Bradley M. Kuhn 1a6cb14254 Support email settings for donors.
This change, which is not properly documented nor tests present, adds
support for making sure those who don't want emails from us do not
receive them.

I believe I've caught most of the places we want this change supported.
2017-01-02 11:54:25 -08:00

304 lines
12 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode;
use utf8;
use autodie qw(open close);
use DBI;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Email::MIME;
use Date::Manip::DM5;
use Supporters;
use LaTeX::Encode;
my $BIG_DONOR_CUTOFF = 500.00;
my $TODAY = UnixDate(ParseDate("today"), '%Y-%m-%d');
my $ONE_WEEK = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate("today"), "+ 1 week"), '%Y-%m-%d');
my $ONE_MONTH = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate("today"), "+ 1 month"), '%Y-%m-%d');
my $ONE_YEAR_AGO = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate("today"), "- 1 year"), '%Y-%m-%d');
my $TWO_YEARS_AGO = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate("today"), "- 2 years"), '%Y-%m-%d');
my $THREE_YEARS_AGO = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate("today"), "- 3 years"), '%Y-%m-%d');
if (@ARGV < 8 ) {
exit 1;
my $HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate("today"), "+ " . $HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE_CALC), '%Y-%m-%d');
die "Unable to compute how far \"$HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE_CALC\" is from today" unless defined $HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE and $HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE =~ /[0-9]+\-[0-9]+\-[0-9]+/;
print "$HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE is how far in advance we're sending\n";
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 })
or die $DBI::errstr;
my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, \@LEDGER_CMN_LINE, { monthly => $MONTHLY_SEARCH_REGEX, annual => $ANNUAL_SEARCH_REGEX});
my(@supporterIds) = $sp->findDonor({});
my %expireReport;
$expireReport{'02-lapsed'}{description} = "Already Lapsed Supporters";
$expireReport{'00-lapsing-this-week'}{description} = "Supporters Lapsing Within a Week";
$expireReport{'01-lapsing-this-month'}{description} = "Supporters Lapsing Within a Month";
my @lapseCategories = ('00-lapsing-this-week', '01-lapsing-this-month', '02-lapsed');
foreach my $cat (@lapseCategories) {
$expireReport{$cat}{list} = [];
my $lapsedCount = 0;
my(%activeCounter, %lapsedCounter);
my %monthExpirations;
my $isPaper = 0;
$isPaper = 1 if $EMAIL_TEMPLATE =~ /\.tex$/;
if ($isPaper) {
open(ENVELOPES, ">envelopes-ready-to-send.tex") or die "unable to open labels: $!";
my $totalSupporters = 0;
my $sentCount = 0;
foreach my $supporterId (sort @supporterIds) {
next unless $sp->isSupporter($supporterId);
my $expiresOn = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($supporterId);
my $expiresOnMonth = UnixDate(ParseDate($expiresOn), '%Y-%m');
{ no warnings 'uninitialized'; $monthExpirations{$expiresOnMonth}++; }
my $isLapsed = ( (not defined $expiresOn) or $expiresOn le $TODAY);
my $lapsesInOneWeek = ( (defined $expiresOn) and $expiresOn le $ONE_WEEK);
my $lapsesInOneMonth = ( (defined $expiresOn) and $expiresOn le $ONE_MONTH);
my $lapsesSoon = ( (defined $expiresOn) and $expiresOn le $HOW_FAR_IN_ADVANCE);
my $type = $sp->getType($supporterId);
$expiresOn = "NO-FULL-SIGNUP" if not defined $expiresOn;
if ($isLapsed) {
$lapsedCounter{$type}++ if defined $type;
} else {
$activeCounter{$type}++ if defined $type;
my %emails;
my $email = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($supporterId);
if (defined $email) {
$emails{$email} = {};
} else {
%emails = $sp->getEmailAddresses($supporterId);
my(@emails) = keys(%emails);
my $lastDonateDate = $sp->donorLastGave($supporterId);
my $cat;
if ($isLapsed) { $cat = '02-lapsed';} elsif ($lapsesInOneWeek) { $cat = '00-lapsing-this-week' }
elsif ($lapsesInOneMonth) { $cat = '01-lapsing-this-month'; }
push(@{$expireReport{$cat}{list}}, { expiresOn => $expiresOn, displayName => $sp->getDisplayName($supporterId),
ledgerEntityId => $sp->getLedgerEntityId($supporterId), supporterId => $supporterId,
emails => \@emails })
if defined $cat;
my $request = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $REQUEST_NAME});
if (defined $request) {
if (defined $request->{fulfillDate}) {
print STDERR "$supporterId lapsed on $expiresOn but recorded as renewed on $request->{fulfillDate}\n"
if ( ($isLapsed or $lapsesSoon) and $VERBOSE);
} else {
print STDERR "$supporterId received this renewal notice already on $request->{requestDate}\n"
print STDERR "$supporterId skipped since he is not lapsed\n" if ( (not $isLapsed and not $lapsesSoon) and $VERBOSE > 1);
next unless $isLapsed or $lapsesSoon;
my $displayName = $sp->getDisplayName($supporterId);
if ($isPaper) {
next unless $sp->paperMailOk($donorId);
my $latexDisplayName = latex_encode($displayName);
$latexDisplayName =~ s/\\unmatched\{0141\}/\L{}/g;
$latexDisplayName =~ s/\\unmatched\{0142\}/\l{}/g;
if ($latexDisplayName =~ /unmatched/) {
print "Skipping $supporterId because the address has characters I can't print in LaTeX\n name was: ", encode('UTF-8', $displayName), "\n";
my $postalAddress = $sp->getPreferredPostalAddress($supporterId);
if (not defined $postalAddress) {
my(@postalAddresses) = $sp->getPostalAddresses($supporterId);
$postalAddress = $postalAddresses[0];
if ( (not defined $postalAddress) or $postalAddress =~ /^\s*$/m or $postalAddress eq $displayName) {
print "Skipping $supporterId because no postal address was available\n";
my $latexPostal = latex_encode($postalAddress);
$latexPostal =~ s/\\unmatched\{0141\}/\L{}/g;
$latexPostal =~ s/\\unmatched\{0142\}/\l{}/g;
if ($latexPostal =~ /unmatched/) {
print "Skipping $supporterId because the address has characters the post office will not accept\n Address was: ", encode('UTF-8', $postalAddress), "\n";
$latexPostal = join(' \\\\ ', split('\n', $latexPostal));
print ENVELOPES '\mlabel{}{TO: \\\\ ' . $latexPostal . "}\n";
open(LETTER, ">", sprintf("%4.4d", $sentCount++) . "-" . $supporterId . ".tex");
while (my $line = <MESSAGE> ) {
$line =~ s/FIXME-LAST-DONATE-DATE/$lastDonateDate/g;
$line =~ s/FIXME-ADDRESS/$latexPostal/g;
$line =~ s/FIXME-FULL-NAME/$latexDisplayName/g;
print LETTER $line;
close LETTER;
close MESSAGE;
} else {
next unless $sp->emailOk($donorId);
my @message;
while (my $line = <MESSAGE> ) {
$line =~ s/FIXME_LAST_DONATE_DATE/$lastDonateDate/g;
push(@message, $line);
close MESSAGE;
my $emailTo = join(' ', @emails);
my $fullEmailLine = "";
foreach my $email (@emails) {
$fullEmailLine .= ", " if ($fullEmailLine ne "");
my $line = "";
if (defined $displayName) {
$line .= "\"$displayName\" ";
$line .= "<$email>";
$fullEmailLine .= Encode::encode("MIME-Header", $line);
open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f \"$FROM_ADDRESS\" -oi -oem -- $emailTo $FROM_ADDRESS") or
die "unable to run sendmail: $!";
print STDERR "Sending to $supporterId at $emailTo who expires on $expiresOn\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $fullEmailLine\n";
print SENDMAIL @message;
sleep 1;
$sp->addRequest({donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $REQUEST_NAME});
if ($isPaper) {
exit 0;
my $subject = "Supporter lapsed report for $TODAY";
my $per = ( ($lapsedCount / $totalSupporters) * 100.00);
my $headerInfo = "$subject\n" . ("=" x length($subject)) .
"\n\nWe have " . $totalSupporters . " supporters and $lapsedCount are lapsed. That's " .
sprintf("%.2f", $per) . "%.\nActive supporter count: " . ($totalSupporters - $lapsedCount) . "\n" .
sprintf(" Of the active supporters, %.2f%% are monthly and %.2f%% are annual",
( ($activeCounter{Monthly} / ($totalSupporters - $lapsedCount)) * 100.00),
( ($activeCounter{Annual} / ($totalSupporters - $lapsedCount)) * 100.00)) . ".\n\n";
foreach my $type (keys %lapsedCounter) {
$headerInfo .= sprintf("%7s: Lapsed Count: %3d Active Count: %3d\n",
$type, $lapsedCounter{$type}, $activeCounter{$type});
$headerInfo .= "\n";
my $emailText .= $headerInfo;
my $allStaffEmailText = $headerInfo;
my $bigDonorEmailText = "\n LAPSED BIG DONORS\n" .
" =================\n";
$emailText .= "\n RENEWAL DUE COUNT BY MONTH\n";
$emailText .= "\n ==========================\n";
$allStaffEmailText .= "\n RENEWAL DUE COUNT BY MONTH\n";
$allStaffEmailText .= "\n ==========================\n";
foreach my $month (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %monthExpirations) {
my $xx = sprintf("$month: %5d\n", $monthExpirations{$month});
$emailText .= $xx;
$allStaffEmailText .= $xx;
$emailText .= "\n";
foreach my $cat (sort { $a cmp $b } @lapseCategories) {
my $heading = scalar(@{$expireReport{$cat}{list}}) . " " . $expireReport{$cat}{description};
$emailText .= "$heading\n";
$emailText .= "-" x length($heading);
$emailText .= "\n";
$allStaffEmailText .= "$heading\n";
foreach my $sup (sort { ($cat eq '02-lapsed') ? ($b->{expiresOn} cmp $a->{expiresOn})
: ($a->{expiresOn} cmp $b->{expiresOn}) }
@{$expireReport{$cat}{list}}) {
my $threeYearTot = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $sup->{supporterId},
startDate => $THREE_YEARS_AGO, endDate => $TODAY);
my $twoYearTot = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $sup->{supporterId},
startDate => $TWO_YEARS_AGO, endDate => $TODAY);
my $oneYearTot = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $sup->{supporterId},
startDate => $ONE_YEAR_AGO, endDate => $TODAY);
$emailText .= " $sup->{expiresOn}: $sup->{supporterId}, $sup->{ledgerEntityId}, $sup->{displayName}, ";
$emailText .= "2YrTot: \$" . sprintf("%.2f", $twoYearTot). ", 3YrTot: \$" . sprintf("%.2f", $threeYearTot);
$emailText .= ", Emails: " . join(", ", @{$sup->{emails}});
$emailText .= "\n";
if ( ($threeYearTot / 3) > $BIG_DONOR_CUTOFF or ($twoYearTot / 2) > $BIG_DONOR_CUTOFF or
$oneYearTot > $BIG_DONOR_CUTOFF) {
$bigDonorEmailText .= " $sup->{expiresOn}: $sup->{supporterId}, $sup->{ledgerEntityId}, $sup->{displayName}, ";
$bigDonorEmailText .= "1YrTot: \$" . sprintf("%.2f", $oneYearTot) . "2YrTot: \$" .
sprintf("%.2f", $twoYearTot). ", 3YrTot: \$" . sprintf("%.2f", $threeYearTot);
$bigDonorEmailText .= ", Emails: " . join(", ", @{$sup->{emails}}) . "\n";
$emailText .= "\n";
my $email = Email::MIME->create(
header_str => [
Subject => $subject ],
attributes => {
content_type => 'text/plain',
charset => 'utf-8',
encoding => "quoted-printable",
disposition => 'inline' },
body_str => $emailText);
open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f \"$FROM_ADDRESS\" -oi -oem -- $FROM_ADDRESS") or
die "unable to run sendmail: $!";
print SENDMAIL $email->as_string;
my $allStaffEmail = Email::MIME->create(
header_str => [
Subject => $subject ],
attributes => {
content_type => 'text/plain',
charset => 'utf-8',
encoding => "quoted-printable",
disposition => 'inline' },
body_str => $allStaffEmailText);
open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f \"$FROM_ADDRESS\" -oi -oem -- $ALL_STAFF_ADDRESS") or
die "unable to run sendmail: $!";
print SENDMAIL $allStaffEmail->as_string;
my $bigDonorLapsedEmail = Email::MIME->create(
header_str => [
Subject => "Big Donors Lapsed/Lapsing Soon (for $TODAY)" ],
attributes => {
content_type => 'text/plain',
charset => 'utf-8',
encoding => "quoted-printable",
disposition => 'inline' },
body_str => $bigDonorEmailText);
open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f \"$FROM_ADDRESS\" -oi -oem -- $FROM_ADDRESS") or
die "unable to run sendmail: $!";
print SENDMAIL $bigDonorLapsedEmail->as_string;