# Supporters.t -*- Perl -*- # Basic unit tests for Supporters.pm ######################### use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 25; use Test::Exception; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); =pod Supporters.t is the basic unit tests for Supporters.pm. It tests the following things: =over =item use command for the module. =cut BEGIN { use_ok('Supporters') }; require 't/CreateTestDB.pl'; my $dbh = get_test_dbh(); =item Public-facing methods of the module, as follows: =over =item new =cut my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, "testcmd"); is($dbh, $sp->dbh(), "new: verify dbh set"); is("testcmd", $sp->ledgerCmd(), "new: verify ledgerCmd set"); =pod =item addSupporter =cut dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({}) } "addSupporter: ledger_entity_id required"; my $id1; lives_ok { $id1 = $sp->addSupporter({ ledger_entity_id => "Campbell-Peter" }); } "addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings"; ok( (looks_like_number($id1) and $id1 > 0), "addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings"); dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({ public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }) } "addSupporter: display_name required"; my $drapperId; lives_ok { $drapperId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Donald Drapper", public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }); } "addSupporter: public_ack set to true with a display_name given"; ok( (looks_like_number($drapperId) and $drapperId > $id1), "addSupporter: add works with public_ack set to true and a display_name given"); =item addEmailAddress =cut dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress(undef, 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); } "addEmailAddress: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress("String", 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); } "addEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id"; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, undef, 'work') } "addEmailAddress: email address undefined fails"; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@ex@ample.org', 'work') } "addEmailAddress: email address with extra @ fails to add."; # Verify that the addressType wasn't added when the Email address is invalid # and the address type did not already exist. my $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM address_type WHERE name = 'work'", 'id'); ok((not defined $val or not defined $val->{'id'}), "addEmailAddress: type is not added with email address is bad"); my $drapperEmailId; lives_ok { $drapperEmailId = $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.org', 'work') } "addEmailAdress: inserting a valid email address works"; ok((looks_like_number($drapperEmailId) and $drapperEmailId > 0), "addEmailAddress: id returned is sane."); =item addAddressType =cut # This test cheats a bit -- it assumes that the database is assigning serials starting with 1 ok($sp->addAddressType('work') == 1, "addEmailAddress: verify addEmailAddress added the addressType underneath"); dies_ok { $sp->addAddressType(undef); } "addAddressType: dies for undef"; my $paypalPayerAddressType; ok($paypalPayerAddressType = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: basic add works"); my $same; ok($same = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: lookup works"); ok($same == $paypalPayerAddressType, "addAddressType: lookup returns same as the basic add"); =back =item Internal methods used only by the module itself. =over =item _verifyId =cut ok( $sp->_verifyId($drapperId), "_verifyId: id just added exists"); dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId(undef); } "_verifyId: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId("String") } "_verifyId: dies for non-numeric id"; # This is a hacky way to test this; but should work ok(not ($sp->_verifyId($drapperId + 10)), "_verifyId: non-existent id is not found"); =pod =back =back =cut $dbh->disconnect(); ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c Supporters.t" # End: