The `UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request` view is designed to allow end-users edit t-shirt sizes in the request using a program like `sqlitebrowser`. This is the first implementation attempt of a user operation that allows changing the T-Shirt size.
202 lines
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202 lines
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-- Conservancy Supporter Database, Version 0.2
CREATE TABLE "donor" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"ledger_entity_id" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
"display_name" varchar(300),
"public_ack" bool,
"is_supporter" bool NOT NULL,
"rt_ticket integer
CREATE TABLE "request" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"donor_id" integer NOT NULL,
"request_type_id" integer NOT NULL,
"request_configuration_id" integer,
"date_requested" date NOT NULL,
"notes" TEXT
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX request__one_request_for_each_type_per_donor
ON request(donor_id, request_type_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request_configuration";
CREATE TABLE "request_configuration" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"request_type_id" integer NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(100) NOT NULL
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX request_configuration__single_description
ON request_configuration(request_type_id, description);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "fulfillment";
CREATE TABLE "fulfillment" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"request_id" integer NOT NULL,
"who" varchar(300) NOT NULL,
"how" TEXT
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fulfillment__one_fulfillment_per_request ON fulfillment(request_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request_hold";
CREATE TABLE "request_hold" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"request_id" integer NOT NULL,
"hold_date" TEXT NOT NULL,
"release_date" TEXT,
"who" varchar(300) NOT NULL,
"why" TEXT
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX request_hold__one_hold_per_request ON request_hold(request_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request_type";
CREATE TABLE "request_type" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"type" varchar(100) NOT NULL
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "delivery_error";
CREATE TABLE "delivery_error" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"error" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "email_address";
CREATE TABLE "email_address" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"email_address" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
"type_id" integer,
"date_encountered" date NOT NULL
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "email_error_log";
CREATE TABLE "email_error_log" (
"email_address_id" integer NOT NULL,
"delivery_error_code_id" integer NOT NULL,
"date_encountered" date NOT NULL,
"comments" TEXT
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "donor_email_address_mapping";
CREATE TABLE "donor_email_address_mapping" (
"donor_id" integer NOT NULL,
"email_address_id" integer NOT NULL,
"preferred" bool,
PRIMARY KEY(donor_id, email_address_id)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "address_type";
CREATE TABLE "address_type" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"name" varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "postal_address";
CREATE TABLE "postal_address" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"formatted_address" varchar(5000),
"date_encountered" date NOT NULL,
"invalid" bool
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "donor_postal_address_mapping";
CREATE TABLE "donor_postal_address_mapping" (
"donor_id" integer NOT NULL,
"postal_address_id" integer NOT NULL,
"preferred" bool,
PRIMARY KEY(donor_id, postal_address_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX donor_postal_address_mapping_single_prefferred_per_donor
ON donor_postal_address_mapping(donor_id, preferred);
-- ####################################### VIEWS FOR EASIER EDITING ##########################
-- The views below are particularly useful if you use a program like `sqlitebrowser`, as
-- these views can allow the user to make common changes to the data without
-- messing up the data integrity.
-- Note: CREATE TEMP TABLE doesn't work in BEGIN/END block of a CREATE TRIGGER, and as such, we have to create
-- all the temp tables as real tables.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "_temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request";
CREATE TABLE _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request(
old_request_configuration_id integer,
new_request_configuration_id integer,
new_description varchar(100) NOT NULL);
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request;
CREATE VIEW UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request AS
SELECT donor.id as donor_id, request.id as request_id, donor.ledger_entity_id as donor_name,
request_type.type as shirt_requested, request_configuration.description as size_requested,
request.date_requested as request_date, request.notes as note
FROM donor, request_configuration, request, request_type
WHERE request.id not in (select request_id from fulfillment) AND
request_type.type LIKE "%shirt%" AND
request_type.id = request.request_type_id AND
request.donor_id = donor.id AND
request_configuration.id = request.request_configuration_id
ORDER BY donor.ledger_entity_id, request.date_requested;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fix_tshirt_size_request_updater;
CREATE TRIGGER fix_tshirt_size_request_updater
INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF size_requested on UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request
DELETE FROM _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request;
INSERT INTO _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request(new_description) VALUES(NEW.size_requested);
update _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request set new_request_configuration_id = (select rc.id
from request_configuration rc, request_type rt
where rc.description = NEW.size_requested
and rt.id = rc.request_type_id
and rt.type = OLD.shirt_requested)
WHERE new_description = NEW.size_requested;
UPDATE _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request set old_request_configuration_id =
(SELECT rc.id
FROM request_configuration rc, request_type rt
where rc.description = OLD.size_requested
and rt.id = rc.request_type_id
and rt.type = OLD.shirt_requested)
WHERE new_description = NEW.size_requested
AND new_request_configuration_id IS NOT NULL;
WHEN ( (SELECT new_request_configuration_id from _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request) IS NULL )
THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Invalid t-shirt size for this particular t-shirt style!")
UPDATE request
set request_configuration_id =
(select new_request_configuration_id from _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request)
where id = OLD.request_id
and request_configuration_id =
(select old_request_configuration_id from _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request);
DELETE FROM _temp_size_val_for_fix_tshirt_size_request;