Requests can now be placed "on hold", and getRequest() can ignore held requests. This required addition of a table, and another API call holdRequest(). Tests were not written here, which was a mistake. Unit tests and docs are needed. A FIXME was added, at least. Also, minor imporvements to reporting on fulfilled requests.
74 lines
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74 lines
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use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Supporters;
if (@ARGV != 1 and @ARGV !=2) {
exit 1;
$VERBOSE = 0 if not defined $VERBOSE;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 })
or die $DBI::errstr;
my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, [ "none" ]);
print "Supporter Id: ";
my $supporterId = <STDIN>;
chomp $supporterId;
my @requestTypes = $sp->getRequestType();
my %requestTypes;
@requestTypes{@requestTypes} = @requestTypes;
my $requestType = "";
while (not defined $requestTypes{$requestType}) {
print "Request Type (", join(", ", @requestTypes), "): ";
$requestType = <STDIN>;
chomp $requestType;
print "Why Request held: ";
my $why = <STDIN>;
chomp $why;
print "Who held: ";
my $who = <STDIN>;
chomp $who;
my $heldUntil;
while (not defined $heldUntil) {
print "Hold when Until What date (ISO 8601 format): ";
$heldUntil = <STDIN>;
chomp $heldUntil;
$heldUntil = undef unless $heldUntil =~ /^\d{4,4}-\d{2,2}-\d{2,2}$/;
my $req = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $requestType});
if (defined $req) {
print "Request $req->{requestType}";
print "($req->{requestConfiguration})" if defined $req->{requestConfiguration};
print " made on $req->{requestDate}";
print "Using request id, $req->{requestId}\n";
if (defined $req->{holdDate}) {
print "That request is already on hold:\n";
print "...\n put on hold on $req->{holdDate} by $req->{holder}";
print "...\n release on: $req->{holdReleaseDate}\n" if defined $req->{holdRelaseDate};
print "...\n on hold because: $req->{heldBecause}\n" if defined $req->{heldBecause};
exit 1;
my $id = $sp->holdRequest({donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $req->{requestType},
who => $who, heldBecause => $why,
holdReleaseDate => $heldUntil});
die "error: unable to hold hold request" unless defined $id;
print "Request held. Hold Id is $id\n";