Upgrade site and modules to Django 2.2. Remove and replace obsolete
functionality with current equivalents. Update requirements to latest
versions where possible. Remove unused dependencies.
I have no idea why we do this in the database as some magic after we
call save(). I also have no idea why MySQL is seeming to think we want
type BIGINT UNSIGNED at the end of the
((2 * '+2' + '+1') - ( '-1' + 2 * '-2')) but it does.
Setting it to 2.0 or float(2) doesn't get the ORM to get this right, but
we are going to Decimal and making the 2 multiplier be of type Decimal
manages to make the ORM pull it's shit together and use something that
seems like we're okay with.
+1, -2 = 1 / 2 = -0.5 Score == True
Looks like it works.
UPDATE `symposion_reviews_proposalresult` SET `score` = CASE WHEN `symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`vote_count` = 0 THEN '0' ELSE ((((2 * `symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`plus_two`) + `symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`plus_one`) - (`symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`minus_one` + (2 * `symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`minus_two`))) / (`symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`vote_count` * 1)) END WHERE `symposion_reviews_proposalresult`.`id` = 1