Rearchitected condition processing such that multiple conditions are processed by the database, in bulk. Closes #42.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 471 additions and 137 deletions
@ -307,6 +307,8 @@ class CartController(object):
self._append_errors(errors, ve)
# Validate the discounts
# TODO: refactor in terms of available_discounts
# why aren't we doing that here?!
discount_items = commerce.DiscountItem.objects.filter(cart=cart)
seen_discounts = set()
@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ import operator
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from django.db.models import Case
from django.db.models import Count
from django.db.models import F, Q
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models import When
from django.utils import timezone
from registrasion.models import commerce
@ -12,6 +17,7 @@ from registrasion.models import conditions
from registrasion.models import inventory
ConditionAndRemainder = namedtuple(
@ -21,16 +27,77 @@ ConditionAndRemainder = namedtuple(
_FlagCounter = namedtuple(
_ConditionsCount = namedtuple(
class FlagCounter(_FlagCounter):
def count(cls):
# Get the count of how many conditions should exist per product
flagbases = conditions.FlagBase.objects
types = (
keys = ("eit", "dif")
flags = [
'products', 'categories'
for condition_type in types
cats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
prod = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for key, flagcounts in zip(keys, flags):
for row in flagcounts:
if row["products"] is not None:
prod[row["products"]][key] = row["count"]
if row["categories"] is not None:
cats[row["categories"]][key] = row["count"]
return cls(products=prod, categories=cats)
def get(self, product):
p = self.products[]
c = self.categories[]
eit = p["eit"] + c["eit"]
dif = p["dif"] + c["dif"]
return _ConditionsCount(dif=dif, eit=eit)
class ConditionController(object):
''' Base class for testing conditions that activate Flag
or Discount objects. '''
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, condition):
self.condition = condition
def for_condition(condition):
def _controllers():
return {
conditions.CategoryFlag: CategoryConditionController,
conditions.IncludedProductDiscount: ProductConditionController,
conditions.ProductFlag: ProductConditionController,
@ -42,8 +109,14 @@ class ConditionController(object):
conditions.VoucherFlag: VoucherConditionController,
def for_type(cls):
return ConditionController._controllers()[cls]
def for_condition(condition):
return CONTROLLERS[type(condition)](condition)
return ConditionController.for_type(type(condition))(condition)
except KeyError:
return ConditionController()
@ -91,20 +164,9 @@ class ConditionController(object):
products = set(products)
quantities = {}
# Get the conditions covered by the products themselves
prods = (
for product in products
# Get the conditions covered by their categories
cats = (
for category in set(product.category for product in products)
if products:
# Simplify the query.
all_conditions = reduce(operator.or_, itertools.chain(prods, cats))
all_conditions = cls._filtered_flags(user, products)
all_conditions = []
@ -114,11 +176,15 @@ class ConditionController(object):
do_enable = defaultdict(lambda: False)
# (if either sort of condition is present)
# Count the number of conditions for a product
dif_count = defaultdict(int)
eit_count = defaultdict(int)
messages = {}
for condition in all_conditions:
cond = cls.for_condition(condition)
remainder = cond.user_quantity_remaining(user)
remainder = cond.user_quantity_remaining(user, filtered=True)
# Get all products covered by this condition, and the products
# from the categories covered by this condition
@ -149,14 +215,41 @@ class ConditionController(object):
for product in all_products:
if condition.is_disable_if_false:
do_not_disable[product] &= met
dif_count[product] += 1
do_enable[product] |= met
eit_count[product] += 1
if not met and product not in messages:
messages[product] = message
total_flags = FlagCounter.count()
valid = {}
# the problem is that now, not every condition falls into
# do_not_disable or do_enable '''
# You should look into this, chris :)
for product in products:
if quantities:
if quantities[product] == 0:
f = total_flags.get(product)
if f.dif > 0 and f.dif != dif_count[product]:
do_not_disable[product] = False
if product not in messages:
messages[product] = "Some disable-if-false " \
"conditions were not met"
if f.eit > 0 and product not in do_enable:
do_enable[product] = False
if product not in messages:
messages[product] = "Some enable-if-true " \
"conditions were not met"
for product in itertools.chain(do_not_disable, do_enable):
f = total_flags.get(product)
if product in do_enable:
# If there's an enable-if-true, we need need of those met too.
# (do_not_disable will default to true otherwise)
@ -172,7 +265,71 @@ class ConditionController(object):
return error_fields
def user_quantity_remaining(self, user):
def _filtered_flags(cls, user, products):
Sequence[flagbase]: All flags that passed the filter function.
types = list(ConditionController._controllers())
flagtypes = [i for i in types if issubclass(i, conditions.FlagBase)]
# Get all flags for the products and categories.
prods = (
for product in products
cats = (
for category in set(product.category for product in products)
all_flags = reduce(operator.or_, itertools.chain(prods, cats))
all_subsets = []
for flagtype in flagtypes:
flags = flagtype.objects.filter(id__in=all_flags)
ctrl = ConditionController.for_type(flagtype)
flags = ctrl.pre_filter(flags, user)
return itertools.chain(*all_subsets)
def pre_filter(cls, queryset, user):
''' Returns only the flag conditions that might be available for this
user. It should hopefully reduce the number of queries that need to be
executed to determine if a flag is met.
If this filtration implements the same query as is_met, then you should
be able to implement ``is_met()`` in terms of this.
queryset (Queryset[c]): The canditate conditions.
user (User): The user for whom we're testing these conditions.
Queryset[c]: A subset of the conditions that pass the pre-filter
test for this user.
# Default implementation does NOTHING.
return queryset
def passes_filter(self, user):
''' Returns true if the condition passes the filter '''
cls = type(self.condition)
qs = cls.objects.filter(
return self.condition in self.pre_filter(qs, user)
def user_quantity_remaining(self, user, filtered=False):
''' Returns the number of items covered by this flag condition the
user can add to the current cart. This default implementation returns
a big number if is_met() is true, otherwise 0.
@ -180,26 +337,37 @@ class ConditionController(object):
Either this method, or is_met() must be overridden in subclasses.
return 99999999 if self.is_met(user) else 0
return _BIG_QUANTITY if self.is_met(user, filtered) else 0
def is_met(self, user):
def is_met(self, user, filtered=False):
''' Returns True if this flag condition is met, otherwise returns
Either this method, or user_quantity_remaining() must be overridden
in subclasses.
user (User): The user for whom this test must be met.
filter (bool): If true, this condition was part of a queryset
returned by pre_filter() for this user.
return self.user_quantity_remaining(user) > 0
return self.user_quantity_remaining(user, filtered) > 0
class CategoryConditionController(ConditionController):
class IsMetByFilter(object):
def __init__(self, condition):
self.condition = condition
def is_met(self, user, filtered=False):
''' Returns True if this flag condition is met, otherwise returns
False. It determines if the condition is met by calling pre_filter
with a queryset containing only self.condition. '''
def is_met(self, user):
''' returns True if the user has a product from a category that invokes
this condition in one of their carts '''
if filtered:
return True # Why query again?
return self.passes_filter(user)
carts = commerce.Cart.objects.filter(user=user)
carts = carts.exclude(status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED)
@ -212,112 +380,176 @@ class CategoryConditionController(ConditionController):
return products_count > 0
class RemainderSetByFilter(object):
class ProductConditionController(ConditionController):
def user_quantity_remaining(self, user, filtered=True):
''' returns 0 if the date range is violated, otherwise, it will return
the quantity remaining under the stock limit.
The filter for this condition must add an annotation called "remainder"
in order for this to work.
if filtered:
if hasattr(self.condition, "remainder"):
return self.condition.remainder
# Mark self.condition with a remainder
qs = type(self.condition).objects.filter(
qs = self.pre_filter(qs, user)
if len(qs) > 0:
return qs[0].remainder
return 0
class CategoryConditionController(IsMetByFilter, ConditionController):
def pre_filter(self, queryset, user):
''' Returns all of the items from queryset where the user has a
product from a category invoking that item's condition in one of their
carts. '''
items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter(cart__user=user)
items = items.exclude(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED)
items = items.select_related("product", "product__category")
categories = [item.product.category for item in items]
return queryset.filter(enabling_category__in=categories)
class ProductConditionController(IsMetByFilter, ConditionController):
''' Condition tests for ProductFlag and
IncludedProductDiscount. '''
def __init__(self, condition):
self.condition = condition
def pre_filter(self, queryset, user):
''' Returns all of the items from queryset where the user has a
product invoking that item's condition in one of their carts. '''
def is_met(self, user):
''' returns True if the user has a product that invokes this
condition in one of their carts '''
items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter(cart__user=user)
items = items.exclude(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED)
items = items.select_related("product", "product__category")
products = [item.product for item in items]
carts = commerce.Cart.objects.filter(user=user)
carts = carts.exclude(status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED)
products_count = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter(
return products_count > 0
return queryset.filter(enabling_products__in=products)
class TimeOrStockLimitConditionController(ConditionController):
class TimeOrStockLimitConditionController(
''' Common condition tests for TimeOrStockLimit Flag and
def __init__(self, ceiling):
self.ceiling = ceiling
def pre_filter(self, queryset, user):
''' Returns all of the items from queryset where the date falls into
any specified range, but not yet where the stock limit is not yet
def user_quantity_remaining(self, user):
''' returns 0 if the date range is violated, otherwise, it will return
the quantity remaining under the stock limit. '''
# Test date range
if not self._test_date_range():
return 0
return self._get_remaining_stock(user)
def _test_date_range(self):
now =
if self.ceiling.start_time is not None:
if now < self.ceiling.start_time:
return False
# Keep items with no start time, or start time not yet met.
queryset = queryset.filter(Q(start_time=None) | Q(start_time__lte=now))
queryset = queryset.filter(Q(end_time=None) | Q(end_time__gte=now))
if self.ceiling.end_time is not None:
if now > self.ceiling.end_time:
return False
# Filter out items that have been reserved beyond the limits
quantity_or_zero = self._calculate_quantities(user)
return True
remainder = Case(
When(limit=None, then=Value(_BIG_QUANTITY)),
default=F("limit") - Sum(quantity_or_zero),
def _get_remaining_stock(self, user):
''' Returns the stock that remains under this ceiling, excluding the
user's current cart. '''
queryset = queryset.annotate(remainder=remainder)
queryset = queryset.filter(remainder__gt=0)
if self.ceiling.limit is None:
return 99999999
return queryset
# We care about all reserved carts, but not the user's current cart
def _relevant_carts(cls, user):
reserved_carts = commerce.Cart.reserved_carts()
reserved_carts = reserved_carts.exclude(
items = self._items()
items = items.filter(cart__in=reserved_carts)
count = items.aggregate(Sum("quantity"))["quantity__sum"] or 0
return self.ceiling.limit - count
return reserved_carts
class TimeOrStockLimitFlagController(
def _items(self):
category_products = inventory.Product.objects.filter(
products = self.ceiling.products.all() | category_products
def _calculate_quantities(cls, user):
reserved_carts = cls._relevant_carts(user)
product_items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter(
# Calculate category lines
cat_items = F('categories__product__productitem__product__category')
reserved_category_products = (
Q(categories=cat_items) &
return product_items
# Calculate product lines
reserved_products = (
Q(products=F('products__productitem__product')) &
category_quantity_in_reserved_carts = When(
product_quantity_in_reserved_carts = When(
quantity_or_zero = Case(
return quantity_or_zero
class TimeOrStockLimitDiscountController(TimeOrStockLimitConditionController):
def _items(self):
discount_items = commerce.DiscountItem.objects.filter(
def _calculate_quantities(cls, user):
reserved_carts = cls._relevant_carts(user)
quantity_in_reserved_carts = When(
return discount_items
quantity_or_zero = Case(
return quantity_or_zero
class VoucherConditionController(ConditionController):
class VoucherConditionController(IsMetByFilter, ConditionController):
''' Condition test for VoucherFlag and VoucherDiscount.'''
def __init__(self, condition):
self.condition = condition
def pre_filter(self, queryset, user):
''' Returns all of the items from queryset where the user has entered
a voucher that invokes that item's condition in one of their carts. '''
def is_met(self, user):
''' returns True if the user has the given voucher attached. '''
carts_count = commerce.Cart.objects.filter(
carts = commerce.Cart.objects.filter(
return carts_count > 0
vouchers = [cart.vouchers.all() for cart in carts]
return queryset.filter(voucher__in=itertools.chain(*vouchers))
@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ from conditions import ConditionController
from registrasion.models import commerce
from registrasion.models import conditions
from django.db.models import Case
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models import When
class DiscountAndQuantity(object):
@ -43,6 +47,62 @@ def available_discounts(user, categories, products):
and products. The discounts also list the available quantity for this user,
not including products that are pending purchase. '''
filtered_clauses = _filtered_discounts(user, categories, products)
discounts = []
# Markers so that we don't need to evaluate given conditions more than once
accepted_discounts = set()
failed_discounts = set()
for clause in filtered_clauses:
discount =
cond = ConditionController.for_condition(discount)
past_use_count = discount.past_use_count
# TODO: add test case --
# discount covers 2x prod_1 and 1x prod_2
# add 1x prod_2
# add 1x prod_1
# checkout
# discount should be available for prod_1
if past_use_count >= clause.quantity:
# This clause has exceeded its use count
elif discount not in failed_discounts:
# This clause is still available
is_accepted = discount in accepted_discounts
if is_accepted or cond.is_met(user, filtered=True):
# This clause is valid for this user
quantity=clause.quantity - past_use_count,
# This clause is not valid for this user
return discounts
def _filtered_discounts(user, categories, products):
Sequence[discountbase]: All discounts that passed the filter function.
types = list(ConditionController._controllers())
discounttypes = [
i for i in types if issubclass(i, conditions.DiscountBase)
# discounts that match provided categories
category_discounts = conditions.DiscountForCategory.objects.filter(
@ -67,51 +127,56 @@ def available_discounts(user, categories, products):
valid_discounts = conditions.DiscountBase.objects.filter(
Q(discountforproduct__in=product_discounts) |
all_subsets = []
for discounttype in discounttypes:
discounts = discounttype.objects.filter(id__in=valid_discounts)
ctrl = ConditionController.for_type(discounttype)
discounts = ctrl.pre_filter(discounts, user)
discounts = _annotate_with_past_uses(discounts, user)
filtered_discounts = list(itertools.chain(*all_subsets))
# Map from discount key to itself (contains annotations added by filter)
from_filter = dict((, i) for i in filtered_discounts)
# The set of all potential discounts
potential_discounts = set(itertools.chain(
discount_clauses = set(itertools.chain(
discounts = []
# Replace discounts with the filtered ones
# These are the correct subclasses (saves query later on), and have
# correct annotations from filters if necessary.
for clause in discount_clauses:
|||| = from_filter[]
# Markers so that we don't need to evaluate given conditions more than once
accepted_discounts = set()
failed_discounts = set()
return discount_clauses
for discount in potential_discounts:
real_discount = conditions.DiscountBase.objects.get_subclass(
def _annotate_with_past_uses(queryset, user):
''' Annotates the queryset with a usage count for that discount by the
given user. '''
past_use_quantity = When(
Q(discountitem__cart__user=user) &
cond = ConditionController.for_condition(real_discount)
# Count the past uses of the given discount item.
# If this user has exceeded the limit for the clause, this clause
# is not available any more.
past_uses = commerce.DiscountItem.objects.filter(
cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_PAID, # Only past carts count
past_use_quantity_or_zero = Case(
agg = past_uses.aggregate(Sum("quantity"))
past_use_count = agg["quantity__sum"]
if past_use_count is None:
past_use_count = 0
if past_use_count >= discount.quantity:
# This clause has exceeded its use count
elif real_discount not in failed_discounts:
# This clause is still available
if real_discount in accepted_discounts or cond.is_met(user):
# This clause is valid for this user
quantity=discount.quantity - past_use_count,
# This clause is not valid for this user
return discounts
queryset = queryset.annotate(past_use_count=Sum(past_use_quantity_or_zero))
return queryset
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from controller_helpers import TestingCartController
from test_cart import RegistrationCartTestCase
from import available_discounts
from registrasion.controllers.product import ProductController
from registrasion.models import commerce
from registrasion.models import conditions
@ -135,6 +137,39 @@ class CeilingsTestCases(RegistrationCartTestCase):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_discount_ceiling_aggregates_products(self):
# Create two carts, add 1xprod_1 to each. Ceiling should disappear
# after second.
"Multi-product limit discount ceiling",
for i in xrange(2):
cart = TestingCartController.for_user(self.USER_1)
cart.add_to_cart(self.PROD_1, 1)
discounts = available_discounts(self.USER_1, [], [self.PROD_1])
self.assertEqual(0, len(discounts))
def test_flag_ceiling_aggregates_products(self):
# Create two carts, add 1xprod_1 to each. Ceiling should disappear
# after second.
self.make_ceiling("Multi-product limit ceiling", limit=2)
for i in xrange(2):
cart = TestingCartController.for_user(self.USER_1)
cart.add_to_cart(self.PROD_1, 1)
products = ProductController.available_products(
self.assertEqual(0, len(products))
def test_items_released_from_ceiling_by_refund(self):
self.make_ceiling("Limit ceiling", limit=1)
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
exclude = registrasion/migrations/*, build/*, docs/*
exclude = registrasion/migrations/*, build/*, docs/*, dist/*
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