First of all, I originally thought about releaseDate all wrong. We want to store the date that the hold was released, which is the indicator that the request is no longer on hold and can be fulfilled. We also need tests that assure a request is not fulfilled while on hold. Those are added here. I shook out a few other changes to the test ordering that are necessary for the change to testing holdRequest().
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# Supporters.t -*- Perl -*-
# Basic unit tests for Supporters.pm
# License: AGPLv3-or-later
# Copyright info in COPYRIGHT.md, License details in LICENSE.md with this package.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 331;
use Test::Exception;
use Sub::Override;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number reftype);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Yes, this may cause tests to fail if you run them near midnight. :)
my $today = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", gmtime;
Supporters.t is the basic unit tests for Supporters.pm. It tests the
following things:
=item use command for the module.
BEGIN { use_ok('Supporters') };
require 't/CreateTestDB.pl';
my $dbh = get_test_dbh();
# Set up test data for ledger-related tests
my($fakeLedgerFH, $fakeLedgerFile) = tempfile("fakeledgerXXXXXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
print $fakeLedgerFH <<FAKE_LEDGER_TEST_DATA_END;
Supporters:Annual 2015-05-04 Whitman-Dick \$-5.00
Supporters:Monthly 2015-05-25 Olson-Margaret \$-10.00
Supporters:Monthly 2015-01-15 Olson-Margaret \$-10.00
Supporters:Monthly 2015-03-17 Olson-Margaret \$-10.00
Supporters:Annual 2015-12-04 Harris-Joan \$-120.00
Supporters:Monthly 2015-04-20 Olson-Margaret \$-10.00
Supporters:Match Pledge 2015-02-26 Whitman-Dick \$-300.00
Supporters:Monthly 2015-02-16 Olson-Margaret \$-10.00
Supporters:Monthly 2015-06-30 Olson-Margaret \$-10.00
Supporters:Annual 2015-03-04 Harris-Joan \$-120.00
Supporters:Annual 2016-01-10 \$-120.00
=item Public-facing methods of the module, as follows:
=item new
my $sp;
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters(undef, "test"); }
"new: dies when dbh is undefined.";
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters(bless({}, "Not::A::Real::Module"), "test"); }
"new: dies when dbh is blessed into another module.";
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters($dbh, "testcmd"); }
"new: dies when if the command is a string.";
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters($dbh, [ "testcmd" ], {}); }
"new: dies when programTypeSearch is an empty hash.";
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters($dbh, [ "testcmd" ], {monthly => 'test', annual => 'test', dummy => 'test' }); }
"new: dies when programTypeSearch has stray value.";
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters($dbh, [ "testcmd" ], {monthly => 'test' }); }
"new: dies when programTypeSearch key annual is missing .";
dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters($dbh, [ "testcmd" ], {annual => 'test' }); }
"new: dies when programTypeSearch key monthly is missing .";
my $cmd = [ "/bin/cat", $fakeLedgerFile ];
$sp = new Supporters($dbh, $cmd, { monthly => '^Supporters:Monthly',
annual => '^Supporters:(?:Annual|Match Pledge)'});
is($dbh, $sp->dbh(), "new: verify dbh set");
is_deeply($sp->ledgerCmd(), $cmd, "new: verify ledgerCmd set");
=item addSupporter
dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({}) }
"addSupporter: ledger_entity_id required";
my $campbellId;
lives_ok { $campbellId = $sp->addSupporter({ ledger_entity_id => "Campbell-Peter" }); }
"addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings";
ok( (looks_like_number($campbellId) and $campbellId > 0),
"addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings");
dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({ public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }) }
"addSupporter: display_name required";
my $drapperId;
lives_ok { $drapperId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Donald Drapper",
public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }); }
"addSupporter: public_ack set to true with a display_name given";
ok( (looks_like_number($drapperId) and $drapperId > $campbellId),
"addSupporter: add works with public_ack set to true and a display_name given");
my $olsonId;
lives_ok { $olsonId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Peggy Olson",
public_ack => 0, ledger_entity_id => "Olson-Margaret",
email_address => 'olson@example.net',
email_address_type => 'home' }); }
"addSupporter: succeeds with email address";
ok( (looks_like_number($olsonId) and $olsonId > $drapperId),
"addSupporter: add succeeded with email address added.");
my $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT donor_id, email_address_id " .
"FROM donor_email_address_mapping " .
"WHERE donor_id = " . $sp->dbh->quote($olsonId, 'SQL_INTEGER'),
ok((defined $val and defined $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id} and $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id} > 0),
"addSuporter: email address mapping is created on addSupporter() w/ email address included");
my $olsonFirstEmailId = $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id};
my $sterlingId;
lives_ok { $sterlingId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Roger Sterling",
ledger_entity_id => "Sterling-Roger",
email_address => 'sterlingjr@example.com',
email_address_type => 'home' }) }
"addSupporter: succeeds with no public_ack setting specified...";
ok( (looks_like_number($sterlingId) and $sterlingId > $olsonId),
"addSupporter: ... and return value is sane.");
my $harrisId;
lives_ok { $harrisId = $sp->addSupporter({ ledger_entity_id => 'Harris-Joan' }) }
"addSupporter: set up one more in db (use this one for future test types on addSupporter)...";
ok( (looks_like_number($harrisId) and $harrisId > $sterlingId),
"addSupporter: ... and return value is sane.");
=item getPublicAck
my $publicAckVal;
dies_ok { $publicAckVal = $sp->getPublicAck(0); }
"getPublicAck: fails supporterId invalid";
dies_ok { $publicAckVal = $sp->getPublicAck("String"); }
"getPublicAck: fails supporterId is string";
dies_ok { $publicAckVal = $sp->getPublicAck(undef); }
"getPublicAck: fails supporterId is undef";
# Replace _verifyId() to always return true
my $overrideSub = Sub::Override->new( 'Supporters::_verifyId' => sub ($$) { return 1;} );
dies_ok { my $ledgerId = $sp->getPublicAck(0); }
"getPublicAck: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
lives_ok { $publicAckVal = $sp->getPublicAck($olsonId); }
"getPublicAck: lives when valid id is given for someone who does not want it...";
is($publicAckVal, 0, "getPublicAck: ...and return value is correct.");
lives_ok { $publicAckVal = $sp->getPublicAck($drapperId); }
"getPublicAck: lives when valid id is given for someone who wants it...";
is($publicAckVal, 1, "getPublicAck: ...and return value is correct.");
lives_ok { $publicAckVal = $sp->getPublicAck($sterlingId); }
"getPublicAck: lives when valid id is given for someone who is undecided...";
is($publicAckVal, undef, "getPublicAck: ...and return value is correct.");
=item isSupporter
my $isSupporter;
dies_ok { $isSupporter = $sp->isSupporter(0); }
"isSupporter: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
# Replace _verifyId() to always return true
$overrideSub = Sub::Override->new( 'Supporters::_verifyId' => sub ($$) { return 1;} );
dies_ok { my $ledgerId = $sp->isSupporter(0); }
"isSupporter: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
lives_ok { $isSupporter = $sp->isSupporter($olsonId); }
"isSupporter: lives when valid id...";
is($isSupporter, 1, "isSupporter: ...and return value is correct.");
=item getDisplayName
my $displayNameVal;
dies_ok { $displayNameVal = $sp->getDisplayName(0); }
"getDisplayName: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
# Replace _verifyId() to always return true
$overrideSub = Sub::Override->new( 'Supporters::_verifyId' => sub ($$) { return 1;} );
dies_ok { $displayNameVal = $sp->getDisplayName(0); }
"getDisplayName: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
lives_ok { $displayNameVal = $sp->getDisplayName($olsonId); }
"getDisplayName: lives when valid id is given for someone who does not want it...";
is($displayNameVal, "Peggy Olson", "getDisplayName: ...and return value is correct.");
lives_ok { $displayNameVal = $sp->getDisplayName($drapperId); }
"getDisplayName: lives when valid id is given for someone who wants it...";
is($displayNameVal, "Donald Drapper", "getDisplayName: ...and return value is correct.");
lives_ok { $displayNameVal = $sp->getDisplayName($campbellId); }
"getDisplayName: lives when valid id is given for someone who is undecided...";
is($displayNameVal, undef, "getDisplayName: ...and return value is correct.");
=item getLedgerEntityId
dies_ok { my $ledgerId = $sp->getLedgerEntityId(0); }
"getLedgerEntityId: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
# Replace _verifyId() to always return true
$overrideSub = Sub::Override->new( 'Supporters::_verifyId' => sub ($$) { return 1;} );
dies_ok { my $ledgerId = $sp->getLedgerEntityId(0); }
"getLedgerEntityId: fails when rows are not returned but _verifyId() somehow passed";
my $olsonLedgerEntity;
lives_ok { $olsonLedgerEntity = $sp->getLedgerEntityId($olsonId); }
"getLedgerEntityId: lives when valid id is given...";
is($olsonLedgerEntity, "Olson-Margaret", "getLedgerEntityId: ...and return value is correct.");
=item setPublicAck
dies_ok { $sp->setPublicAck(0); } "setPublicAck: fails supporterId invalid";
dies_ok { $sp->setPublicAck("String"); } "setPublicAck: fails supporterId is string";
dies_ok { $sp->setPublicAck(undef); } "setPublicAck: fails supporterId is undef";
is($sp->getPublicAck($olsonId), 0, "setPublicAck: 1 failed calls changed nothing.");
is($sp->getPublicAck($drapperId), 1, "setPublicAck: 1 failed calls changed nothing.");
is($sp->getPublicAck($sterlingId), undef, "setPublicAck: 1 failed calls changed nothing.");
lives_ok { $sp->setPublicAck($olsonId, undef); }
"setPublicAck: lives when valid id is given for undefining...";
is($sp->getPublicAck($olsonId), undef, "setPublicAck: ...and suceeds in changing value.");
lives_ok { $sp->setPublicAck($drapperId, 0); }
"setPublicAck: lives when valid id is given for off...";
is($sp->getPublicAck($drapperId), 0, "setPublicAck: ...and suceeds in changing value.");
lives_ok { $sp->setPublicAck($sterlingId, 1); }
"setPublicAck: lives when valid id is given for on...";
is($sp->getPublicAck($sterlingId), 1, "setPublicAck: ...and suceeds in changing value.");
=item addEmailAddress
$val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'home'", 'name');
ok((defined $val and defined $val->{home}{id} and $val->{home}{id} > 0),
"addSuporter/addEmailAddress: emailAddressType was added when new one given to addSupporter");
my $emailAddressTypeHomeId = $val->{home}{id};
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress(undef, 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); }
"addEmailAddress: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress("String", 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); }
"addEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id";
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, undef, 'work') }
"addEmailAddress: email address undefined fails";
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@ex@ample.org', 'work') }
"addEmailAddress: email address with extra @ fails to add.";
# Verify that the addressType wasn't added when the Email address is invalid
# and the address type did not already exist.
$val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'work'", 'name');
ok((not defined $val or not defined $val->{'name'}),
"addEmailAddress: type is not added with email address is bad");
my $sameOlsonId;
dies_ok { $sameOlsonId = $sp->addEmailAddress($olsonId, 'olson@example.net', 'paypal') }
"addEmailAddress: fails adding existing email address with mismatched type.";
lives_ok { $sameOlsonId = $sp->addEmailAddress($olsonId, 'olson@example.net', 'home') }
"addEmailAddress: succeeds when adding email that already exists...";
is($sameOlsonId, $olsonFirstEmailId, "addEmailAddress: ... and returns same id.");
my $drapperEmailId;
lives_ok { $drapperEmailId = $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.org', 'work') }
"addEmailAddress: inserting a valid email address works";
ok((looks_like_number($drapperEmailId) and $drapperEmailId > 0), "addEmailAddress: id returned is sane.");
my $olsonEmailId2;
dies_ok { $olsonEmailId2 = $sp->addEmailAddress($olsonId, 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal') }
"addEmailAddress: fails when adding the same email address for someone else, but as a different type";
my $drapperEmailId2;
lives_ok { $drapperEmailId2 = $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'everyone@example.net', 'paypal') }
"addEmailAddress: inserting a second valid email address works";
ok((looks_like_number($drapperEmailId2) and $drapperEmailId2 > 0 and $drapperEmailId != $drapperEmailId2),
"addEmailAddress: id returned is sane and is not same as previous id.");
lives_ok { $olsonEmailId2 = $sp->addEmailAddress($olsonId, 'everyone@example.net', 'paypal') }
"addEmailAddress: binding known email address to another person works...";
ok((looks_like_number($olsonEmailId2) and $olsonEmailId2 > 0 and $olsonEmailId2 == $drapperEmailId2),
"addEmailAddress: ... and id returned is sane and is same.");
=item addAddressType
# This test cheats a bit -- it assumes that the database is assigning serials starting with 1
ok($sp->addAddressType('work') > $emailAddressTypeHomeId,
"addEmailAddress: verify addEmailAddress added the addressType underneath");
dies_ok { $sp->addAddressType(undef); } "addAddressType: dies for undef";
my $paypalPayerAddressType;
ok($paypalPayerAddressType = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: basic add works");
my $same;
ok($same = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: lookup works");
ok($same == $paypalPayerAddressType, "addAddressType: lookup returns same as the basic add");
=item addPostalAddress
dies_ok { $sp->addPostalAddress(undef, "405 Madison Avenue\nNew York, NY 10000\nUSA", 'office'); }
"addPostalAddress: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->addPostalAddress("String", "405 Madison Avenue\nNew York, NY 10000\nUSA", 'office'); }
"addPostalAddress: dies for non-numeric id";
dies_ok { $sp->addPostalAddress($drapperId, undef, 'work') }
"addPostalAddress: postal address undefined fails";
# Verify that the addressType wasn't added when the Email address is invalid
# and the address type did not already exist.
$val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'office'", 'name');
ok((not defined $val or not defined $val->{'name'}),
"addPostalAddress: type is not added when other input paramaters are invalid");
my $drapperPostalId;
lives_ok { $drapperPostalId = $sp->addPostalAddress($drapperId,
"405 Madison Avenue\nNew York, NY 10000\nUSA", 'office'); }
"addPostalAddress: addPostalAddress of a valid formatted_address works.";
ok((looks_like_number($drapperPostalId) and $drapperPostalId > 0), "addPostalAddress: id returned is sane.");
=item addRequestType/getRequestType
dies_ok { $sp->addRequestType(undef); }
"addRequestType: undef argument dies.";
my $tShirt0RequestTypeId;
ok( (not defined $sp->getRequestType('t-shirt-0')), "getRequestType: returns undef when not found");
lives_ok { $tShirt0RequestTypeId = $sp->addRequestType('t-shirt-0'); }
"addRequestType: succeeds on add";
ok( (defined $tShirt0RequestTypeId and looks_like_number($tShirt0RequestTypeId) and $tShirt0RequestTypeId > 0),
"addRequestType: id is a number");
my $testSameRequestType;
lives_ok { $testSameRequestType = $sp->addRequestType('t-shirt-0'); }
"addRequestType: succeeds on add when type already exists";
is $tShirt0RequestTypeId, $testSameRequestType,
"addRequestType: lookup first of existing request type before adding.";
=item addRequestConfigurations
dies_ok { $sp->addRequestConfigurations(undef, undef); } "addRequestConfigurations: undef type dies";
is_deeply({ $tShirt0RequestTypeId => {} },
"addRequestConfigurations: existing requestType with no configuration yields same");
my @sizeList = qw/LadiesS LadiesM LadiesL LadiesXL MenS MenM MenL MenXL Men2XL/;
my $tShirt0Data;
dies_ok { $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-1', [ @sizeList, 'Men2XL']) }
"addRequestConfigurations: dies with duplicate items on configuration list.";
is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "addRequestConfigurations: assure proper beginWork/commit matching.");
is_deeply($sp->getRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-1'), undef,
"addRequestConfigurations/getRequestConfigurations: add fails with undefined configuration list");
lives_ok { $tShirt0Data = $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-0', \@sizeList) }
"addRequestConfigurations: existing requestType with configuration runs.";
is( keys %{$tShirt0Data}, ($tShirt0RequestTypeId),
"addRequestConfigurations: reuses same requestTypeId on add of configurations");
is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "addRequestConfigurations: assure proper beginWork/commit matching.");
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $size (@sizeList) {
ok( (defined $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size} and
looks_like_number($tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size}) and
$tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size} > 0),
sprintf "addRequestConfigurations: item %d added correctly", $cnt++);
=item addRequest
dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({}); } "addRequest: dies if donorId not specified.";
dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId }); }
"addRequest: dies if requestTypeId / requestType not specified.";
dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({ donorId => 0, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId }); }
"addRequest: dies if donorId invalid.";
dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => 0 }); }
"addRequest: dies if requestTypeId invalid.";
is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "addRequest: assure proper beginWork/commit matching.");
my $emailListRequestId;
lives_ok { $emailListRequestId =
$sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "join-announce-email-list" }); }
"addRequest: succeeds with a requestType but no configuration parameter.";
ok( (defined $emailListRequestId and looks_like_number($emailListRequestId) and $emailListRequestId > 0),
"addRequest: id returned on successful addRequest() is a number");
my $joinEmailListRequestId = $sp->getRequestType("join-announce-email-list");
ok((defined $joinEmailListRequestId and looks_like_number($joinEmailListRequestId) and $joinEmailListRequestId > 0),
"addRequest: underlying call to addRequestType works properly, per getRequestType");
my $tshirtSmallRequestId;
lives_ok { $tshirtSmallRequestId =
$sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only",
requestConfiguration => 'Small',
notes => 'he probably needs a larger size but this shirt has none'}); }
"addRequest: succeeds with a requestType and requestConfiguration and a note.";
ok( (defined $tshirtSmallRequestId and looks_like_number($tshirtSmallRequestId) and $tshirtSmallRequestId > 0),
"addRequest: successful call returns an integer id.");
my $tShirt0RequestId;
lives_ok { $tShirt0RequestId =
$sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId,
requestConfigurationId => $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{'MenL'} }); }
"addRequest: succeeds with a requestTypeId and requestConfigurationId with no a note.";
ok( (defined $tShirt0RequestId and looks_like_number($tShirt0RequestId) and $tShirt0RequestId > 0),
"addRequest: another successful call returns an integer id.");
my $olsonTShirtRequest;
lives_ok { $olsonTShirtRequest =
$sp->addRequest({ donorId => $olsonId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId,
requestConfigurationId => $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{'LadiesXL'} }); }
"addRequest: different donor succeeds with a requestTypeId and requestConfigurationId with no a note....";
ok( (defined $olsonTShirtRequest and looks_like_number($olsonTShirtRequest) and $olsonTShirtRequest > 0
and $olsonTShirtRequest != $tShirt0RequestTypeId and $olsonTShirtRequest != $tshirtSmallRequestId),
"addRequest: ... and successful call returns an integer id that's different from others.");
=item holdRequest
my $drapperTShirt0HoldId;
my $newHoldId;
dies_ok { $drapperTShirt0HoldId = $sp->holdRequest(requestType => "t-shirt-0", who => 'joe',
why => "will see him soon and give t-shirt in person" ); }
"holdRequest: dies if donorId not specified";
dies_ok { $drapperTShirt0HoldId = $sp->holdRequest(donorId => $drapperId + 1000,
requestType => "t-shirt-0", who => 'joe',
why => "will see him soon and give t-shirt in person"); }
"holdRequest: dies if donorId not found in database";
dies_ok { $drapperTShirt0HoldId = $sp->holdRequest(donorId => $drapperId, who => 'joe',
why => "in-person delivery" ); }
"holdRequest: dies if requestType not specified";
dies_ok { $drapperTShirt0HoldId = $sp->holdRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestType => "t-shirt-0",
why => "in-person delivery" }); }
"holdRequest: dies if who not specified";
lives_ok { $drapperTShirt0HoldId = $sp->holdRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestType => "t-shirt-0", who => 'joe',
why => "in-person delivery" }); }
"holdRequest: succeeds for existing request...";
ok( (defined $drapperTShirt0HoldId and looks_like_number($drapperTShirt0HoldId) and $drapperTShirt0HoldId > 0),
"holdRequest: ... and id returned on successful holdRequest() is a number");
lives_ok { $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, date, who, how, request_id FROM request_hold", 'id'); }
"holdRequest: sql command in database for entry succeeds.";
is_deeply($val, { $drapperTShirt0HoldId => { id => $drapperTShirt0HoldId, date => $today,
why => 'in-person delivery planned', who => 'joe',
request_id => $tShirt0RequestId } },
"holdRequest: databse entry from successful return is correct");
my $badHold;
lives_ok { $badHold = $sp->holdRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, who => 'john',
requestType => "does-not-exist",
why => "in-person delivery" }); }
"holdRequest: attempt to hold a request never made does not die...";
ok( (not defined $badHold),
"holdRequest: ... but, rather, returns undef.");
is($sp->getRequestType("does-not-exist"), undef,
"holdRequest: requestType not created when holdRequest fails.");
my $reHoldId;
dies_ok { $reHoldId = $sp->holdRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestType => "t-shirt-0", who => 'peggy',
why => "will leave in his office." }); }
"holdRequest: attempt to hold an already-hold request dies ...";
my $holdRequest;
lives_ok { $newHoldId = $sp->holdRequest( { donorId => $olsonId,
requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId, who => 'john',
why => "will delivery at conference" }); }
"holdRequest: succeeds for existing request, using requestTypeId";
ok( (defined $newHoldId and looks_like_number($newHoldId) and $newHoldId > 0 and ($newHoldId != $drapperTShirt0HoldId)),
"holdRequest: id returned on successful holdRequest() is a number and is not the one returned by previous");
=item fulfillRequest
my $fulfillRequestId;
dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'joe',
how => "in-person delivery" }); }
"fulfillRequest: dies if donorId not specified";
dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId + 1000,
requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'joe',
how => "in-person delivery" }); }
"fulfillRequest: dies if donorId not found in database";
dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, who => 'joe',
how => "in-person delivery" }); }
"fulfillRequest: dies if requestType not specified";
dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestType => "t-shirt-small-only",
how => "in-person delivery" }); }
"fulfillRequest: dies if who not specified";
my $req;
lives_ok { $req = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only" }); }
"getRequest: success after failed fulfillRequest attempts...";
is($req->{requestType}, "t-shirt-small-only", "getRequest: ... with correct type");
is($req->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: ... and correct request date.");
is($req->{fulfillDate}, undef, "getRequest: ... but no fulfillDate.");
lives_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'joe',
how => "in-person delivery" }); }
"fulfillRequest: succeeds for existing request";
ok( (defined $fulfillRequestId and looks_like_number($fulfillRequestId) and $fulfillRequestId > 0),
"fulfillRequest: id returned on successful fulfillRequest() is a number");
lives_ok { $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, date, who, how, request_id FROM fulfillment", 'id'); }
"fulfillRequest: sql command in database for entry succeeds.";
is_deeply($val, { $fulfillRequestId => { id => $fulfillRequestId, date => $today,
how => 'in-person delivery', who => 'joe',
request_id => $tshirtSmallRequestId } },
"fulfillRequest: databse entry from successful return is correct");
my $badFR;
lives_ok { $badFR = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, who => 'john',
requestType => "does-not-exist",
how => "in-person delivery" }); }
"fulfillRequest: attempt to fulfill a request never made does not die...";
ok( (not defined $badFR),
"fulfillRequest: ... but, rather, returns undef.");
is($sp->getRequestType("does-not-exist"), undef,
"fulfillRequest: requestType not created when fulfillRequest fails.");
my $lookedUpFulfillmentId;
lives_ok { $lookedUpFulfillmentId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'peggy',
how => "left in his office." }); }
"fulfillRequest: attempt to fulfill an already-fulfill request does not die ...";
is($lookedUpFulfillmentId, $fulfillRequestId,
"fulfillRequest: ... but, rather, returns the same value from the previous fulfillRequest() call.");
my $newFRID;
lives_ok { $newFRID = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId, who => 'john',
how => "mailed" }); }
"fulfillRequest: returns properly for an existing request, using requestTypeId for lookup, when the request his held...";
is($newFRID, undef, "fulfillRequest: .... but undef is returned when attempting to fulfill a held request.");
=item getRequest
dies_ok { $sp->getRequest({} ); } "getRequest: dies if donorId not specified.";
dies_ok { $sp->getRequest({ donorId => 0, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only" }); } "getRequest: dies if donorId invalid.";
dies_ok { $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => undef}); }
"getRequest: dies if requestType not specified.";
my $tt;
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => 'this-one-is-not-there' }); }
"getRequest: returns normally with non-existent request.";
is($tt, undef, "getRequest: returns undef for valid supporter and on-existent request.");
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestType => 't-shirt-small-only' }); }
"getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters, using requestType.";
is($tt->{requestType}, 't-shirt-small-only', "getRequest: requestType is correct.");
is($tt->{fulfillDate}, $today, "getRequest: fulfilled request is today.");
is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today.");
is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, 'Small', "getRequest: configuration is correct.");
is($tt->{notes}, 'he probably needs a larger size but this shirt has none',
"getRequest: notes are correct.");
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestType => 't-shirt-small-only', ignoreFulfilledRequests => 1}); }
"getRequest: succeeds for lookup criteria that are known to return nothing ....";
is($tt, undef, 'getRequest: .... and undef is indeed returned');
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId } ); }
"getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters, using requestTypeId.";
is($tt->{requestType}, 't-shirt-0', "getRequest: requestType is correct.");
is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today.");
is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, 'MenL', "getRequest: configuration is correct.");
is($tt->{holdReleaseDate}, undef, "getRequest: releaseDate is correct.");
is($tt->{holdDate}, $today, "getRequest: holdDate is correct.");
is($tt->{holder}, 'joe', "getRequest: holder is correct.");
is($tt->{heldBecause}, 'in-person delivery planned', "getRequest: heldBecause is correct.");
is($tt->{notes}, undef, "getRequest: notes are undef when null in database.");
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId,
ignoreHeldRequests => 1}); }
"getRequest: succeeds for lookup criteria, including ignoreHeldRequests, that are known to return nothing ....";
is($tt, undef, 'getRequest: .... and undef is indeed returned');
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "join-announce-email-list" }); }
"getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters.";
is($tt->{requestType}, "join-announce-email-list", "getRequest: requestType is correct.");
is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today.");
is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, undef, "getRequest: configuration is undefined when there is none.");
is($tt->{notes}, undef, "getRequest: notes are undef when null in database.");
=item releaseRequestHold
my $releasedHoldId;
lives_ok { $releasedHoldId = $sp->releaseRequestHold(donorId => $drapperId, requestType => 't-shirt-0'); }
"releaseRequestHold: release of a knonw held request succeeds...";
is($releasedHoldId, $drapperTShirt0HoldId, "releaseRequestHold: ... & returns same hold id as holdRequest() call did");
lives_ok { $newFRID = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId,
requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId, who => 'john',
how => "mailed" }); }
"fulfillRequest: succeeds once the request is no longer on hold...";
is( (defined $newFRID and looks_like_number($newFRID) and $newFRID > 0 and ($newFRID != $fulfillRequestId)),
"....id returned on successful fulfillRequest() is a number and is not the one returned by previous");
lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId } ); }
"getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters, using requestTypeId.";
is($tt->{requestType}, 't-shirt-0', "getRequest: requestType is correct.");
is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today.");
is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, 'MenL', "getRequest: configuration is correct.");
is($tt->{holdReleaseDate}, $today, "getRequest: holdReleaseDate is correct.");
is($tt->{holdDate}, $today, "getRequest: holdDate is correct.");
is($tt->{holder}, 'joe', "getRequest: holder is correct.");
is($tt->{heldBecause}, 'in-person delivery planned', "getRequest: heldBecause is correct.");
is($tt->{fulfillDate}, $today, "getRequest: fulfilled request is today.");
is($tt->{notes}, undef, "getRequest: notes are undef when null in database.");
=item getRequestConfigurations
my $tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId;
lives_ok { $tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId = $sp->getRequestType('t-shirt-small-only'); }
"addRequest: added request type";
my $tShirtSmallOnlyData = $sp->getRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-small-only');
is(scalar keys %{$tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}}, 1,
"addRequest: just one configuration added correctly");
ok( (defined $tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}{'Small'} and
looks_like_number($tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}{'Small'}) and
$tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}{'Small'} > 0),
"addRequest: configuration added correctly");
is undef, $sp->getRequestConfigurations(undef), "getRequestConfigurations: undef type returns undef";
is undef, $sp->getRequestConfigurations('Hae2Ohlu'), "getRequestConfigurations: non-existent type returns undef";
is_deeply $tShirt0Data,
"getRequestConfigurations: lookup of previously added items is same";
=item setPreferredEmailAddress/getPreferredEmailAddress
dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress(undef, 'drapper@example.org'); }
"setPreferredEmailAddress: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress("String", 'drapper@example.org'); }
"setPreferredEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id";
dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, undef) }
"setPreferredEmailAddress: email address undefined fails";
dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@ex@ample.org') }
"setPreferredEmailAddress: email address with extra @ fails to add.";
dies_ok { $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress(undef); }
"getPreferredEmailAddress: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress("String"); }
"getPreferredEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id";
my $ret;
lives_ok { $ret = $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.com') }
"setPreferredEmailAddress: email address not found in database does not die....";
is($ret, undef, "setPreferredEmailAddress: ....but returns undef");
lives_ok { $ret = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId) }
"getPreferredEmailAddress: no preferred does not die....";
is($ret, undef, "getPreferredEmailAddress: ....but returns undef");
lives_ok { $ret = $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.org') }
"setPreferredEmailAddress: setting preferred email address succeeds....";
ok( (defined $ret and looks_like_number($ret) and $ret == $drapperEmailId),
"setPreferredEmailAddress: ... and returns correct email_address_id on success");
is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "setPreferredEmailAddress: assure proper beginWork/commit matching.");
lives_ok { $ret = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId) }
"getPreferredEmailAddress: lookup of known preferred email address succeeds... ";
is($ret, 'drapper@example.org', "getPreferredEmailAddress: ....and returns the correct value.");
=item getEmailAddresses
my %emailAddresses;
dies_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses(0); }
"getEmailAddresses: fails with 0 donorId";
dies_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses("String"); }
"getEmailAddresses: fails with string donorId";
dies_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses(undef); }
"getEmailAddresses: fails with string donorId";
lives_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses($olsonId); }
"getEmailAddresses: 1 lookup of addresses succeeds...";
is_deeply(\%emailAddresses, {'everyone@example.net' => { 'date_encountered' => $today, 'name' => 'paypal' },
'olson@example.net' => { 'date_encountered' => $today, 'name' => 'home' }},
"getEmailAddresses: ... and returns correct results.");
lives_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses($drapperId); }
"getEmailAddresses: 2 lookup of addresses succeeds...";
is_deeply(\%emailAddresses, {'everyone@example.net' => { 'date_encountered' => $today, 'name' => 'paypal' },
'drapper@example.org' => { 'date_encountered' => $today, 'name' => 'work' }},
"getEmailAddresses: ... and returns correct results.");
lives_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses($sterlingId); }
"getEmailAddresses: 3 lookup of addresses succeeds...";
is_deeply(\%emailAddresses, {'sterlingjr@example.com' => { 'name' => 'home', 'date_encountered' => $today }},
"getEmailAddresses: ... and returns correct results.");
lives_ok { %emailAddresses = $sp->getEmailAddresses($campbellId); }
"getEmailAddresses: lookup of *empty* addresses succeeds...";
is_deeply(\%emailAddresses, {},
"getEmailAddresses: ... and returns correct results.");
# FIXME: getPostalAddresses needs unit tests.
=item findDonor
my @lookupDonorIds;
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({}); }
"findDonor: no search criteria succeeds and...";
@vals{@lookupDonorIds} = @lookupDonorIds;
is_deeply(\%vals, { $campbellId => $campbellId, $sterlingId => $sterlingId, $harrisId => $harrisId,
$olsonId => $olsonId, $drapperId => $drapperId },
"findDonor: ... and returns all donorIds.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({ledgerEntityId => "NotFound" }); }
"findDonor: 1 lookup of known missing succeeds ...";
is(scalar(@lookupDonorIds), 0, "findDonor: ... but finds nothing.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => "nothingthere" }); }
"findDonor: 2 lookup of known missing succeeds ...";
is(scalar(@lookupDonorIds), 0, "findDonor: ... but finds nothing.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => 'drapper@example.org', ledgerEntityId => "NOTFOUND" }); }
"findDonor: 1 and'ed criteria succeeds ...";
is(scalar(@lookupDonorIds), 0, "findDonor: ... but finds nothing.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => 'NOTFOUND', ledgerEntityId => "Whitman-Dick" }); }
"findDonor: 2 and'ed criteria succeeds ...";
is(scalar(@lookupDonorIds), 0, "findDonor: ... but finds nothing.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => 'drapper@example.org', ledgerEntityId => "Whitman-Dick" }); }
"findDonor: 1 valid multiple criteria succeeds ...";
is_deeply(\@lookupDonorIds, [$drapperId], "findDonor: ... and finds right entry.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => 'everyone@example.net', ledgerEntityId => "Whitman-Dick" }); }
"findDonor: 2 valid multiple criteria succeeds ...";
is_deeply(\@lookupDonorIds, [$drapperId], "findDonor: ... and finds right entry.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => 'everyone@example.net', ledgerEntityId => "Olson-Margaret" }); }
"findDonor: 3 valid multiple criteria succeeds ...";
is_deeply(\@lookupDonorIds, [$olsonId], "findDonor: ... and finds right entry.");
lives_ok { @lookupDonorIds = $sp->findDonor({emailAddress => 'everyone@example.net'}); }
"findDonor: single criteria find expecting multiple records succeeds...";
%vals = ();
@vals{@lookupDonorIds} = @lookupDonorIds;
is_deeply(\%vals, { $olsonId => $olsonId, $drapperId => $drapperId }, "findDonor: ... and finds the right entires.");
=item donorLastGave
dies_ok { $sp->donorLastGave(undef); } "donorLastGave(): dies with undefined donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->donorLastGave("str"); } "donorLastGave(): dies with non-numeric donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->donorLastGave(0); } "donorLastGave(): dies with non-existent id";
my $date;
lives_ok { $date = $sp->donorLastGave($drapperId) } "donorLastGave(): check for known annual donor success...";
is($date, '2015-05-04', "donorLastGave(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $date = $sp->donorLastGave($olsonId) } "donorLastGave(): check for known monthly donor success...";
is($date, '2015-06-30', "donorLastGave(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
=item donorFirstGave
dies_ok { $sp->donorFirstGave(undef); } "donorFirstGave(): dies with undefined donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->donorFirstGave("str"); } "donorFirstGave(): dies with non-numeric donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->donorFirstGave(0); } "donorFirstGave(): dies with non-existent id";
lives_ok { $date = $sp->donorFirstGave($drapperId) } "donorFirstGave(): check for known annual donor success...";
is($date, '2015-02-26', "donorFirstGave(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $date = $sp->donorFirstGave($olsonId) } "donorFirstGave(): check for known monthly donor success...";
is($date, '2015-01-15', "donorFirstGave(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
=item donorTotalGaveInPeriod
dies_ok { $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => undef); } "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): dies with undefined donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => "str"); } "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): dies with non-numeric donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => 0); } "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): dies with non-existent id";
foreach my $arg (qw/startDate endDate/) {
dies_ok { $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $drapperId, $arg => '2015-1-5'); }
"donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): dies with non ISO-8601 string in $arg";
dies_ok { $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $drapperId, wrong => ''); }
"donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): dies if given an argument that is not recognized";
my $amount;
lives_ok { $amount = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $drapperId) }
"donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): total for a donor with no period named succeeds...";
is($amount, 305.00, "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $amount = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $olsonId, startDate => '2015-02-17',
endDate => '2015-06-29') }
"donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): check for total with both start and end date succeeds...";
is($amount, 30.00, "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $amount = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $harrisId, startDate => '2015-12-04'); }
"donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): check for total with just a start date succeeds...";
is($amount, 120.00, "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $amount = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $olsonId, endDate => '2015-02-16'); }
"donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): check for total with just a end date succeeds...";
is($amount, 20.00, "donorTotalGaveInPeriod(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
=item donorDonationOnDate
# FIXME: way to lookup donation on a date.
=item supporterExpirationDate
dies_ok { $sp->supporterExpirationDate(undef); } "supporterExpirationDate(): dies with undefined donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->supporterExpirationDate("str"); } "supporterExpirationDate(): dies with non-numeric donorId";
dies_ok { $sp->supporterExpirationDate(0); } "supporterExpirationDate(): dies with non-existent id";
lives_ok { $date = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($drapperId) } "supporterExpirationDate(): check for known annual donor success...";
is($date, '2016-02-26', "supporterExpirationDate(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $date = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($olsonId) } "supporterExpirationDate(): check for known monthly donor success...";
is($date, '2015-08-29', "supporterExpirationDate(): ...and returned value is correct. ");
lives_ok { $date = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($sterlingId) } "supporterExpirationDate(): check for never donation success...";
is($date, undef, "supporterExpirationDate(): ...and returned undef.");
lives_ok { $date = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($harrisId) } "supporterExpirationDate(): same donation amount in year...";
is($date, '2016-12-04', "supporterExpirationDate(): ...returns the latter date.");
$dbh->do("UPDATE donor SET is_supporter = 0 WHERE id = " . $sp->dbh->quote($campbellId));
lives_ok { $date = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($campbellId) } "supporterExpirationDate(): check for no supporter success...";
is($date, undef, "supporterExpirationDate(): ...and returned undef.");
=item Internal methods used only by the module itself.
=item _verifyId
ok( $sp->_verifyId($drapperId), "_verifyId: id just added exists");
dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId(undef); } "_verifyId: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId("String") } "_verifyId: dies for non-numeric id";
# This is a hacky way to test this; but should work
ok(not ($sp->_verifyId($drapperId + 10)), "_verifyId: non-existent id is not found");
=item _lookupEmailAddress
dies_ok { $sp->_lookupEmailAddress(undef); } "_lookupEmailAddressId: dies for undefined email_address";
{ emailAddress => 'drapper@example.org', id => $drapperEmailId, type => 'work', dateEncountered => $today },
"_lookupEmailAddressId: 1 returns email Id for known item");
{ emailAddress => 'everyone@example.net', id => $olsonEmailId2, type => 'paypal', dateEncountered => $today },
"_lookupEmailAddressId: 2 returns email id for known item");
is($sp->_lookupEmailAddress('drapper@example.com'), undef,
"_lookupEmailAddressId: returns undef for unknown item.");
$sp = undef;
sub ResetDB($) {
$_[0]->disconnect() if defined $_[0];
my $tempDBH = get_test_dbh();
my $tempSP = new Supporters($tempDBH, [ "testcmd" ]);
return ($tempDBH, $tempSP);
my($tempDBH, $tempSP) = ResetDB($dbh);
=item _getOrCreateRequestType
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType({ }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestType: dies on empty hash";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType({ requestTypeId => "NoStringsPlease" }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestType: dies for string request id";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType({ requestTypeId => 0 }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestType: dies for non-existant requestTypeId";
my %hh = ( requestType => 'test-request' );
lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType(\%hh); }
"_getOrCreateRequestType: succeeds with just requestType";
my $rr;
lives_ok { $rr = $tempSP->getRequestType("test-request"); }
"_getOrCreateRequestType: lookup of a request works after _getOrCreateRequestType";
is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr },
"_getOrCreateRequestType: lookup of a request works after _getOrCreateRequestType");
%hh = ( requestTypeId => $rr, requestType => 'this-arg-matters-not' );
lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType(\%hh); }
"_getOrCreateRequestType: lookup of existing requestType suceeds.";
is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr },
"_getOrCreateRequestType: deletes requestType if both are provided.");
dies_ok { $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById(undef); }
"_lookupRequestTypeById: dies for undefined requestTypeId";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById("NoStringsPlease"); }
"_lookupRequestTypeById: dies for a string requestTypeId";
ok( (not $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById(0)), "_lookupRequestTypeById: returns false for id lookup for 0");
# Assumption here: that id number one more than the last added would never be in db.
ok( (not $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById($rr + 1)),
"_lookupRequestTypeById: returns false for id one greater than last added");
is($tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById($rr), "test-request",
"_lookupRequestTypeById: returns proper result for id known to be in database");
=item _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies on empty hash";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestConfigurationId => "NoStringsPlease" }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for string requestConfigurationId";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestConfigurationId => 0 }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for non-existant requestConfigurationId";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestTypeId => "NoStringsPlease" }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for string request id";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestTypeId => 0 }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for non-existant requestTypeId";
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestTypeId => $rr,
requestConfigurationId => "NoStringsPlease" }); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for string requestConfigurationId with valid requestTypeId";
%hh = ( requestConfiguration => 'test-request-config' );
dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: fails with just requestConfiguration.";
$val = $tempSP->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, description FROM request_configuration", 'description');
ok((defined $val and (keys(%$val) == 0)),
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: no request_configuration record added for failed attempts");
%hh = ( requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfiguration => 'test-request-config' );
lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: succeeds with requestConfiguration and requestType";
my($fullConfig, $rc);
lives_ok { $fullConfig = $tempSP->getRequestConfigurations('test-request'); }
"getRequestConfigurations: succeeds after successful _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration()";
$rc = $fullConfig->{$rr}{'test-request-config'};
is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc },
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: modification of paramater argument was correct after successful add");
is_deeply $fullConfig,
{ 1 => { 'test-request-config' => 1 } },
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: lookup of a request configuration works after _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration";
%hh = (requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfiguration => "test-request-config");
lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: looks up one previously added by _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration()";
is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc },
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: lookup of a request works after _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration");
%hh = ( requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc, requestConfiguration => 'this-arg-matters-not' );
lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); }
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: lookup of existing requestConfigurationId succeeds, ignoring requestConfiguration parameter.";
is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc },
"_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: deletes requestTypeConfiguration if both are provided.");
=item Database weirdness tests
($tempDBH, $tempSP) = ResetDB($tempDBH);
$tempDBH->do("DROP TABLE email_address;");
dies_ok { $tempSP->addSupporter({ display_name => "Roger Sterling",
public_ack => 0, ledger_entity_id => "Sterling-Roger",
email_address => 'sterlingjr@example.com',
email_address_type => 'home' }) }
"addSupporter: dies when email_address table does not exist & email adress given";
$tempDBH->disconnect; $tempDBH = reopen_test_dbh();
$val = $tempDBH->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM donor;", 'id');
ok( (defined $val and reftype $val eq "HASH" and keys(%{$val}) == 0),
"addSupporter: fails if email_address given but email cannot be inserted");
$tempDBH->disconnect; $tempDBH = reopen_test_dbh();
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c Supporters.t && cd ..; make clean; perl Makefile.PL && make && make test TEST_VERBOSE=1"
# End: