if we are unable to fulfill a request, this method turns it into an indefinite hold on the request. This design model for handling failure in fulfillment may not be the best one, but it seemed to roughly fit the behavior and data model we're looking for. A little information is lost, but is at least saved in the 'why' field of the request_hold table.
45 lines
1.2 KiB
45 lines
1.2 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Supporters;
if (@ARGV != 1 and @ARGV !=2) {
exit 1;
$VERBOSE = 0 if not defined $VERBOSE;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 })
or die $DBI::errstr;
my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, [ "none" ]);
print "Supporter Id: ";
my $supporterId = <STDIN>;
chomp $supporterId;
my @requestTypes = $sp->getRequestType();
my %requestTypes;
@requestTypes{@requestTypes} = @requestTypes;
my $requestType = "";
while (not defined $requestTypes{$requestType}) {
print "Request Type (", join(", ", @requestTypes), "): ";
$requestType = <STDIN>;
chomp $requestType;
print "Why fulfillment failed: ";
my $why = <STDIN>;
chomp $why;
my $id = $sp->fulfillFailure({donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $requestType, why => $why});
die "requestType $requestType not found for $supporterId, or the request was not already fulfilled yet anyway." unless defined $id;
print "Fulfill failure recorded. Hold Id is $id\n";