#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use autodie qw(open close); use DBI; use Encode qw(encode decode); use Date::Manip::DM5; use Supporters; my $TODAY = UnixDate(ParseDate("today"), '%Y-%m-%d'); if (@ARGV < 7 ) { print STDERR "usage: $0 \n"; exit 1; } my($SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE, $REQUEST_NAME, $FROM_ADDRESS, $EMAIL_TEMPLATE, $MONTHLY_SEARCH_REGEX, $ANNUAL_SEARCH_REGEX, $VERBOSE, @LEDGER_CMN_LINE) = @ARGV; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr; my $sp = new Supporters($dbh, \@LEDGER_CMN_LINE, { monthly => $MONTHLY_SEARCH_REGEX, annual => $ANNUAL_SEARCH_REGEX}); my(@supporterIds) = $sp->findDonor({}); foreach my $supporterId (@supporterIds) { my $expiresOn = $sp->supporterExpirationDate($supporterId); my $isLapsed = ( (not defined $expiresOn) or $expiresOn lt $TODAY); my $request = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $REQUEST_NAME}); if (defined $request) { if (defined $request->{fulfillDate}) { print STDERR "$supporterId lapsed on $expiresOn but recorded as renewed on $request->{fulfillDate}\n" if ($isLapsed and $VERBOSE); } elsif (not $isLapsed) { $sp->fulfillRequest({donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $REQUEST_NAME, who => $supporterId, how => "apparent renewal not noticed during import"}); print STDERR "$supporterId now expires on $expiresOn, recording rewnewal of type $REQUEST_NAME\n" if $VERBOSE; } else { print STDERR "$supporterId received this renewal notice already on $request->{requestDate}\n" if $VERBOSE; } next; } print STDERR "$supporterId skipped since he is not lapsed\n" if ( (not $isLapsed) and $VERBOSE > 1); next if not $isLapsed; my %emails; my $email = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($supporterId); if (defined $email) { $emails{$email} = {}; } else { %emails = $sp->getEmailAddresses($supporterId); } my $lastDonateDate = $sp->donorLastGave($supporterId); open(MESSAGE, "<", $EMAIL_TEMPLATE); my @message; while (my $line = ) { $line =~ s/FIXME_LAST_DONATE_DATE/$lastDonateDate/g; push(@message, $line); } close MESSAGE; my $emailTo = join(' ', keys %emails); open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f \"$FROM_ADDRESS\" -oi -oem -- $emailTo $FROM_ADDRESS") or die "unable to run sendmail: $!"; print STDERR "Sending to $supporterId at $emailTo\n"; print SENDMAIL "To: ", join(', ', keys %emails), "\n"; print SENDMAIL @message; close SENDMAIL; sleep 1; $sp->addRequest({donorId => $supporterId, requestType => $REQUEST_NAME}); }