED, _("Released")), ] user = models.ForeignKey(User) # ProductItems (foreign key) vouchers = models.ManyToManyField(inventory.Voucher, blank=True) time_last_updated = models.DateTimeField( db_index=True, ) reservation_duration = models.DurationField() revision = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=1) status = models.IntegerField( choices=STATUS_TYPES, db_index=True, default=STATUS_ACTIVE, ) @classmethod def reserved_carts(cls): ''' Gets all carts that are 'reserved' ''' return Cart.objects.filter( (Q(status=Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(time_last_updated__gt=('reservation_duration') ))) | Q(status=Cart.STATUS_PAID) ) @python_2_unicode_compatible class ProductItem(models.Model): ''' Represents a product-quantity pair in a Cart. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" ordering = ("product", ) def __str__(self): return "product: %s * %d in Cart: %s" % ( self.product, self.quantity, self.cart) cart = models.ForeignKey(Cart) product = models.ForeignKey(inventory.Product) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(db_index=True) @python_2_unicode_compatible class DiscountItem(models.Model): ''' Represents a discount-product-quantity relation in a Cart. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" ordering = ("product", ) def __str__(self): return "%s: %s * %d in Cart: %s" % (, self.product, self.quantity, self.cart) cart = models.ForeignKey(Cart) product = models.ForeignKey(inventory.Product) discount = models.ForeignKey(conditions.DiscountBase) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField() @python_2_unicode_compatible class Invoice(models.Model): ''' An invoice. Invoices can be automatically generated when checking out a Cart, in which case, it is attached to a given revision of a Cart. Attributes: user (User): The owner of this invoice. cart (commerce.Cart): The cart that was used to generate this invoice. cart_revision (int): The value of ``cart.revision`` at the time of this invoice's creation. If a change is made to the underlying cart, this invoice is automatically void -- this change is detected when ``cart.revision != cart_revision``. status (int): One of ``STATUS_UNPAID``, ``STATUS_PAID``, ``STATUS_REFUNDED``, OR ``STATUS_VOID``. Call ``get_status_display`` for a human-readable representation. recipient (str): A rendered representation of the invoice's recipient. issue_time (datetime): When the invoice was issued. due_time (datetime): When the invoice is due. value (Decimal): The total value of the line items attached to the invoice. lineitem_set (Queryset[LineItem]): The set of line items that comprise this invoice. paymentbase_set(Queryset[PaymentBase]): The set of PaymentBase objects that have been applied to this invoice. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" STATUS_UNPAID = 1 STATUS_PAID = 2 STATUS_REFUNDED = 3 STATUS_VOID = 4 STATUS_TYPES = [ (STATUS_UNPAID, _("Unpaid")), (STATUS_PAID, _("Paid")), (STATUS_REFUNDED, _("Refunded")), (STATUS_VOID, _("VOID")), ] def __str__(self): return "Invoice #%d" % def clean(self): if self.cart is not None and self.cart_revision is None: raise ValidationError( "If this is a cart invoice, it must have a revision") @property def is_unpaid(self): return self.status == self.STATUS_UNPAID @property def is_void(self): return self.status == self.STATUS_VOID @property def is_paid(self): return self.status == self.STATUS_PAID @property def is_refunded(self): return self.status == self.STATUS_REFUNDED # Invoice Number user = models.ForeignKey(User) cart = models.ForeignKey(Cart, null=True) cart_revision = models.IntegerField( null=True, db_index=True, ) # Line Items (foreign key) status = models.IntegerField( choices=STATUS_TYPES, db_index=True, ) recipient = models.CharField(max_length=1024) issue_time = models.DateTimeField() due_time = models.DateTimeField() value = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2) @python_2_unicode_compatible class LineItem(models.Model): ''' Line items for an invoice. These are denormalised from the ProductItems and DiscountItems that belong to a cart (for consistency), but also allow for arbitrary line items when required. Attributes: invoice (commerce.Invoice): The invoice to which this LineItem is attached. description (str): A human-readable description of the line item. quantity (int): The quantity of items represented by this line. price (Decimal): The per-unit price for this line item. product (Optional[inventory.Product]): The product that this LineItem applies to. This allows you to do reports on sales and applied discounts to individual products. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" ordering = ("id", ) def __str__(self): return "Line: %s * %d @ %s" % ( self.description, self.quantity, self.price) invoice = models.ForeignKey(Invoice) description = models.CharField(max_length=255) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField() price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2) product = models.ForeignKey(inventory.Product, null=True, blank=True) @python_2_unicode_compatible class PaymentBase(models.Model): ''' The base payment type for invoices. Payment apps should subclass this class to handle implementation-specific issues. Attributes: invoice (inventory.Invoice): The invoice that this payment applies to. time (datetime): The time that this payment was generated. Note that this will default to the current time when the model is created. reference (str): A human-readable reference for the payment, this will be displayed alongside the invoice. amount (Decimal): The amount the payment is for. ''' class Meta: ordering = ("time", ) objects = InheritanceManager() def __str__(self): return "Payment: ref=%s amount=%s" % (self.reference, self.amount) invoice = models.ForeignKey(Invoice) time = models.DateTimeField( reference = models.CharField(max_length=255) amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2) class ManualPayment(PaymentBase): ''' Payments that are manually entered by staff. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" entered_by = models.ForeignKey(User) class CreditNote(PaymentBase): ''' Credit notes represent money accounted for in the system that do not belong to specific invoices. They may be paid into other invoices, or cashed out as refunds. Each CreditNote may either be used to pay towards another Invoice in the system (by attaching a CreditNoteApplication), or may be marked as refunded (by attaching a CreditNoteRefund).''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" @classmethod def unclaimed(cls): return cls.objects.filter( creditnoteapplication=None, creditnoterefund=None, ) @property def status(self): if self.is_unclaimed: return "Unclaimed" if hasattr(self, 'creditnoteapplication'): destination = return "Applied to invoice %d" % destination elif hasattr(self, 'creditnoterefund'): reference = self.creditnoterefund.reference print reference return "Refunded with reference: %s" % reference raise ValueError("This should never happen.") @property def is_unclaimed(self): return not ( hasattr(self, 'creditnoterefund') or hasattr(self, 'creditnoteapplication') ) @property def value(self): ''' Returns the value of the credit note. Because CreditNotes are implemented as PaymentBase objects internally, the amount is a negative payment against an invoice. ''' return -self.amount class CleanOnSave(object): def save(self, *a, **k): self.full_clean() super(CleanOnSave, self).save(*a, **k) class CreditNoteApplication(CleanOnSave, PaymentBase): ''' Represents an application of a credit note to an Invoice. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" def clean(self): if not hasattr(self, "parent"): return if hasattr(self.parent, 'creditnoterefund'): raise ValidationError( "Cannot apply a refunded credit note to an invoice" ) parent = models.OneToOneField(CreditNote) class CreditNoteRefund(CleanOnSave, models.Model): ''' Represents a refund of a credit note to an external payment. Credit notes may only be refunded in full. How those refunds are handled is left as an exercise to the payment app. Attributes: parent (commerce.CreditNote): The CreditNote that this refund corresponds to. time (datetime): The time that this refund was generated. reference (str): A human-readable reference for the refund, this should allow the user to identify the refund in their records. ''' def clean(self): if not hasattr(self, "parent"): return if hasattr(self.parent, 'creditnoteapplication'): raise ValidationError( "Cannot refund a credit note that has been paid to an invoice" ) parent = models.OneToOneField(CreditNote) time = models.DateTimeField( reference = models.CharField(max_length=255) class ManualCreditNoteRefund(CreditNoteRefund): ''' Credit notes that are entered by a staff member. ''' class Meta: app_label = "registrasion" entered_by = models.ForeignKey(User)