First pass at v0.2 of supporter database.
Redesign of database, mainly for three reasons: (a) we need to send renewal notices to Supporters, and need to keep a record of when we've sent them, (b) We need to keep better track of t-shirt requests, (c) We need to allow for different email addresses for contact other than the PayPal payer one. Before doing this, I briefly looked again at CiviCRM. While I can complete this conversion and all my scripts in just a matter of a few hours, setup of CiviCRM would take a minimum of a few hours just to investigate its viability for us and whether I'd be able to maintain it. So, we're doing custom, ad-hoc stuff still. This commit has not been tested, it's a first pass that I'll adjust.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 183 additions and 9 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
my $dbhOld = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$OLD_SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 })
or die $DBI::errstr;
my $dbhNew = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$NEW_SUPPORTERS_SQLITE_DB_FILE", "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 })
or die $DBI::errstr;
# Insert t-shirt types and sizes
my $sthNew = $dbhNew->prepare("INSERT INTO request_type(type) values(?)");
my $tShirt0RequestTypeId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
my $tShirt1RequestTypeId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
my %tShirt0SizeRequestConfigurationIds;
$sthNew = $dbhNew->prepare("INSERT INTO request_configuration" .
"(request_type_id, description) values(?, ?)");
foreach my $requestTypeId (qw/$tShirt1RequestTypeId $tShirt0RequestTypeId/) {
foreach my $size (qw/LadiesS LadiesM LadiesL LadiesXL MenS MenM MenXL Men2XL/) {
$sthNew->execute($requestTypeId, $size);
$tShirt0SizeRequestConfigurationIds{$size} = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
my $announceEmailListRequestTypeId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
# Only one email Adress type so far
$sthNew = $dbhNew->prepare("INSERT INTO address_type(name) values('paypal_payer')");
my $paypalPayerEmailAddresTypeId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
# Legacy fulfillment confirmation
$sthNew = $dbhNew->prepare("INSERT INTO fulfillment(date, who, how)" .
"values(date('now'), 'bkuhn', 'legacy import of old database; exact details of this fulfillment are unknown')");
my $fulfillmentId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
my $sthNewInsertSupporter = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO supporter(' .
'ledger_entity_id, display_name, public_ack) values (?, ?, ?)');
my $sthInsertEmailAddress = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO email_address(supporter_id, email_address, email_type_id, date_encountered)' .
"values(?, ?, $paypalPayerEmailAddresTypeId, date('now'))");
my $sthLinkSupporterToEmail = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO supporter_email_address_mapping(supporter_id, email_address_id, preferred)' .
"values(?, ?, $paypalPayerEmailAddresTypeId, date('now'), 1)");
my $sthLinkSupporterToPostal = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO supporter_postal_address_mapping(supporter_id, postal_address_id, preferred)' .
"values(?, ?, $paypalPayerEmailAddresTypeId, date('now'), 1)");
my $sthInsertRequest = $dbhNew->prepare('INSERT INTO request' .
'(supporter_id, request_type_id, request_configuration_id, date_requested, fulfillment_id, notes) ' .
"values(?, ?, ?, date('now'), ?," .
'"import of old database; exact date of this request is unknown")');
my $sthPostalAddress = 'INSERT INTO postal_address(formatted_address, date_encountered)' .
"VALUES(? , date('now'))";
my $sthOld = $dbhOld->prepare('SELECT * from supporters order by id;');
while (my $row = $sthOld->fetchrow_hashref) {
$sthNewInsertSupporter->execute($row->{ledger_entity_id}, $row->{display_name},
my $supporterId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
die("Database conversion failed on id matching: $row->{ledger_entity_id} had ID $row->{id} now has $supporterId")
unless ($row->{id} == $supporterId);
if ($row->{want_gift}) {
die "DB Convert Fail: Unknown shirt size of $row->{shirt_size} when someone wanted a shirt"
unless defined $tShirt0SizeRequestConfigurationIds{$row->{shirt_size}};
$sthInsertRequest->execute($supporterId, $tShirt0RequestTypeId,
($row->{gift_sent} ? $fulfillmentId : undef));
if ($row->{join_list}) {
$sthInsertRequest->execute($supporterId, $announceEmailListRequestTypeId, undef,
($row->{on_announce_mailman_list} ? $fulfillmentId : undef));
$sthInsertEmailAddress->execute($supporterId, $row->{paypal_payer});
my $emailId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
$sthLinkSupporterToEmail->execute($supporterId, $emailId);
$sthPostalAddress->execute($supporterId, $row->{formatted_address});
my $postalId = $dbhNew->last_insert_id("","","","");
$sthLinkSupporterToPostal->($supporterId, $postalId);
foreach my $sth (qw/$sthOld $sthOld $sthNewInsertSupporter $sthInsertEmailAddress
$sthLinkSupporterToEmail $sthInsertRequest $sthPostalAddress $sthLinkSupporterToPostal/) {
foreach my $dbh (qw/$dbhNew $dbhOld/) {
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c db-convert-0.1-to-0.2.plx"
# End:
@ -1,16 +1,79 @@
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "supporters";
-- Conservancy Supporter Database, Version 0.2
CREATE TABLE "supporters" (
CREATE TABLE "supporter" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"paypal_payer" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
"ledger_entity_id" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
"ledger_entity_id" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
"postal_address_id " integer,
"email_address_id " integer,
"display_name" varchar(300),
"display_name" varchar(300),
"public_ack" bool NOT NULL,
"public_ack" bool NOT NULL,
"want_gift" bool NOT NULL,
"join_list" bool,
"shirt_size" varchar(10),
"gift_sent" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"on_announce_mailman_list" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"formatted_address" varchar(5000)
CREATE TABLE "request" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"supporter_id" integer NOT NULL,
"request_type_id" integer NOT NULL,
"request_configuration_id" integer,
"date_requested" date NOT NULL,
"fulfillment_id" integer,
"notes" TEXT
CREATE TABLE "request_configuration" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"request_type_id" integer NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE "fulfillment" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"who" varchar(300) NOT NULL,
"how" TEXT,
CREATE TABLE "request_type" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"type" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE "email_address" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"email_address" varchar(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
"type_id" integer,
"date_encountered" date NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE "supporter_email_address_mapping" (
"supporter_id" integer NOT NULL,
"email_address_id integer NOT NULL,
"preferred" bool,
PRIMARY KEY(supporter_id, email_address_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX supporter2email_single_prefferred_per_supporter
ON supporter2email(supporter_id, preferred);
CREATE TABLE "address_type" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"name" varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
CREATE TABLE "postal_address" (
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"formatted_address" varchar(5000),
"date_encountered" date NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE "supporter_postal_address_mapping" (
"postal_address_id integer NOT NULL,
"preferred" bool,
PRIMARY KEY(supporter_id, email_address_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX supporter2postal_single_prefferred_per_supporter
ON supporter2email(supporter_id, preferred);
Reference in a new issue