#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Encode qw(encode decode); use Supporters; my($OLD_SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE, $NEW_SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE) = @ARGV; my $dbhOld = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$OLD_SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr; my $dbhNew = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$NEW_SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr; my $sp = new Supporter($dbhNew, "/usr/bin/ledger"); # Insert t-shirt types and sizes my @sizes = qw/LadiesS LadiesM LadiesL LadiesXL MenS MenM MenL MenXL Men2XL/; my $tShirt0 = $sp->addRequestConfigurations("t-shirt-0", \@sizes); my $thShirt1 = $sp->addRequestConfigurations("t-shirt-1", \@sizes); my $tShirt0RequestTypeId = (keys %{$tShirt0})[0]; my $tShirt1RequestTypeId = (keys %{$tShirt0})[0]; my %tShirt0SizeRequestConfigurationIds = %{$tShirt0->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}}; my $announceEmailListRequestTypeId = $sp->addRequestType("join-announce-email-list"); # Only one email Adress type so far my $sthNew = $dbhNew->prepare("INSERT INTO address_type(name) values('paypal_payer')"); $sthNew->execute(); my $paypalPayerTypeId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sthNew->finish(); # Legacy fulfillment confirmation $sthNew = $dbhNew->prepare("INSERT INTO fulfillment(date, who, how)" . "values(date('now'), 'bkuhn', 'legacy import of old database; exact details of this fulfillment are unknown')"); $sthNew->execute(); my $fulfillmentId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sthNew->finish(); my $sthInsertEmailAddress = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO email_address(email_address, type_id, date_encountered)' . "values(?, $paypalPayerTypeId, date('now'))"); my $sthLinkSupporterToPostal = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO supporter_postal_address_mapping(supporter_id, postal_address_id, preferred)' . "values(?, ?, 1)"); my $sthInsertRequest = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO request' . '(supporter_id, request_type_id, request_configuration_id, date_requested, fulfillment_id, notes) ' . "values(?, ?, ?, date('now'), ?," . '"import of old database; exact date of this request is unknown")'); my $sthPostalAddress = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO postal_address(formatted_address, type_id, date_encountered)' . "VALUES(?, $paypalPayerTypeId, date('now'))"); my $sthOld = $dbhOld->prepare('SELECT * from supporters order by id;'); $sthOld->execute(); while (my $row = $sthOld->fetchrow_hashref) { $row->{email_address_type} = 'paypal'; $row->{email_address} = $row->{paypal_payer}; my $supporterId = $sp->addSupporter($row); die("Database conversion failed on id matching: $row->{ledger_entity_id} had ID $row->{id} now has $supporterId") unless ($row->{id} == $supporterId); if ($row->{want_gift}) { die "DB Convert Fail: Unknown shirt size of $row->{shirt_size} when someone wanted a shirt" unless defined $tShirt0SizeRequestConfigurationIds{$row->{shirt_size}}; $sthInsertRequest->execute($supporterId, $tShirt0RequestTypeId, $tShirt0SizeRequestConfigurationIds{$row->{shirt_size}}, ($row->{gift_sent} ? $fulfillmentId : undef)); } if ($row->{join_list}) { $sthInsertRequest->execute($supporterId, $announceEmailListRequestTypeId, undef, ($row->{on_announce_mailman_list} ? $fulfillmentId : undef)); } $sthPostalAddress->execute($row->{formatted_address}); my $postalId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","",""); $sthLinkSupporterToPostal->execute($supporterId, $postalId); } foreach my $sth (($sthOld, $sthOld, $sthInsertEmailAddress, $sthInsertRequest, $sthPostalAddress, $sthLinkSupporterToPostal,)) { $sth->finish(); } foreach my $dbh ($dbhNew, $dbhOld) { $dbhNew->disconnect(); } ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c db-convert-0.1-to-0.2.plx" # End: