Disable the review-app jobs for now

They broke the ingress; disabling until that can be sorted out.
This commit is contained in:
James Polley 2018-06-17 19:35:46 +10:00
parent ab1c129c20
commit 5b093b550f

View file

@ -84,39 +84,39 @@ k8s-2019_dev-deploy:
name: 2019/dev
url: https://dev.lca2019.org
image: google/cloud-sdk
stage: deploy
- echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
- kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
- kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-dev --user=gitlab-sa
- kubectl config use-context cluster
- kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" apply -f k8s/deployment.json
- kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" describe ingress | grep "${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" || kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" patch ingress symposion-app-ingress -p "$(cat k8s/ingress-patch.json)" --type json
- /^dev\/.*$/
name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}.dev.lca2019.org
on_stop: k8s-2019_dev_review-stop-deploy
# k8s-2019_dev_review-deploy:
# image: google/cloud-sdk
# stage: deploy
# script:
# - echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
# - kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
# - kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-dev --user=gitlab-sa
# - kubectl config use-context cluster
# - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" apply -f k8s/deployment.json
# - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" describe ingress | grep "${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" || kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" patch ingress symposion-app-ingress -p "$(cat k8s/ingress-patch.json)" --type json
# only:
# - /^dev\/.*$/
# environment:
# name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
# url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}.dev.lca2019.org
# on_stop: k8s-2019_dev_review-stop-deploy
image: google/cloud-sdk
stage: deploy
- echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
- kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
- kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-dev --user=gitlab-sa
- kubectl config use-context cluster
- kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" delete -f k8s/deployment.json
- /^dev\/.*$/
when: manual
name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}.dev.lca2019.org
action: stop
# k8s-2019_dev_review-stop-deploy:
# image: google/cloud-sdk
# stage: deploy
# script:
# - echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
# - kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
# - kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-dev --user=gitlab-sa
# - kubectl config use-context cluster
# - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" delete -f k8s/deployment.json
# only:
# - /^dev\/.*$/
# when: manual
# environment:
# name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
# url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}.dev.lca2019.org
# action: stop
image: google/cloud-sdk