* Modifications to review_admin.html
* Adds “submit & jump to random proposal” button
* If user has a speaker profile, display their speaker profile name alongside their comments instead of their user name.
* Invokes the site tree fix from previous fixes.
* Adds a disclaimer noting that previous years’ accounts have not been carried over.
* Adds proposal type to the proposal summary page.
* Adds travel/accommodation assistance to the proposals page, but makes it only visible to speakers in the proposal, or review managers.
* Reduces a lot of the whitespace in the header and footer.
* Proposals review page now shows information for every speaker on a proposal.
* Makes sure that non_field_errors are displayed by forms.
* Fixes an incorrect link in dashboard
* Disables the symposion sponsors app
* Adds redirect links for login/logout; adds THEME_CONTACT_EMAIL value
* Re-adds colophon/copyright message.
* Adds AceMarkdownEditor widget
* Tidies up the generated HTML
* Tidies up form snippet behaviour
* Proposals forms now use the markdown editor
* Monkey patches the markdown editor into the speaker form.
* Adds missing field to proposal details
* Fixes#10 — adds a link to random unreviewed proposals
* Minor tweaks
* Proposals forms now have a header panel
* Adds panels to the speaker forms
* Imports latest pinax accounts templates
* speakers/base and proposals/base now derive from utility_page.html
* Most login forms now derive from take flight themes
* Missed email_confirm
* More accounts bits
* Restructures login form
* Puts submit etc buttons inside fieldset borders
* Themes speaker_edit.html
* speaker_create now uses takeflight theme
* proposal_submit_kind now uses takeflight theme
* fixes bug in form_snippet
* Optimises proposals_submit_kind
* proposal_submit now uses wagtail theme
* Proposal_edit now uses new theme
* More forms
* Proposal details page now loads from take flight theme
* proposal_fields now looks nicer under the take flight theme
* proposal_speaker_manage rethemed