-- Conservancy Supporter Database, Version 0.4 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "donor"; CREATE TABLE "donor" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "ledger_entity_id" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "display_name" varchar(300), "public_ack" bool, "is_supporter" bool NOT NULL, "rt_ticket integer ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request"; CREATE TABLE "request" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "donor_id" integer NOT NULL, "request_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "request_configuration_id" integer, "date_requested" date NOT NULL, "notes" TEXT ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX request__one_request_for_each_type_per_donor ON request(donor_id, request_type_id); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request_configuration"; CREATE TABLE "request_configuration" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "request_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "description" varchar(100) NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX request_configuration__single_description ON request_configuration(request_type_id, description); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "fulfillment"; CREATE TABLE "fulfillment" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "request_id" integer NOT NULL, "date" TEXT NOT NULL, "who" varchar(300) NOT NULL, "how" TEXT ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fulfillment__one_fulfillment_per_request ON fulfillment(request_id); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request_hold"; CREATE TABLE "request_hold" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "request_id" integer NOT NULL, "hold_date" date NOT NULL, "release_date" date, "who" varchar(300) NOT NULL, "why" TEXT ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX request_hold__one_hold_per_request ON request_hold(request_id); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "request_type"; CREATE TABLE "request_type" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "type" varchar(100) NOT NULL ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "delivery_error"; CREATE TABLE "delivery_error" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "error" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "email_address"; CREATE TABLE "email_address" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "email_address" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "type_id" integer, "date_encountered" date NOT NULL ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "email_error_log"; CREATE TABLE "email_error_log" ( "email_address_id" integer NOT NULL, "delivery_error_code_id" integer NOT NULL, "date_encountered" date NOT NULL, "comments" TEXT ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "donor_email_address_mapping"; CREATE TABLE "donor_email_address_mapping" ( "donor_id" integer NOT NULL, "email_address_id" integer NOT NULL, "preferred" bool, PRIMARY KEY(donor_id, email_address_id) ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "address_type"; CREATE TABLE "address_type" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "old_postal_address"; CREATE TABLE "old_postal_address" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "formatted_address" varchar(5000), "type_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "date_encountered" date NOT NULL, "invalid" bool ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "old_donor_postal_address_mapping"; CREATE TABLE "old_donor_postal_address_mapping" ( "donor_id" integer NOT NULL, "old_postal_address_id" integer NOT NULL, "preferred" bool, PRIMARY KEY(donor_id, postal_address_id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX old_donor_postal_address_mapping_single_prefferred_per_donor ON old_donor_postal_address_mapping(donor_id, preferred); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "postal_address"; CREATE TABLE "postal_address" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "first_name" varchar(64), "middle_name" varchar(64), "last_name" varchar(64), "organization" varchar(64), "address_1" varchar(128), "address_2" varchar(128), "address_3" varchar(128), "city" varchar(64), "state_province_or_region" varchar(64), "postcode" varchar(64), "country" varchar(64) ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "donor_postal_address_mapping"; CREATE TABLE "donor_postal_address_mapping" ( "donor_id" integer NOT NULL, "postal_address_id" integer NOT NULL, "type_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "date_valid_from" date NOT NULL, "date_valid_to" date, PRIMARY KEY(donor_id, postal_address_id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX donor_postal_address_mapping_single_open_ended_addr ON donor_postal_address_mapping(donor_id, date_valid_to); -- ####################################### VIEWS FOR EASIER EDITING ########################## -- The views below are particularly useful if you use a program like `sqlitebrowser`, as -- these views can allow the user to make common changes to the data without -- messing up the data integrity. -- Note: CREATE TEMP TABLE doesn't work in BEGIN/END block of a CREATE TRIGGER, and as such, we have to create -- all the temp tables as real tables. -- -------------- VIEW: UserOperation_update_email_address --------------------- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserOperation_email_add_when_none; CREATE VIEW UserOperation_email_add_when_none AS SELECT ledger_entity_id as entity, map.preferred as preferred_override, ea.date_encountered as entered_date, ea.email_address as email_address, ea.id as address_id, dd.id as donor_id FROM donor dd LEFT JOIN donor_email_address_mapping map ON dd.id = map.donor_id LEFT JOIN email_address ea ON ea.id = map.email_address_id WHERE map.donor_id is NULL ORDER BY ledger_entity_id; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS add_email_address; CREATE TRIGGER add_email_address INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF email_address on UserOperation_email_add_when_none BEGIN INSERT INTO email_address(email_address, type_id, date_encountered) VALUES(NEW.email_address, 21, date("now")); INSERT INTO donor_email_address_mapping(donor_id, email_address_id) VALUES(OLD.donor_id, (SELECT last_insert_rowid() )); SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT email_address FROM donor_email_address_mapping de, email_address ea WHERE de.donor_id = OLD.donor_id AND ea.id = (SELECT last_insert_rowid() ) AND de.email_address_id = (SELECT last_insert_rowid() ) AND ea.email_address = NEW.email_address != NEW.email_address ) ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Error encountered while adding new postal address; please verify your changes worked!") END; END; -- -------------- VIEW: UserOperation_update_postal_address --------------------- DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_postal_address_preferred_override; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_postal_address_is_invalid; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_formatted_postal_address; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserOperation_postal_address_change; CREATE VIEW UserOperation_postal_address_change AS SELECT dd.id as donor_id, ledger_entity_id as entity, map.date_valid_from as entered_date, map.date_valid_to as invalidated_date, pa.first_name as first_n, pa.middle_name as middle_n, pa.last_name as last_n, pa.organization as org, pa.address_1 as addr1, pa.address_2 as addr2, pa.address_3 as addr3, pa.city as city, pa.state_province_or_region as state_or_region, pa.postcode as postcode, pa.country as country, pa.id AS postal_id FROM donor dd LEFT JOIN donor_postal_address_mapping map ON dd.id = map.donor_id LEFT JOIN postal_address pa ON pa.id = map.postal_address_id WHERE dd.is_supporter = 1 AND (map.date_valid_to is NULL OR map.date_valid_to = (SELECT max(date_valid_to) FROM donor_postal_address_mapping where donor_id = dd.id AND donor_id NOT IN (SELECT donor_id FROM donor_postal_address_mapping WHERE date_valid_to IS NULL))) ORDER BY ledger_entity_id; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_postal_address_from_add_UserOperation; CREATE TRIGGER update_postal_address_from_add_UserOperation INSTEAD OF INSERT ON UserOperation_postal_address_change BEGIN UPDATE donor_postal_address_mapping SET date_valid_to = date("now") WHERE donor_id = NEW.donor_id AND date_valid_to IS NULL; INSERT INTO postal_address(first_name, middle_name, last_name, organization, address_1, address_2, address_3, city, state_province_or_region, postcode, country) VALUES(NEW.first_n, NEW.middle_n, NEW.last_n, NEW.org, NEW.addr1, NEW.addr2, NEW.addr3, NEW.city, NEW.state_or_region, NEW.postcode, NEW.country); -- WITH wt(new_postal_address_id) AS (SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS new_postal_address_id) INSERT INTO donor_postal_address_mapping(donor_id, postal_address_id, type_id, date_valid_from) VALUES(NEW.donor_id, (SELECT last_insert_rowid()), 21, date("now")); -- VALUES(OLD.donor_id, (SELECT new_postal_address_id FROM wt) ); SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT address_1 FROM donor_postal_address_mapping dp, postal_address pa WHERE dp.donor_id = NEW.donor_id AND pa.id = (SELECT last_insert_rowid() ) AND dp.postal_address_id = (SELECT last_insert_rowid() ) AND pa.address_1 = NEW.addr1 != NEW.addr1 ) ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Error encountered while adding new postal address; please verify your changes worked!") END; END; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS invalidate_postal_address_from_UserOperation; CREATE TRIGGER invalidate_postal_address_from_UserOperation INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF invalidated_date ON UserOperation_postal_address_change BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ( OLD.postal_id is NULL ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Donor has no postal address yet; cannot invalidate non existent address.") END; UPDATE donor_postal_address_mapping SET date_valid_to = NEW.invalidated_date WHERE donor_id = OLD.donor_id AND postal_address_id = OLD.postal_id; -- FIXME, WHY DOES THE BELOW NOT WORK IN sqlitebrowser -- SELECT CASE -- WHEN ( (SELECT date_valid_to FROM donor_postal_address_mapping -- WHERE donor_id = OLD.donor_id -- AND postal_address_id = OLD.postal_id -- != NEW.invalidated_date ) ) -- THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Error encountered while invalidating postal address; please verify your changes worked!") -- END; END; -- -------------- VIEW: UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request --------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "zz__temp_request_configuration_change"; CREATE TABLE zz__temp_request_configuration_change( old_request_configuration_id integer, new_request_configuration_id integer, new_description varchar(100) NOT NULL); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request; CREATE VIEW UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request AS SELECT donor.ledger_entity_id as entity, request_type.type as shirt_requested, request_configuration.description as size_requested, request.date_requested as request_date, request.notes as note, donor.id as donor_id, request.id as request_id FROM donor, request_configuration, request, request_type WHERE request.id not in (select request_id from fulfillment) AND request_type.type LIKE '%shirt%' AND request_type.id = request.request_type_id AND request.donor_id = donor.id AND request_configuration.id = request.request_configuration_id ORDER BY donor.ledger_entity_id, request.date_requested; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fix_tshirt_size_request_updater; CREATE TRIGGER fix_tshirt_size_request_updater INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF size_requested on UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request BEGIN DELETE FROM zz__temp_request_configuration_change; INSERT INTO zz__temp_request_configuration_change(new_description) VALUES(NEW.size_requested); update zz__temp_request_configuration_change set new_request_configuration_id = (select rc.id from request_configuration rc, request_type rt where rc.description = NEW.size_requested and rt.id = rc.request_type_id and rt.type = OLD.shirt_requested) WHERE new_description = NEW.size_requested; UPDATE zz__temp_request_configuration_change set old_request_configuration_id = (SELECT rc.id FROM request_configuration rc, request_type rt where rc.description = OLD.size_requested and rt.id = rc.request_type_id and rt.type = OLD.shirt_requested) WHERE new_description = NEW.size_requested AND new_request_configuration_id IS NOT NULL; SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT new_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change) IS NULL ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Invalid t-shirt size for this particular t-shirt style!") END; UPDATE request set request_configuration_id = (select new_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change) where id = OLD.request_id and request_configuration_id = (select old_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change); DELETE FROM zz__temp_request_configuration_change; END; -- -------------- END VIEW: UserOperation_fix_tshirt_size_request --------------------- -- -------------- VIEW: UserOperation_donor_update --------------------- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserOperation_donor_update; CREATE VIEW UserOperation_donor_update AS SELECT donor.ledger_entity_id as entity, donor.rt_ticket as ticket, donor.display_name as public_name, donor.public_ack as public_acknowledge, donor.is_supporter as is_sustainer, donor.id as donor_id FROM donor ORDER BY donor.ledger_entity_id, donor.id; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS donor_update_insert_new_donor; CREATE TRIGGER donor_update_insert_new_donor INSTEAD OF INSERT ON UserOperation_donor_update BEGIN INSERT INTO donor(ledger_entity_id, display_name, public_ack, rt_ticket, is_supporter) VALUES(NEW.entity, NEW.public_name, NEW.public_acknowledge, NEW.ticket, 1); END; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS donor_update_display_name; CREATE TRIGGER donor_update_display_name INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF public_name on UserOperation_donor_update BEGIN UPDATE donor SET display_name = NEW.public_name WHERE id = OLD.donor_id AND (display_name = OLD.public_name OR display_name is NULL); -- FIXME: I think this error message doesn't properly display when NEW.ticket -- is NOT NULL and the select returns a NULL SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT display_name FROM donor WHERE id = OLD.donor_id) != NEW.public_name ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Error encountered while updating public_name; please verify your changes worked!") END; END; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS donor_update_rt_ticket; CREATE TRIGGER donor_update_rt_ticket INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF ticket on UserOperation_donor_update BEGIN UPDATE donor SET rt_ticket = NEW.ticket WHERE id = OLD.donor_id AND (rt_ticket = OLD.ticket or rt_ticket is NULL); -- FIXME: I think this error message doesn't properly display when NEW.ticket -- is NOT NULL and the select returns a NULL SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT rt_ticket FROM donor WHERE id = OLD.donor_id) != NEW.ticket ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Error encountered while updating RT ticket; please verify your changes worked!") END; END; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS donor_update_public_acknowledgment; -- FIXME: This trigger does *not* add 'public-ack-change-N' request, as it should. I was not sure *why* -- I'd kept track of public-ack changes in the request table anyway, so I did not implement that here. CREATE TRIGGER donor_update_public_acknowledgment INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF public_acknowledge on UserOperation_donor_update BEGIN UPDATE donor SET public_ack = NEW.public_acknowledge WHERE id = OLD.donor_id AND (public_ack = OLD.public_acknowledge OR public_ack is NULL); -- FIXME: I think this error message doesn't properly display when NEW.ticket -- is NOT NULL and the select returns a NULL SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT public_ack FROM donor WHERE id = OLD.donor_id) != NEW.public_acknowledge ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Error encountered while updating public_acknowledge setting; please verify your changes worked!") END; END; -- -------------- END VIEW: UserOperation_donor_update --------------------- -- -------------- VIEW: UserOperation_contact_setting_change --------------------- -- For this one, note that request_type(id) of 12 is hard-coded since that's known to be the "contact-setting" one. -- … it would obviously be better not to hard code it, but looking it up in every query would make it harder to read. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserQuery_contact_settings; CREATE VIEW UserQuery_contact_settings AS SELECT request_configuration.description as setting_requested, request_type.type as contact_setting FROM request_configuration, request_type WHERE request_type.type = "contact-setting" AND request_configuration.request_type_id = request_type.id ORDER BY request_type.type, request_configuration.description; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS UserOperation_contact_setting_change; CREATE VIEW UserOperation_contact_setting_change AS SELECT dd.ledger_entity_id as entity, rt.type as contact_setting, rc.description as setting_requested, rr.date_requested as request_date, rr.notes as note, dd.id as donor_id, rr.id as request_id FROM donor dd LEFT JOIN request rr ON dd.id = rr.donor_id AND rr.request_type_id = 12 LEFT JOIN request_configuration rc ON rc.id = rr.request_configuration_id LEFT JOIN request_type rt ON rt.id = rr.request_type_id ORDER BY dd.ledger_entity_id, rr.date_requested; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS contact_setting_note_updater; CREATE TRIGGER contact_setting_note_updater INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF note on UserOperation_contact_setting_change BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ( OLD.setting_requested IS NULL ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Invalid note setting; Cannot write note on when setting_requested is NULL") END; UPDATE request SET notes = NEW.note WHERE id = OLD.request_id AND OLD.request_id is NOT NULL AND OLD.donor_id = donor_id AND request_type_id = 12; END; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS contact_setting_config_change_updater; CREATE TRIGGER contact_setting_config_change_updater INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF setting_requested on UserOperation_contact_setting_change BEGIN DELETE FROM zz__temp_request_configuration_change; INSERT INTO zz__temp_request_configuration_change(new_description) VALUES(NEW.setting_requested); UPDATE zz__temp_request_configuration_change SET new_request_configuration_id = (SELECT rc.id FROM request_configuration rc, request_type rt WHERE rc.description = NEW.setting_requested AND rt.id = rc.request_type_id AND rt.id = 12) WHERE new_description = NEW.setting_requested; UPDATE zz__temp_request_configuration_change set old_request_configuration_id = (SELECT rc.id FROM request_configuration rc, request_type rt where rc.description = OLD.setting_requested and rt.id = rc.request_type_id and rt.type = OLD.contact_setting) WHERE new_description = NEW.setting_requested AND new_request_configuration_id IS NOT NULL; SELECT CASE WHEN ( (SELECT new_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change) IS NULL ) THEN RAISE(FAIL, "Invalid contact setting; see UserQuery_contact_settings to find what settings are permitted here!") END; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO request(donor_id, request_type_id, request_configuration_id, date_requested, notes) VALUES(OLD.donor_id, 12, (SELECT new_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change), date("now"), NEW.note); -- The following UPDATE will effect 0 rows if OLD.request_id is NULL and this is *by design*. -- The reason why is we have a UNIQUE index on request(donor_id, request_type_id) and as such, we want -- to just UPDATE an existing request_type_id of 12 (aka "contact-setting") on this trigger if one is present; -- otherwise we want to INSERT it. This is why we did the INSERT OR IGNORE above first; if that fails, then this -- UPDATE will succeed. UPDATE request SET request_configuration_id = (select new_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change), date_requested = date("now") WHERE id = OLD.request_id AND OLD.request_id is NOT NULL AND OLD.donor_id = donor_id AND request_type_id = 12 AND request_configuration_id = (select old_request_configuration_id from zz__temp_request_configuration_change); DELETE FROM zz__temp_request_configuration_change; END; -- -------------- VIEW: UserOperation_contact_setting_change ---------------------