package Supporters; use 5.020002; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use Supporters ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( ); our $VERSION = '0.02'; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number blessed); use Mail::RFC822::Address; ###################################################################### =begin new Create new Supporters object. Arguments: =over =item $dbh Scalar references for the database handle from the L, already opened and pointing to the right database. This class will take over and control the DBI object after C completes. =item $ledgerCmd Scalar string that contains the main ledger command (without arguments) to run for looking up Supporter donation data. =back =cut sub new ($$) { my $package = shift; my($dbh, $ledgerCmd) = @_; my $self = bless({ dbh => $dbh, ledgerCmd => $ledgerCmd }, $package); die "new: first argument must be a database handle" unless (defined $dbh and blessed($dbh) =~ /DBI/); # Turn off AutoCommit, and create our own handler that resets the # begin_work/commit reference counter. $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0; $dbh->{HandleError} = sub { $self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} = 0; die $_[0]; }; $self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} = 0; return $self; } ###################################################################### =begin dbh Accessor method, returns the database handle currently used by this Supporters object. =cut sub dbh ($) { return $_[0]->{dbh}; } ###################################################################### =begin ledgerCmd Accessor method, returns the ledger command currently used by this Supporters object. =cut sub ledgerCmd ($) { return $_[0]->{ledgerCmd}; } ###################################################################### sub addSupporter ($$) { my($self, $sp) = @_; die "ledger_entity_id required" unless defined $sp->{ledger_entity_id}; $sp->{public_ack} = 0 if not defined $sp->{public_ack}; if ($sp->{public_ack}) { die "display_name required if public_ack requested" unless defined $sp->{display_name}; } $self->_beginWork; my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO supporter(ledger_entity_id, display_name, public_ack)" . " values(?, ?, ?)"); $sth->execute($sp->{ledger_entity_id}, $sp->{display_name}, $sp->{public_ack}); my $id = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sth->finish(); $self->addEmailAddress($id, $sp->{email_address}, $sp->{email_address_type}) if defined $sp->{email_address}; $self->_commit; return $id; } ###################################################################### =begin addAddressType Adds an address type, or returns the existing one of that name if it already exists. Arguments: =over =item $addressType Scalar string that contains the email address type. die() is called if not defined. =back Returns id of the address type. =cut sub addAddressType($$) { my($self, $type) = @_; die "addAddressType: type argument must be defined" if not defined $type; my $val = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = '$type'", 'name'); return $val->{$type}{id} if (defined $val and defined $val->{$type} and defined $val->{$type}{id}); my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO address_type(name) VALUES(?)"); $sth->execute($type); my $id = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sth->finish(); return $id; } ###################################################################### =begin addEmailAddress Arguments: =over =item $id Valid supporter id number currently in the database. die() will occur if the id number is not in the database already as a supporter id. =item $emailAddress Scalar string that contains an email address. die() will occur if the email address isn't properly formatted. =item $emailAddressType Scalar string that contains the email address type. This type will be created in the database if it does not already exist, so be careful. =back Returns the id value of the email_address entry. =cut sub addEmailAddress($$$$) { my($self, $id, $emailAddress, $emailAddressType) = @_; die "addEmailAddress: invalid id, $id" unless $self->_verifyId($id); die "addEmailAddress: invalid email address, $emailAddressType" unless defined $emailAddressType and Mail::RFC822::Address::valid($emailAddress); $self->_beginWork(); my $addressTypeId; eval { $addressTypeId = $self->addAddressType($emailAddressType); }; if ($@ or not defined $addressTypeId) { my $err = $@; $err = "addEmailAddress: unable to addAddressType" if (not defined $err); $self->_rollback(); die $@ if $@; } my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO email_address(email_address, type_id, date_encountered)" . "VALUES( ?, ?, date('now'))"); $sth->execute($emailAddress, $addressTypeId); my $addressId = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sth->finish(); $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO supporter_email_address_mapping" . "(supporter_id, email_address_id) " . "VALUES( ?, ?)"); $sth->execute($id, $addressId); $sth->finish(); $self->_commit(); return $addressId; } ###################################################################### =begin addPostalAddress Arguments: =over =item $id Valid supporter id number currently in the database. die() will occur if the id number is not in the database already as a supporter id. =item $formattedPostalAddress Scalar string that contains a multi-line, fully formatted, postal address. =item $addressType Scalar string that contains the address type. This type will be created in the database if it does not already exist, so be careful. =back Returns the id value of the postal_address table entry. =cut sub addPostalAddress($$$$) { my($self, $id, $formattedPostalAddress, $addressType) = @_; die "addPostalAddress: invalid id, $id" unless $self->_verifyId($id); die "addPostalAddress: the formatted postal address must be defined" unless defined $formattedPostalAddress; $self->_beginWork(); my $addressTypeId; eval { $addressTypeId = $self->addAddressType($addressType); }; if ($@ or not defined $addressTypeId) { my $err = $@; $err = "addPostalAddress: unable to addAddressType" if (not defined $err); $self->_rollback(); die $@ if $@; } my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO postal_address(formatted_address, type_id, date_encountered)" . "VALUES( ?, ?, date('now'))"); $sth->execute($formattedPostalAddress, $addressTypeId); my $addressId = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sth->finish(); $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO supporter_postal_address_mapping" . "(supporter_id, postal_address_id) " . "VALUES( ?, ?)"); $sth->execute($id, $addressId); $sth->finish(); $self->_commit(); return $addressId; } ###################################################################### =begin getRequestType Arguments: =over =item type A string describing the request. =back Returns the id value of the request_type entry. undef is returned if there is no request of that type. =cut sub getRequestType($$) { my($self, $type) = @_; return undef if not defined $type; my $val = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, type FROM request_type WHERE type = '$type'", 'type'); return $val->{$type}{id} if (defined $val and defined $val->{$type} and defined $val->{$type}{id}); return undef; } ###################################################################### =begin addRequestType Arguments: =over =item type A string describing the request. die()'s if not defined. =back Returns the id value of the request_type entry. If the type already exists, it is simply returned. =cut sub addRequestType($$) { my($self, $requestType) = @_; die "addRequestType: undefined request type." unless defined $requestType; my $requestId = $self->getRequestType($requestType); return $requestId if (defined $requestId); $self->_beginWork(); my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO request_type(type) VALUES(?)"); $sth->execute($requestType); $requestId = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sth->finish(); $self->_commit(); return $requestId; } ###################################################################### =begin getRequestConfigurations Arguments: =over =item type A string describing the request_type. =back Returns undef if the request_type is not found in the database. If the reuqest type is is no request of that type. =cut sub getRequestConfigurations($$) { my($self, $type) = @_; return undef if not defined $type; my $typeId = $self->getRequestType($type); return undef if not defined $typeId; my %descriptions; my $dbData = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT description, id FROM request_configuration " . "WHERE request_type_id = " . $self->dbh->quote($typeId, 'SQL_INTEGER'), 'description'); foreach my $description (keys %$dbData) { $descriptions{$description} = $dbData->{$description}{id}; } return { $typeId => \%descriptions }; } ###################################################################### =begin addRequestConfigurations Arguments: =over =item type A string describing the request type. This will be created if it does not already exist, so be careful. =item descriptionListRef A list reference to the list of configuration descriptions to associate with this requestId. Duplicates aren't permitted in this list, and die()'s if duplicates exist. =back Returns a hash in the form of: $requestTypeId => { description => $requestConfigurationId } =cut sub addRequestConfigurations($$$) { my($self, $requestType, $descriptionListRef) = @_; die "addRequestConfigurations: undefined request type." unless defined $requestType; $self->_beginWork(); my $requestId = $self->addRequestType($requestType); if (not defined $requestType) { $self->_rollback(); die "addRequestConfigurations: unable to create request configurations"; } my %descriptions; my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO request_configuration(request_type_id, description) " . "VALUES(?, ?)"); foreach my $description (@{$descriptionListRef}) { if (defined $descriptions{$description}) { $self->_rollback(); die "addRequestConfigurations: attempt to create duplicate request_configuration \"$description\" for requestType, \"$requestType\""; } $sth->execute($requestId, $description); $descriptions{$description} = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); } $sth->finish(); $self->_commit(); return { $requestId => \%descriptions }; } ###################################################################### =begin addRequest Arguments: =over =item $parmas A hash reference, the following keys are considered: =over =item supporterId Valid supporter_id number currently in the database. die() will occur if the id number is not in the database already as a supporter id. =item requestTypeId Numeric id of a request_type entry. This must be a valid id in the request_type table, otherwise the method L()s. requestType is ignored if this parameter is set. =item requestType If requestTypeId is not given, requestType will be used. The type is added to the request_type table if it is not present, so be careful. =item requestConfigurationId Numeric id of a request_configuration entry. This must be a valid id in the request_configuration table, otherwise the method L()s. =item requestConfiguration If requestConfigurationId is not given, requestConfiguration will be used. This configuration will be added to the request_configuration table if it is not present, so be careful. =back =back Returns the id value of the request entry. =cut sub addRequest($$) { my($self, $params) = @_; die "addRequest: undefined supporterId" unless defined $params->{supporterId}; my $supporterId = $params->{supporterId}; die "addRequest: supporterId, \"$supporterId\" not found in supporter database" unless $self->_verifyId($supporterId); $self->_beginWork; $self->_getOrCreateRequestType($params); $self->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration($params) if (defined $params->{requestConfiguration} or defined $params->{requestConfigurationId}); # After those two calls above, I know I have requestTypeId and # requestConfigurationId are accurate. Note that # $params->{requestConfigurationId} can be undef, which is permitted in the # database schema. my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO request(supporter_id, request_type_id, request_configuration_id, notes, date_requested) " . "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, date('now'))"); $sth->execute($supporterId, $params->{requestTypeId}, $params->{requestConfigurationId}, $params->{notes}); my $id = $self->dbh->last_insert_id("","","",""); $self->_commit; return $id; } ###################################################################### =begin fufillRequest Arguments: =over =item $parmas A hash reference, the following keys are considered: =over =item supporterId Valid supporter_id number currently in the database. die() will occur if the id number is not in the database already as a supporter id. =item requestType requestType of the request to be fulfilled. die() will occur if this is undefined. undef is returned if there is no unfufilled request of requestType in the database for supporter identified by C<$params->{supporterId}> =item who A scalar string representing the person that fulfilled the request. die() will occur if C<$params->{who}> is not defined. =item how A scalar string describing how the request was fufilled. It can safely be undefined. =back =back Returns the id value of the request entry. =cut sub fufillRequest($$) { my($self, $params) = @_; die "fufillRequest: undefined supporterId" unless defined $params->{supporterId}; my $supporterId = $params->{supporterId}; die "fufillRequest: supporterId, \"$supporterId\" not found in supporter database" unless $self->_verifyId($supporterId); die "fufillRequest: undefined who" unless defined $params->{who}; die "fufillRequest: undefined requestType" unless defined $params->{requestType}; my $requestId = $self->getRequest($supporterId, $params->{requestType}); return undef if not defined $requestId; } ###################################################################### =head1 Non-Public Methods These methods are part of the internal implementation are not recommended for use outside of this module. =over =item _verifyId() Parameters: =over =item $self: current object. =item $id: A scalar numeric argument that is the to lookup =back Returns: scalar boolean, which is true iff. the $id is valid and already in the supporter database. =cut sub _verifyId($$) { my($self, $id) = @_; die "_verifyId() called with a non-numeric id" unless defined $id and looks_like_number($id); my $val = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM supporter WHERE id = " . $self->dbh->quote($id, 'SQL_INTEGER'), 'id'); return (defined $val and defined $val->{$id}); } =item _verifyRequestTypeId() Parameters: =over =item $self: current object. =item $requestTypeId: A scalar numeric argument that is the request type id to lookup =back Returns: scalar boolean, which is true iff. the $requestTypeId is valid and already in the supporter database's request_type table. =cut sub _verifyRequestTypeId($$) { my($self, $requestTypeId) = @_; die "_verifyRequestTypeId() called with a non-numeric id" unless defined $requestTypeId and looks_like_number($requestTypeId); my $val = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM request_type WHERE id = " . $self->dbh->quote($requestTypeId, 'SQL_INTEGER'), 'id'); return (defined $val and defined $val->{$requestTypeId}); } =item _getOrCreateRequestType Arguments: =over =item $params (hash reference) This hash reference usually contains other paramaters, too, but this method looks only at the keys C and C. If C is set, it simply deletes the C parameter and verifies c is in the request_type table. =cut sub _getOrCreateRequestType($$) { my($self, $params) = @_; if (not defined $params->{requestTypeId}) { $params->{requestTypeId} = $self->addRequestType($params->{requestType}); } else { my $id = $params->{requestTypeId}; die "_getOrCreateRequestType(): called with a non-numeric requestTypeId" unless defined $id and looks_like_number($id); my $val = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM request_type WHERE id = " . $self->dbh->quote($id, 'SQL_INTEGER'), 'id'); die "_getOrCreateRequestType(): given requestTypeId, $id, is invalid" unless (defined $val and defined $val->{$id}); } delete $params->{requestType}; } =item _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration Arguments: =over =item $params (hash reference) This hash reference usually contains other paramaters, too, but this method looks only at the keys C, C and C. If C is set, it simply deletes the C parameter and verifies c is in the request_type table. =cut sub _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration($$) { my($self, $params) = @_; die "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: requestTypeId is required" unless defined $params->{requestTypeId}; my $requestTypeId = $params->{requestTypeId}; die "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: requestTypeId must be a number" unless looks_like_number($requestTypeId); my $val = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, type FROM request_type WHERE id = " . $self->dbh->quote($requestTypeId, 'SQL_INTEGER'), 'id'); die "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: unknown requestTypeId, \"$requestTypeId\"" unless (defined $val and defined $val->{$requestTypeId} and defined $val->{$requestTypeId}{type}); my $requestType = $val->{$requestTypeId}{type}; my $existingRequestConfig = $self->getRequestConfigurations($requestType); die "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: requestTypeId is unknown" unless (keys(%$existingRequestConfig) == 1); if (not defined $params->{requestConfigurationId}) { die "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: requestConfiguration is not defined" unless defined $params->{requestConfiguration}; if (defined $existingRequestConfig->{$requestTypeId}{$params->{requestConfiguration}}) { $params->{requestConfigurationId} = $existingRequestConfig->{$requestTypeId}{$params->{requestConfiguration}}; } else { $existingRequestConfig = $self->addRequestConfigurations($requestType, [ $params->{requestConfiguration} ]); $params->{requestConfigurationId} = $existingRequestConfig->{$requestTypeId}{$params->{requestConfiguration}}; } } else { my $id = $params->{requestConfigurationId}; die "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(): called with a non-numeric requestConfigurationId, \"$id\"" unless defined $id and looks_like_number($id); my $found = 0; foreach my $foundId (values %{$existingRequestConfig->{$requestTypeId}}) { if ($foundId == $id) { $found = 1; last; } } die "_getOrCreateRequestType(): given requestConfigurationId, \"$id\", is invalid" unless defined $found; } delete $params->{requestConfiguration}; return $params->{requestConfigurationId}; } =item _beginWork() Parameters: =over =item $self: current object. =back Returns: None. This method is a reference counter to keep track of nested begin_work()/commit(). =cut sub _beginWork($) { my($self) = @_; if ($self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} < 0) { die "_beginWork: Mismatched begin_work/commit pair in API implementation"; $self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} = 0; } $self->dbh->begin_work() if ($self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}++ == 0); } =item _commit() Parameters: =over =item $self: current object. =back Returns: None. This method is a reference counter to keep track of nested begin_work() transactions to verify we don't nest $self->dbh->begin_work() =cut sub _commit($) { my($self) = @_; if ($self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} < 0) { die "_commit: Mismatched begin_work/commit pair in API implementation"; $self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} = 0; } $self->dbh->commit() if (--$self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} == 0); } =item _rollback() Parameters: =over =item $self: current object. =back Returns: None. This method resets the reference counter entirely and calls $dbh->rollback. =cut sub _rollback($) { my($self) = @_; $self->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__} = 0; $self->dbh->rollback(); } =back =cut 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Supporters - Simple database of supporters of an organation. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Supporters; =head1 DESCRIPTION Supporters is an extremely lightweight alternative to larger systems like CiviCRM to manage a database of Supporters. The module assumes a setup that works with Ledger-CLI to find the actual amounts donated. =head2 EXPORT None by default. =head1 AUTHOR Bradley M. Kuhn, =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE See and in the main distribution of this software. License: AGPLv3-or-later =cut ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c" # End: