# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later

use strict;
use warnings;

use autodie qw(open close chdir);
use DBI;
use Encode qw(encode decode);

use YAML::XS qw(LoadFile);

use LaTeX::Encode;

use Supporters;
use utf8;
use IPC::Shareable;

require 'bean-query-daemon-lib.pl';
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";

if (@ARGV < 9) {
  exit 1;

$VERBOSE = 0 if not defined $VERBOSE;

my($sizeCounts) = LoadFile $SIZE_COUNT_FILE;

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "",
                               { RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 })
  or die $DBI::errstr;

my $fileName = BeancountQuerySubmit(<<SUPPORTESR_DB_READ
SELECT ANY_META("program") as program, date, ANY_META("entity") as entity, NUMBER(COST(position))
    WHERE account ~ "^Income" AND ANY_META("project") ~ "Conservancy"
      AND ANY_META("program") ~ "Conservancy:Supporters:" AND NOT ANY_META("entity") ~ "^\\s*\$"
                                        , 'text');
open(my $fh, "<", $fileName);
my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, $fh, { monthly => $MONTHLY_SEARCH_REGEX, annual => $ANNUAL_SEARCH_REGEX});

my(@supporterIds) = $sp->findDonor({});

my $overallCount = 0;
my %lines;

my @typeList;
my @oldTypeList;
if ($T_SHIRT_STYLE eq 'fy2018design') {
  @typeList = qw/t-shirt-fy2018design-0 t-shirt-vintage-0/;
  @oldTypeList = qw/t-shirt-0 t-shirt-1 t-shirt-extra-0 t-shirt-extra-1/;
} elsif ($T_SHIRT_STYLE == 0) {
  @typeList = qw/t-shirt-0 t-shirt-extra-0/; 
} elsif ($T_SHIRT_STYLE == 1) {
  @oldTypeList = qw/t-shirt-0 t-shirt-extra-0/;
  @typeList = qw/t-shirt-1 t-shirt-extra-1/; 
} else {
  die "Unknown t-shirt style given: $T_SHIRT_STYLE";

my %requestData;

my $totalSent = 0;
foreach my $id (@supporterIds) {
  my $lastGaveDate = $sp->donorLastGave($id);
  my $totalDonated = $sp->donorTotalGaveInPeriod(donorId => $id);
  $lastGaveDate = "0000-01-01" if not defined $lastGaveDate;
  my $ledgerEntityId = $sp->getLedgerEntityId($id);
  foreach my $type (@typeList, @oldTypeList) {
    my $request = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $id, requestType => $type,
                                    ignoreHeldRequests => 1, ignoreFulfilledRequests => 1 });
    if (defined $request and defined $request->{requestType}) {
      $requestData{$id}{lastGaveDate} = $lastGaveDate unless defined $requestData{$id}{lastGaveDate};
      $requestData{$id}{oldestShirtDate} = '9999-12-31' unless defined $requestData{$id}{oldestShirtDate};
      $requestData{$id}{forSortingbySize} = "" unless defined $requestData{$id}{forSortingbySize};
      $requestData{$id}{forSorting_trueVintageCount} = 0 unless defined $requestData{$id}{forSorting_trueVintageCount};

      $requestData{$id}{forSorting_trueVintageCount}++ if ($type =~ /vint/i);
      print STDERR "$id: $type, need vint $requestData{$id}{forSorting_trueVintageCount}\n" if ($type =~ /vint/i);

      $requestData{$id}{shirts}{$request->{requestType}} = $request;
      $requestData{$id}{forSortingbySize} = $request->{requestConfiguration}
        if ($requestData{$id}{forSortingbySize} eq "" and defined $request->{requestConfiguration});
      $requestData{$id}{oldestShirtDate} = $request->{requestDate} if ($request->{requestDate} lt $requestData{$id}{oldestShirtDate});
      $requestData{$id}{total} = $totalDonated;
sub sortFunction($$) { ($requestData{$_[1]}{forSorting_trueVintageCount} <=> $requestData{$_[0]}{forSorting_trueVintageCount}) or
                       (($requestData{$_[0]}{lastGaveDate} ge '2020-11-01')
                        <=> ($requestData{$_[1]}{lastGaveDate} ge '2020-11-01')) or
  return (           ($requestData{$_[0]}{oldestShirtDate} cmp $requestData{$_[1]}{oldestShirtDate} or
                      $requestData{$_[0]}{lastGaveDate} cmp $requestData{$_[1]}{lastGaveDate}) or
                     ($requestData{$_[0]}{forSortingbySize} cmp $requestData{$_[1]}{forSortingbySize}) or
                     ($_[0] <=> $_[1]));
my %need;
foreach my $id (sort { sortFunction($a, $b); } keys %requestData) {
  my %emails;
  my $email = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($id);
  if (defined $email) {
    $emails{$email} = {};
  } else {
    %emails = $sp->getEmailAddresses($id);
  my(@emails) = keys(%emails);

  next if $id == 20; # Skip bkuhn, he can wait forever for shirts if needed.
  my $bestPostal = $sp->getBestPostalAddress($id);
  unless (defined $bestPostal) {
    warn "Supporter $id: unable to find best postal address!";
  my $hasOrGets2018 = 0;
  my $request = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $id, requestType => 't-shirt-fy2018design-0', ignoreHeldRequests => 1});
  $hasOrGets2018 = 1 if (defined $request);
  my $remainingQualifyingDonations = $requestData{$id}{total};
  next if $remainingQualifyingDonations < 60.00;   # Must have given at least $60 to get a shirt.
  my $outputSoFar = "$id:\n" . "    oldest request: $requestData{$id}{oldestShirtDate}\n" .
   "    lastGave:       $requestData{$id}{lastGaveDate}\n" .
   "    total:          " . sprintf('%8.2f', $requestData{$id}{total}) ."\n" .
   "    emails:         " . join(", ", @emails) . "\n" .
   "    shirts:  $id,";
  my $requestDates = "";
  foreach my $type (sort { $requestData{$id}{shirts}{$a}{requestDate} cmp $requestData{$id}{shirts}{$b}{requestDate} } keys %{$requestData{$id}{shirts}}) {
    my $outputType = $type;
    my $size = $requestData{$id}{shirts}{$type}{requestConfiguration};
    die "$id $type request has no size!" unless defined $size;
    last if $remainingQualifyingDonations < 60.00;
    if ($hasOrGets2018) {
      if ($type =~ /2018/) {
        $outputType = "2018design";
      } elsif ($type =~ /vint/i) {
        $outputType = "vintage";
      } else {
        $outputType = "any";
    } elsif ($type !~ /vint/i) {
      $outputType = "2018design";
      $hasOrGets2018 = 1;
    $size = "Standard$size" if $size =~ /^Ladies/;
    die "Supporter $id: $outputType: $type: $size: invalid size \"$size\""
      unless ($outputType ne 'any' and defined $sizeCounts->{$outputType}{$size})
               or ($outputType eq 'any' and defined $sizeCounts->{vintage}{$size});
    if ($outputType eq 'any' and $sizeCounts->{vintage}{$size} > 0) {
      $outputType = 'vintage';
    } elsif ($outputType eq 'any' and $sizeCounts->{'vintage-green'}{$size} > 0 and $hasOrGets2018) {
      $outputType = 'vintage';
    } elsif ($outputType eq 'any') {
      $outputType = '2018design';
    die "Supporter $id: $outputType: $type: $size: How are we still any?" if $outputType eq 'any';
    if ($sizeCounts->{$outputType}{$size} < 0) {
      die "Somehow size count for $outputType, $size got to be less than zero!!!";
    } elsif ($sizeCounts->{$outputType}{$size} == 0) {
      $need{$outputType}{$size} = 0 unless defined $need{$outputType}{$size};
      if ($outputType eq 'vintage') {
        warn "Supporter $id: $type: $size: needs a vintage shirt *specifically* which we do not have";
      $remainingQualifyingDonations -= 60.00;
    # Continue on only if we have sizes left
    if ($requestDates ne "") {
      $requestDates .= ", ";
      $outputSoFar .= ",";
    $outputSoFar .= "${size}_$outputType";
    $requestDates .= $requestData{$id}{shirts}{$type}{requestDate};
  next if $requestDates eq "";
  print "#" x 75;
  print "\n$outputSoFar";
  print "\n          Request Dates: $requestDates\n";
  print "    LedgerEntityId: ", $sp->getLedgerEntityId($id), "\n";
  print "    Display name: \"", $sp->getDisplayName($id), "\"\n";
  print "    Postal Address:\n$bestPostal\n";

my $totalNeed = 0;
foreach my $type (sort { $a cmp $b  } keys %$sizeCounts) {
  print "$type:\n";
  foreach my $size (sort { $a cmp $b  } keys %{$sizeCounts->{$type}}) {
    print "  $size: $sizeCounts->{$type}{$size}\n";
foreach my $type (sort { $a cmp $b  } keys %need) {
  print "$type:\n";
  foreach my $size (sort { $a cmp $b  } keys %{$need{$type}}) {
    print "  $size: $need{$type}{$size}\n";
    $totalNeed += $need{$type}{$size};
print "TOTAL SENT: $totalSent  ; TOTAL NEED: $totalNeed\n";
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c t-shirts-label-print.plx"
# End: