# Supporters.t -*- Perl -*- # Basic unit tests for Supporters.pm ######################### use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 160; use Test::Exception; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number reftype); use POSIX qw(strftime); # Yes, this may cause tests to fail if you run them near midnight. :) my $today = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", gmtime; =pod Supporters.t is the basic unit tests for Supporters.pm. It tests the following things: =over =item use command for the module. =cut BEGIN { use_ok('Supporters') }; require 't/CreateTestDB.pl'; my $dbh = get_test_dbh(); =item Public-facing methods of the module, as follows: =over =item new =cut my $sp; dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters(undef, "test"); } "new: dies when dbh is undefined."; dies_ok { $sp = new Supporters(bless({}, "Not::A::Real::Module"), "test"); } "new: dies when dbh is blessed into another module."; $sp = new Supporters($dbh, "testcmd"); is($dbh, $sp->dbh(), "new: verify dbh set"); is("testcmd", $sp->ledgerCmd(), "new: verify ledgerCmd set"); =pod =item addSupporter =cut dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({}) } "addSupporter: ledger_entity_id required"; my $id1; lives_ok { $id1 = $sp->addSupporter({ ledger_entity_id => "Campbell-Peter" }); } "addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings"; ok( (looks_like_number($id1) and $id1 > 0), "addSupporter: add works for minimal acceptable settings"); dies_ok { $sp->addSupporter({ public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }) } "addSupporter: display_name required"; my $drapperId; lives_ok { $drapperId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Donald Drapper", public_ack => 1, ledger_entity_id => "Whitman-Dick" }); } "addSupporter: public_ack set to true with a display_name given"; ok( (looks_like_number($drapperId) and $drapperId > $id1), "addSupporter: add works with public_ack set to true and a display_name given"); my $olsonId; lives_ok { $olsonId = $sp->addSupporter({ display_name => "Peggy Olson", public_ack => 0, ledger_entity_id => "Olson-Margaret", email_address => 'olson@example.net', email_address_type => 'home' }); } "addSupporter: succeeds with email address"; ok( (looks_like_number($olsonId) and $olsonId > $drapperId), "addSupporter: add succeeded with email address added."); my $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT donor_id, email_address_id " . "FROM donor_email_address_mapping " . "WHERE donor_id = " . $sp->dbh->quote($olsonId, 'SQL_INTEGER'), 'donor_id'); ok((defined $val and defined $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id} and $val->{$olsonId}{email_address_id} > 0), "addSuporter: email address mapping is created on addSupporter() w/ email address included"); =item addEmailAddress =cut $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'home'", 'name'); ok((defined $val and defined $val->{home}{id} and $val->{home}{id} > 0), "addSuporter/addEmailAddress: emailAddressType was added when new one given to addSupporter"); my $emailAddressTypeHomeId = $val->{home}{id}; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress(undef, 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); } "addEmailAddress: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress("String", 'drapper@example.org', 'paypal'); } "addEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id"; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, undef, 'work') } "addEmailAddress: email address undefined fails"; dies_ok { $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@ex@ample.org', 'work') } "addEmailAddress: email address with extra @ fails to add."; # Verify that the addressType wasn't added when the Email address is invalid # and the address type did not already exist. $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'work'", 'name'); ok((not defined $val or not defined $val->{'name'}), "addEmailAddress: type is not added with email address is bad"); my $drapperEmailId; lives_ok { $drapperEmailId = $sp->addEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.org', 'work') } "addEmailAdress: inserting a valid email address works"; ok((looks_like_number($drapperEmailId) and $drapperEmailId > 0), "addEmailAddress: id returned is sane."); =item addAddressType =cut # This test cheats a bit -- it assumes that the database is assigning serials starting with 1 ok($sp->addAddressType('work') > $emailAddressTypeHomeId, "addEmailAddress: verify addEmailAddress added the addressType underneath"); dies_ok { $sp->addAddressType(undef); } "addAddressType: dies for undef"; my $paypalPayerAddressType; ok($paypalPayerAddressType = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: basic add works"); my $same; ok($same = $sp->addAddressType("paypal payer"), "addAddressType: lookup works"); ok($same == $paypalPayerAddressType, "addAddressType: lookup returns same as the basic add"); =item addPostalAddress =cut dies_ok { $sp->addPostalAddress(undef, "405 Madison Avenue\nNew York, NY 10000\nUSA", 'office'); } "addPostalAddress: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->addPostalAddress("String", "405 Madison Avenue\nNew York, NY 10000\nUSA", 'office'); } "addPostalAddress: dies for non-numeric id"; dies_ok { $sp->addPostalAddress($drapperId, undef, 'work') } "addPostalAddress: postal address undefined fails"; # Verify that the addressType wasn't added when the Email address is invalid # and the address type did not already exist. $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, name FROM address_type WHERE name = 'office'", 'name'); ok((not defined $val or not defined $val->{'name'}), "addPostalAddress: type is not added when other input paramaters are invalid"); my $drapperPostalId; lives_ok { $drapperPostalId = $sp->addPostalAddress($drapperId, "405 Madison Avenue\nNew York, NY 10000\nUSA", 'office'); } "addPostalAddress: addPostalAddress of a valid formatted_address works."; ok((looks_like_number($drapperPostalId) and $drapperPostalId > 0), "addPostalAddress: id returned is sane."); =item addRequestType/getRequestType =cut dies_ok { $sp->addRequestType(undef); } "addRequestType: undef argument dies."; my $tShirt0RequestTypeId; ok( (not defined $sp->getRequestType('t-shirt-0')), "getRequestType: returns undef when not found"); lives_ok { $tShirt0RequestTypeId = $sp->addRequestType('t-shirt-0'); } "addRequestType: succeeds on add"; ok( (defined $tShirt0RequestTypeId and looks_like_number($tShirt0RequestTypeId) and $tShirt0RequestTypeId > 0), "addRequestType: id is a number"); my $testSameRequestType; lives_ok { $testSameRequestType = $sp->addRequestType('t-shirt-0'); } "addRequestType: succeeds on add when type already exists"; is $tShirt0RequestTypeId, $testSameRequestType, "addRequestType: lookup first of existing request type before adding."; =item addRequestConfigurations =cut dies_ok { $sp->addRequestConfigurations(undef, undef); } "addRequestConfigurations: undef type dies"; is_deeply({ $tShirt0RequestTypeId => {} }, $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-0'), "addRequestConfigurations: existing requestType with no configuration yields same"); my @sizeList = qw/LadiesS LadiesM LadiesL LadiesXL MenS MenM MenL MenXL Men2XL/; my $tShirt0Data; dies_ok { $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-1', [ @sizeList, 'Men2XL']) } "addRequestConfigurations: dies with duplicate items on configuration list."; is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "addRequestConfigurations: assure proper beginWork/commit matching."); is_deeply($sp->getRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-1'), undef, "addRequestConfigurations/getRequestConfigurations: add fails with undefined configuration list"); lives_ok { $tShirt0Data = $sp->addRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-0', \@sizeList) } "addRequestConfigurations: existing requestType with configuration runs."; is( keys %{$tShirt0Data}, ($tShirt0RequestTypeId), "addRequestConfigurations: reuses same requestTypeId on add of configurations"); is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "addRequestConfigurations: assure proper beginWork/commit matching."); my $cnt = 0; foreach my $size (@sizeList) { ok( (defined $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size} and looks_like_number($tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size}) and $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{$size} > 0), sprintf "addRequestConfigurations: item %d added correctly", $cnt++); } =item addRequest =cut dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({}); } "addRequest: dies if donorId not specified."; dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId }); } "addRequest: dies if requestTypeId / requestType not specified."; dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({ donorId => 0, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId }); } "addRequest: dies if donorId invalid."; dies_ok { $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => 0 }); } "addRequest: dies if requestTypeId invalid."; is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "addRequest: assure proper beginWork/commit matching."); my $emailListRequestId; lives_ok { $emailListRequestId = $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "join-announce-email-list" }); } "addRequest: succeeds with a requestType but no configuration parameter."; ok( (defined $emailListRequestId and looks_like_number($emailListRequestId) and $emailListRequestId > 0), "addRequest: id returned on successful addRequest() is a number"); my $joinEmailListRequestId = $sp->getRequestType("join-announce-email-list"); ok((defined $joinEmailListRequestId and looks_like_number($joinEmailListRequestId) and $joinEmailListRequestId > 0), "addRequest: underlying call to addRequestType works properly, per getRequestType"); my $tshirtSmallRequestId; lives_ok { $tshirtSmallRequestId = $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", requestConfiguration => 'Small', notes => 'he probably needs a larger size but this shirt has none'}); } "addRequest: succeeds with a requestType and requestConfiguration and a note."; ok( (defined $tshirtSmallRequestId and looks_like_number($tshirtSmallRequestId) and $tshirtSmallRequestId > 0), "addRequest: successful call returns an integer id."); my $tShirt0RequestId; lives_ok { $tShirt0RequestId = $sp->addRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId, requestConfigurationId => $tShirt0Data->{$tShirt0RequestTypeId}{'MenL'} }); } "addRequest: succeeds with a requestTypeId and requestConfigurationId with no a note."; ok( (defined $tShirt0RequestId and looks_like_number($tShirt0RequestId) and $tShirt0RequestId > 0), "addRequest: another successful call returns an integer id."); =item fulfillRequest =cut my $fulfillRequestId; dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'joe', how => "in-person delivery" }); } "fulfillRequest: dies if donorId not specified"; dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId + 1000, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'joe', how => "in-person delivery" }); } "fulfillRequest: dies if donorId not found in database"; dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, who => 'joe', how => "in-person delivery" }); } "fulfillRequest: dies if requestType not specified"; dies_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", how => "in-person delivery" }); } "fulfillRequest: dies if who not specified"; lives_ok { $fulfillRequestId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'joe', how => "in-person delivery" }); } "fulfillRequest: succeeds for existing request"; ok( (defined $fulfillRequestId and looks_like_number($fulfillRequestId) and $fulfillRequestId > 0), "fulfillRequest: id returned on successful fulfillRequest() is a number"); lives_ok { $val = $sp->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, date, who, how, request_id FROM fulfillment", 'id'); } "fulfillRequest: sql command in database for entry succeeds."; is_deeply($val, { $fulfillRequestId => { id => $fulfillRequestId, date => $today, how => 'in-person delivery', who => 'joe', request_id => $tshirtSmallRequestId } }, "fulfillRequest: databse entry from successful return is correct"); my $badFR; lives_ok { $badFR = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, who => 'john', requestType => "does-not-exist", how => "in-person delivery" }); } "fulfillRequest: attempt to fulfill a request never made does not die..."; ok( (not defined $badFR), "fulfillRequest: ... but, rather, returns undef."); is($sp->getRequestType("does-not-exist"), undef, "fulfillRequest: requestType not created when fulfillRequest fails."); my $lookedUpFulfillmentId; lives_ok { $lookedUpFulfillmentId = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only", who => 'peggy', how => "left in his office." }); } "fulfillRequest: attempt to fulfill an already-fulfill request does not die ..."; is($lookedUpFulfillmentId, $fulfillRequestId, "fulfillRequest: ... but, rather, returns the same value from the previous fulfillRequest() call."); my $newFRID; lives_ok { $newFRID = $sp->fulfillRequest( { donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId, who => 'john', how => "mailed" }); } "fulfillRequest: succeeds for existing request, using requestTypeId"; ok( (defined $newFRID and looks_like_number($newFRID) and $newFRID > 0 and ($newFRID != $fulfillRequestId)), "fulfillRequest: id returned on successful fulfillRequest() is a number and is not the one returned by previous"); =item getRequest =cut dies_ok { $sp->getRequest({} ); } "getRequest: dies if donorId not specified."; dies_ok { $sp->getRequest({ donorId => 0, requestType => "t-shirt-small-only" }); } "getRequest: dies if donorId invalid."; dies_ok { $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => undef}); } "getRequest: dies if requestType not specified."; my $tt; lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => 'this-one-is-not-there' }); } "getRequest: returns normally with non-existent request."; is($tt, undef, "getRequest: returns undef for valid supporter and on-existent request."); lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestType => 't-shirt-small-only' }); } "getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters, using requestType."; is($tt->{requestType}, 't-shirt-small-only', "getRequest: requestType is correct."); is($tt->{fulfillDate}, $today, "getRequest: fulfilled request is today."); is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today."); is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, 'Small', "getRequest: configuration is correct."); is($tt->{notes}, 'he probably needs a larger size but this shirt has none', "getRequest: notes are correct."); lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({donorId => $drapperId, requestTypeId => $tShirt0RequestTypeId } ); } "getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters, using requestTypeId."; is($tt->{requestType}, 't-shirt-0', "getRequest: requestType is correct."); is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today."); is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, 'MenL', "getRequest: configuration is correct."); is($tt->{notes}, undef, "getRequest: notes are undef when null in database."); lives_ok { $tt = $sp->getRequest({ donorId => $drapperId, requestType => "join-announce-email-list" }); } "getRequest: succeeds with valid parameters."; is($tt->{requestType}, "join-announce-email-list", "getRequest: requestType is correct."); is($tt->{requestDate}, $today, "getRequest: request date is today."); is($tt->{requestConfiguration}, undef, "getRequest: configuration is undefined when there is none."); is($tt->{notes}, undef, "getRequest: notes are undef when null in database."); =item getRequestConfigurations =cut my $tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId; lives_ok { $tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId = $sp->getRequestType('t-shirt-small-only'); } "addRequest: added request type"; my $tShirtSmallOnlyData = $sp->getRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-small-only'); is(scalar keys %{$tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}}, 1, "addRequest: just one configuration added correctly"); ok( (defined $tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}{'Small'} and looks_like_number($tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}{'Small'}) and $tShirtSmallOnlyData->{$tShirtSmallOnlyRequestId}{'Small'} > 0), "addRequest: configuration added correctly"); is undef, $sp->getRequestConfigurations(undef), "getRequestConfigurations: undef type returns undef"; is undef, $sp->getRequestConfigurations('Hae2Ohlu'), "getRequestConfigurations: non-existent type returns undef"; is_deeply $tShirt0Data, $sp->getRequestConfigurations('t-shirt-0'), "getRequestConfigurations: lookup of previously added items is same"; =item setPreferredEmailAddress/getPreferredEmailAddress =cut dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress(undef, 'drapper@example.org'); } "setPreferredEmailAddress: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress("String", 'drapper@example.org'); } "setPreferredEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id"; dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, undef) } "setPreferredEmailAddress: email address undefined fails"; dies_ok { $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@ex@ample.org') } "setPreferredEmailAddress: email address with extra @ fails to add."; dies_ok { $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress(undef); } "getPreferredEmailAddress: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress("String"); } "getPreferredEmailAddress: dies for non-numeric id"; my $ret; lives_ok { $ret = $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.com') } "setPreferredEmailAddress: email address not found in database does not die...."; is($ret, undef, "setPreferredEmailAddress: ....but returns undef"); lives_ok { $ret = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId) } "getPreferredEmailAddress: no preferred does not die...."; is($ret, undef, "getPreferredEmailAddress: ....but returns undef"); lives_ok { $ret = $sp->setPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId, 'drapper@example.org') } "setPreferredEmailAddress: setting preferred email address succeeds...."; ok( (defined $ret and looks_like_number($ret) and $ret == $drapperEmailId), "setPreferredEmailAddress: ... and returns correct email_address_id on success"); is($sp->{__NESTED_TRANSACTION_COUNTER__}, 0, "setPreferredEmailAddress: assure proper beginWork/commit matching."); lives_ok { $ret = $sp->getPreferredEmailAddress($drapperId) } "getPreferredEmailAddress: lookup of known preferred email address succeeds... "; is($ret, 'drapper@example.org', "getPreferredEmailAddress: ....and returns the correct value."); =back =item Internal methods used only by the module itself. =over =item _verifyId =cut ok( $sp->_verifyId($drapperId), "_verifyId: id just added exists"); dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId(undef); } "_verifyId: dies for undefined id"; dies_ok { $sp->_verifyId("String") } "_verifyId: dies for non-numeric id"; # This is a hacky way to test this; but should work ok(not ($sp->_verifyId($drapperId + 10)), "_verifyId: non-existent id is not found"); $sp = undef; sub ResetDB($) { $_[0]->disconnect() if defined $_[0]; my $tempDBH = get_test_dbh(); my $tempSP = new Supporters($tempDBH, "testcmd"); return ($tempDBH, $tempSP); } my($tempDBH, $tempSP) = ResetDB($dbh); =item _getOrCreateRequestType =cut dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType({ }); } "_getOrCreateRequestType: dies on empty hash"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType({ requestTypeId => "NoStringsPlease" }); } "_getOrCreateRequestType: dies for string request id"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType({ requestTypeId => 0 }); } "_getOrCreateRequestType: dies for non-existant requestTypeId"; my %hh = ( requestType => 'test-request' ); lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType(\%hh); } "_getOrCreateRequestType: succeeds with just requestType"; my $rr; lives_ok { $rr = $tempSP->getRequestType("test-request"); } "_getOrCreateRequestType: lookup of a request works after _getOrCreateRequestType"; is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr }, "_getOrCreateRequestType: lookup of a request works after _getOrCreateRequestType"); %hh = ( requestTypeId => $rr, requestType => 'this-arg-matters-not' ); lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestType(\%hh); } "_getOrCreateRequestType: lookup of existing requestType suceeds."; is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr }, "_getOrCreateRequestType: deletes requestType if both are provided."); dies_ok { $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById(undef); } "_lookupRequestTypeById: dies for undefined requestTypeId"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById("NoStringsPlease"); } "_lookupRequestTypeById: dies for a string requestTypeId"; ok( (not $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById(0)), "_lookupRequestTypeById: returns false for id lookup for 0"); # Assumption here: that id number one more than the last added would never be in db. ok( (not $tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById($rr + 1)), "_lookupRequestTypeById: returns false for id one greater than last added"); is($tempSP->_lookupRequestTypeById($rr), "test-request", "_lookupRequestTypeById: returns proper result for id known to be in database"); =item _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration =cut dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ }); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies on empty hash"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestConfigurationId => "NoStringsPlease" }); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for string requestConfigurationId"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestConfigurationId => 0 }); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for non-existant requestConfigurationId"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestTypeId => "NoStringsPlease" }); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for string request id"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestTypeId => 0 }); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for non-existant requestTypeId"; dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration({ requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => "NoStringsPlease" }); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: dies for string requestConfigurationId with valid requestTypeId"; %hh = ( requestConfiguration => 'test-request-config' ); dies_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: fails with just requestConfiguration."; $val = $tempSP->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, description FROM request_configuration", 'description'); ok((defined $val and (keys(%$val) == 0)), "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: no request_configuration record added for failed attempts"); %hh = ( requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfiguration => 'test-request-config' ); lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: succeeds with requestConfiguration and requestType"; my($fullConfig, $rc); lives_ok { $fullConfig = $tempSP->getRequestConfigurations('test-request'); } "getRequestConfigurations: succeeds after successful _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration()"; $rc = $fullConfig->{$rr}{'test-request-config'}; is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc }, "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: modification of paramater argument was correct after successful add"); is_deeply $fullConfig, { 1 => { 'test-request-config' => 1 } }, "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: lookup of a request configuration works after _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration"; %hh = (requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfiguration => "test-request-config"); lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: looks up one previously added by _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration()"; is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc }, "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: lookup of a request works after _getOrCreateRequestConfiguration"); %hh = ( requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc, requestConfiguration => 'this-arg-matters-not' ); lives_ok { $tempSP->_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration(\%hh); } "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: lookup of existing requestConfigurationId succeeds, ignoring requestConfiguration parameter."; is_deeply(\%hh, { requestTypeId => $rr, requestConfigurationId => $rc }, "_getOrCreateRequestConfiguration: deletes requestTypeConfiguration if both are provided."); =back =item Database weirdness tests =cut ($tempDBH, $tempSP) = ResetDB($tempDBH); $tempDBH->do("DROP TABLE email_address;"); dies_ok { $tempSP->addSupporter({ display_name => "Roger Sterling", public_ack => 0, ledger_entity_id => "Sterling-Roger", email_address => 'sterlingjr@example.com', email_address_type => 'home' }) } "addSupporter: dies when email_address table does not exist & email adress given"; $tempDBH->disconnect; $tempDBH = reopen_test_dbh(); $val = $tempDBH->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM donor;", 'id'); ok( (defined $val and reftype $val eq "HASH" and keys(%{$val}) == 0), "addSupporter: fails if email_address given but email cannot be inserted"); =back =cut $tempDBH->disconnect; 1; ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c Supporters.t && cd ..; make clean; perl Makefile.PL && make && make test TEST_VERBOSE=1" # End: