
This new section of tests verifies that when the database disappears underneath or has other types of problems that the API still functions as expected. The second test committed herein currently fails.
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# Supporters.t -*- Perl -*-
# Basic unit tests for Supporters.pm
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 55;
use Test::Exception;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
Supporters.t is the basic unit tests for Supporters.pm. It tests the
following things:
=item use command for the module.
BEGIN { use_ok('Supporters') };
require 't/CreateTestDB.pl';
my $dbh = get_test_dbh();
=item Public-facing methods of the module, as follows:
=item new
my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, "testcmd");
is($dbh, $sp->dbh(), "new: verify dbh set");
is("testcmd", $sp->ledgerCmd(), "new: verify ledgerCmd set");
=item addSupporter
dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({}) }
"addSupporter: ledger_entity_id required";
my $id1;
lives_ok { $id1 = $sp->addSupporter({ ledger_entity_id => "Campbell-Peter" }); }
"addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings";
ok( (looks_like_number($id1) and $id1 > 0),
"addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings");
dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({ public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }) }
"addSupporter: display_name required";
my $drapperId;
lives_ok { $drapperId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Donald Drapper",
public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }); }
"addSupporter: public_ack set to true with a display_name given";
ok( (looks_like_number($drapperId) and $drapperId > $id1),
"addSupporter: add works with public_ack set to true and a display_name given");
my $olsonId;
lives_ok { $olsonId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Peggy Olson",
public_ack => 0, ledger_entity_id => "Olson-Margaret",
email_address => 'olson@example.net',
email_address_type => 'home' }); }
"addSupporter: succeeds with email address";
ok( (looks_like_number($olsonId) and $olsonId > $drapperId),
"addSupporter: add succeeded with email address added.");
my $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT supporter_id, email_address_id " .
"FROM supporter_email_address_mapping " .
"WHERE supporter_id = " . $sp->dbh->quote($olsonId, 'SQL_INTEGER'),
ok((defined $val and defined $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id} and $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id} > 0),
"addSuporter: email address mapping is created on addSupporter() w/ email address included");
=item addEmailAddress
$val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'home'", 'name');
ok((defined $val and defined $val->{home}{id} and $val->{home}{id} > 0),
"addSuporter/addEmailAddress: emailAddressType was added when new one given to addSupporter");
my $emailAddressTypeHomeId = $val->{home}{id};
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress(undef, 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); }
"addEmailAddress: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress("String", 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); }
"addEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id";
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, undef, 'work') }
"addEmailAddress: email address undefined fails";
dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@ex@ample.org', 'work') }
"addEmailAddress: email address with extra @ fails to add.";
# Verify that the addressType wasn't added when the Email address is invalid
# and the address type did not already exist.
$val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'work'", 'name');
ok((not defined $val or not defined $val->{'name'}),
"addEmailAddress: type is not added with email address is bad");
my $drapperEmailId;
lives_ok { $drapperEmailId = $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.org', 'work') }
"addEmailAdress: inserting a valid email address works";
ok((looks_like_number($drapperEmailId) and $drapperEmailId > 0), "addEmailAddress: id returned is sane.");
=item addAddressType
# This test cheats a bit -- it assumes that the database is assigning serials starting with 1
ok($sp->addAddressType('work') > $emailAddressTypeHomeId,
"addEmailAddress: verify addEmailAddress added the addressType underneath");
dies_ok { $sp->addAddressType(undef); } "addAddressType: dies for undef";
my $paypalPayerAddressType;
ok($paypalPayerAddressType = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: basic add works");
my $same;
ok($same = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: lookup works");
ok($same == $paypalPayerAddressType, "addAddressType: lookup returns same as the basic add");
=item addAddressType/getRequestType
dies_ok { $sp->addRequestType(undef); }
"addRequestType: undef argument dies.";
my $tShirt0RequestTypeId;
ok( (not defined $sp->getRequestType('t-shirt-0')), "getRequestType: returns undef when not found");
lives_ok { $tShirt0RequestTypeId = $sp->addRequestType('t-shirt-0'); }
"addRequestType: succeeds on add";
ok( (defined $tShirt0RequestTypeId and looks_like_number($tShirt0RequestTypeId) and $tShirt0RequestTypeId > 0),
"addRequestType: id is a number");
my $testSameRequestType;
lives_ok { $testSameRequestType = $sp->addRequestType('t-shirt-0'); }
"addRequestType: succeeds on add when type already exists";
is $tShirt0RequestTypeId, $testSameRequestType,
"addRequestType: lookup first of existing request type before adding.";
=item addRequestConfigurations
dies_ok { $sp->addRequestConfigurations(undef, undef); } "addRequestConfigurations: undef type dies";
is_deeply({ $tShirt0RequestTypeId => {} },
"addRequestConfigurations: existing requestType with no configuration yields same");
my @sizeList = qw/LadiesS LadiesM LadiesL LadiesXL MenS MenM MenL MenXL Men2XL/;
my $tShirt0Data;
dies_ok { $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-0', [ @sizeList, 'Men2XL']) }
"addRequestConfigurations: dies with duplicate items on configuration list.";
is_deeply({ $tShirt0RequestTypeId => {} },
"addRequestConfigurations/getRequestConfigurations: add fails with duplicate in configuration list");
lives_ok { $tShirt0Data = $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-0', \@sizeList) }
"addRequestConfigurations: existing requestType with configuration runs.";
is( keys %{$tShirt0Data}, ($tShirt0RequestTypeId),
"addRequestConfigurations: reuses same requestTypeId on add of configurations");
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $size (@sizeList) {
ok( (defined $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size} and
looks_like_number($tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size}) and
$tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size} > 0),
sprintf "addRequestConfigurations: item %d added correctly", $cnt++);
=item getRequestConfigurations
is undef, $sp->getRequestConfigurations(undef), "getRequestConfigurations: undef type returns undef";
is undef, $sp->getRequestConfigurations('Hae2Ohlu'), "getRequestConfigurations: non-existent type returns undef";
is_deeply $tShirt0Data,
"getRequestConfigurations: lookup of previously added items is same";
=item Internal methods used only by the module itself.
=item _verifyId
ok( $sp->_verifyId($drapperId), "_verifyId: id just added exists");
dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId(undef); } "_verifyId: dies for undefined id";
dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId("String") } "_verifyId: dies for non-numeric id";
# This is a hacky way to test this; but should work
ok(not ($sp->_verifyId($drapperId + 10)), "_verifyId: non-existent id is not found");
=item Database weirdness tests
sub ResetDB($) {
$_[0]->disconnect() if defined $_[0];
my $tempDBH = get_test_dbh();
my $tempSP = new Supporters($tempDBH, "testcmd");
return ($tempDBH, $tempSP);
my($tempDBH, $tempSP) = ResetDB($dbh);
$tempDBH->do("DROP TABLE email_address;");
dies_ok { $tempSP->addSupporter({ display_name => "Roger Sterling",
public_ack => 0, ledger_entity_id => "Sterling-Roger",
email_address => 'sterlingjr@example.com',
email_address_type => 'home' }) }
"addSupporter: dies when email_address table does not exist & email adress given";
$tempDBH = reopen_test_dbh();
$val = $tempDBH->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM supporter;", 'id');
ok( (defined $val and keys(%{$val}) == 0),
"addSupporter: fails if email_address given but email cannot be inserted");
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c Supporters.t && cd ..; make clean; perl Makefile.PL && make && make test TEST_VERBOSE=1"
# End: