getRequest: Initial implementation.
This implementation of getRequest passes all the current tests, except for those relate to fulfillment.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 132 additions and 0 deletions
@ -449,6 +449,138 @@ sub addRequestConfigurations($$$) {
=begin getRequest
=item $supporterId
Valid supporter_id number currently in the database. die() will occur if
the id number is not in the database already as a supporter id.
=item $requestType
String for the requestType sought.
=item $ignoreFulfilledRequests
Optional boolean argument. If true, a request that is found will not be
returned if the request has already been fulfilled. In other words, it
forces a return of undef for
=item undef
if the C<$requestType> is not found for C<$supporterId> (or, as above,
the C<$requestType> is found but has been fufilled and
=item a hash reference
If found, the has reference will contain at least the following keys:
=item requestType
Should match the request type in C<$requestType>
=item requestTypeId
The id from the request_type entry for C<$requestType>
=item requestDate
The date the request was made, in ISO 8601 format.
Optionally, if these values are not null in the database record, the
following fields may also be included:
=item notes
Notes made for the request.
=item requestConfiguration
any rquest configuration option given with the request.
If the request has been fufilled, the following keys will also ahve values.
=item fulfillDate
The date the request was fufilled, in ISO 8601 format.
sub getRequest($$;$) {
my($self, $supporterId, $requestType, $ignoreFulfilledRequests) = @_;
die "getRequest: undefined supporterId" unless defined $supporterId;
die "getRequest: supporterId, \"$supporterId\" not found in supporter database"
unless $self->_verifyId($supporterId);
die "getRequest: undefined requestType" unless defined $requestType;
my $req = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT, r.request_type_id, r.request_configuration_id, r.date_requested, r.notes, rt.type " .
"FROM request r, request_type rt WHERE r.request_type_id = AND " .
"r.supporter_id = " . $self->dbh->quote($supporterId, 'SQL_INTEGER') .
" AND rt.type = " . $self->dbh->quote($requestType),
return undef unless (defined $req and defined $req->{$requestType} and defined $req->{$requestType}{'id'});
my $requestTypeId = $req->{$requestType}{'request_type_id'};
my $requestId = $req->{$requestType}{'id'};
my $rsp = { requestType => $requestType,
requestTypeId => $requestTypeId,
requestId => $req->{$requestType}{'id'},
requestDate => $req->{$requestType}{'date_requested'},
notes => $req->{$requestType}{'notes'},
my $configs = $self->getRequestConfigurations($requestType);
use Data::Dumper;
print "CONFIGS:", Data::Dumper->Dump([$requestType, $configs]);
my $configName;
foreach my $key (keys %{$configs->{$requestTypeId}}) {
print "TEST: SEEING IF $key is our type... $configs->{$requestTypeId}{$key} == $req->{$requestType}{'type'} ... \n";
if ($configs->{$requestTypeId}{$key} == $req->{$requestType}{'request_configuration_id'}) { $configName = $key; last; }
die("getRequest: discovered database integrity error: request_configuration, \"$req->{$requestType}{request_configuration_id} is " .
"not valid for requestId, \"$requestId\"") unless defined $configName or (keys %{$configs->{$requestId}} == 0);
$rsp->{requestConfiguration} = $configName;
my $fulfillReq = $self->dbh()->selectall_hashref("SELECT id, request_id, date FROM fulfillment WHERE request_id = " .
$self->dbh->quote($requestId, 'SQL_INTEGER'),
if (defined $fulfillReq and defined $fulfillReq->{$requestId} and defined $fulfillReq->{$requestId}{id}) {
return undef if $ignoreFulfilledRequests;
$rsp->{fulfillDate} = $fulfillReq->{$requestId}{date};
print "RSP RETURING: ", Data::Dumper->Dump([$rsp]);
return $rsp;
=begin addRequest
=begin addRequest
Reference in a new issue