2015-12-09 18:36:57 -08:00

65 lines
1.6 KiB

# Before 'make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# 'make test'. After 'make install' it should work as 'perl Supporters.t'
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Test::Exception;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
BEGIN { use_ok('Supporters') };
Initial tests to verify creation of objects
require 't/';
my $dbh = get_test_dbh();
my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, "testcmd");
is($dbh, $sp->dbh(), "new: verify dbh set");
is("testcmd", $sp->ledgerCmd(), "new: verify ledgerCmd set");
Test adding a supporter to the database.
dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({}) }
"addSupporter: ledger_entity_id required";
my $id1;
lives_ok { $id1 = $sp->addSupporter({ ledger_entity_id => "Campbell-Peter" }); }
"addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings";
ok( (looks_like_number($id1) and $id1 > 0),
"addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings");
dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({ public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }) }
"addSupporter: display_name required";
my $id2;
lives_ok { $id2 = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Donald Drapper",
public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }); }
"addSupporter: public_ack set to true with a display_name given";
ok( (looks_like_number($id2) and $id2 > $id1),
"addSupporter: add works with public_ack set to true and a display_name given");
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c Supporters.t"
# End: