431 lines
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431 lines
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from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from django.http import JsonResponse
from .models import *
from .policy import pol
import os
from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
from rest_framework.parsers import FileUploadParser, MultiPartParser
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from decouple import config
def get_report(report_pk):
Returns a python object representation of the specified section.
report_pk -- ID of the report to compile.
queryset = Report.objects.filter(id=report_pk)
for i in queryset:
data = {
"report_pk": report_pk,
"title": i.title,
"date_created": i.date_created,
"submitted": i.submitted,
"date_submitted": i.date_submitted,
"reference_number": i.reference_number,
# append the sections for each report
# return JsonResponse(data)
return data
def get_sections(r_id):
Returns a python object array of sections for the specified report.
r_id -- ID of the report to compile sections for.
# create a dict of arrays for section
section_set = {"sections": []}
queryset = Section.objects.filter(report_id=r_id)
for index in range(len(queryset)):
i = queryset[index]
data = {
"id": i.id,
"completed": i.completed,
"title": i.title,
"html_description": i.html_description,
"rule_violations": [],
# append the fields for corresponding section
# process rules from the policy file if the section is completed
if i.completed:
rules = pol.sections[index].rules
for rule in rules:
named_fields = generate_named_fields_for_section(data['fields'])
result = rule['rule'](data, named_fields)
if not result is None:
info = {
"label": rule['title'],
"rule_break_text": result,
except Exception as e:
print('Rule "{}" encountered an error. {}'.format(rule['title'], e))
# append section to the array
return section_set
def get_fields(s_id):
Returns a python object array of fields for the specified section.
s_id -- ID of the section to compile fields for.
# create dict of arrays for fields
field_set = {"fields": []}
queryset = Field.objects.filter(section_id=s_id).order_by('number')
for i in queryset:
# function that gets the corresponding datatype
value = Field.get_datatype(i)
data = {
"field_name": i.field_name,
"label": i.label,
"field_type": i.field_type,
"value": value,
# append the fields to array
# use copy() to avoid overwriting
return field_set
def generate_named_fields_for_section(fields):
Prepares a dictionary of key-value pairs based on the raw fields
passed in. Used to pass into the rule lambda functions.
fields -- Python object prepared by get_fields
result = {}
for field in fields:
key = field['field_name']
value = field['value']
result[key] = value
return result
def report(request):
Generates a new empty report for the current user and returns it
in json format. The title of the report should be provided as
"title": "Report Title Here"
# Create the report
report = Report.objects.create(
# Create the sections
for i in range(len(pol.sections)):
section = pol.sections[i]
s = Section.objects.create(report_id=report, auto_submit=section.auto_submit,
required=section.required, completed=False,
title=section.title, html_description=section.html_description,
# Create the fields
for key in section.fields:
field = section.fields[key]
f = Field.objects.create(section_id=s, field_name=key, label=field['label'],
number=field['number'], field_type=field['field_type'], completed=False)
# Return the newly created report
data = get_report(report.id)
return JsonResponse(data)
def reports(request):
Returns a condensed version of the current user's reports in json
report_set = {"reports": []}
queryset = Report.objects.all().filter(user_id=request.user.id).order_by('date_created')
for i in queryset:
data = {
"user_id": request.user.id,
"report_pk": i.id,
"title": i.title,
"date_created": i.date_created,
"submitted": i.submitted,
"date_submitted": i.date_submitted,
"reference_number": i.reference_number,
# append the sections for each report
return JsonResponse(report_set)
def user_owns_report(user, report):
Returns true if the specified user is owner of the report.
report -- ID of the report to check.
report_to_check = Report.objects.filter(id=report)
if len(report_to_check) < 1:
return False
return report_to_check[0].user_id == user
@api_view(['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
def report_detail(request, report_pk):
Handler for individual report actions. Actions are divided into
GET, PUT, and DELETE requests.
report_pk -- ID of the report to carry out the action on.
# Check that the user owns the report
if not user_owns_report(user=request.user, report=report_pk):
return JsonResponse({"message": "Current user does not own the specified report."}, status=401)
# GET: Retrieves a json representation of the specified report
if request.method == 'GET':
data = get_report(report_pk)
return JsonResponse(data)
# PUT: Submits a report to the administrator for review,
# and marks it as "submitted", after which changes may
# not be made.
elif request.method == 'PUT':
rep = Report.objects.get(id=report_pk)
if rep.submitted == True:
return JsonResponse({"message": "Cannot submit a report that has already been submitted."}, status=409)
rep.submitted = True;
# Send email
send_report_to_admin(request, report_pk)
return JsonResponse({"message": "Report submitted."})
# DELETE: Deletes a report from the user's account.
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
r = Report.objects.get(id=report_pk)
if r.submitted == True:
return JsonResponse({"message": "Cannot delete a report that has been submitted."}, status=409)
# get corresponding sections
section_set = Section.objects.filter(report_id=report_pk)
for i in section_set:
# gets the fields that only have a data file in them
field_set = Field.objects.filter(section_id=i.id).exclude(data_file__exact='')
if field_set.exists():
for j in field_set:
# delete the file if exists
path_name = str(j.data_file)
# delete the full report and catch the title
title = r.title
return JsonResponse({"message": "Deleted report: {0}.".format(title)})
def user_owns_section(user, section):
Returns true if the specified user is owner of the section.
section -- ID of the section to check.
section_to_check = Section.objects.filter(id=section)
if len(section_to_check) < 1:
return False
report_to_check = section_to_check[0].report_id
return report_to_check.user_id == user
def section(request, report_pk, section_pk):
Updates the specified section with new data.
section_pk -- Section for which the data should be updated.
# Check that the user owns the report
if not user_owns_section(user=request.user, section=section_pk):
return JsonResponse({"message": "Current user does not own the specified section."}, status=401)
# Check that the report isn't submitted
if Section.objects.get(id=section_pk).report_id.submitted:
return JsonResponse({"message": "Cannot update a report that has been submitted."}, status=409)
for key in request.data:
# get the matching field object
update = Field.objects.get(section_id=section_pk, field_name=key)
if update.field_type == "boolean":
# flight check
if request.data[key] == "true":
update.data_bool = True
elif request.data[key] == "false":
update.data_bool = False
update.completed = True
if update.field_type == "decimal":
# initialize to 0
if (
request.data[key] == "" or
request.data[key] is None
update.data_decimal = 0.0
update.completed = True
update.data_decimal = request.data[key]
if update.field_type == "date":
# initialize to today's date
if (
request.data[key] == "" or
request.data[key] is None
update.data_date = None
update.completed = True
update.data_date = request.data[key]
if update.field_type == "file":
if not(
request.data[key] == "" or
request.data[key] is None
update.completed = True
update.data_file = request.data[key]
if update.field_type == "string":
if not(
request.data[key] == "" or
request.data[key] is None
update.completed = True
update.data_string = request.data[key]
if update.field_type == "integer":
# initialize to 0
if (
request.data[key] == "" or
request.data[key] is None
update.data_integer = 0
update.completed = True
update.data_integer = request.data[key]
# update section boolean to complete
complete = section_complete(section_pk)
s = Section.objects.get(id=section_pk)
if complete:
s.completed = True
s.completed = False
# get section and field details
data = {
"id": s.id,
"completed": s.completed,
"title": s.title,
"html_description": s.html_description,
"rule_violations": [],
# process rules from the policy file if the section is completed
if s.completed:
rules = pol.sections[s.number].rules
for rule in rules:
named_fields = generate_named_fields_for_section(data['fields'])
result = rule['rule'](data, named_fields)
if not result is None:
info = {
"label": rule['title'],
"rule_break_text": result,
except Exception as e:
print('Rule "{}" encountered an error. {}'.format(rule['title'], e))
return JsonResponse(data)
def section_complete(section_pk):
Returns True if any fields of the specified section have been
entered by the user. This means that entering even one field
will count the entire section as "complete".
section_pk -- ID of the section whose fields you wish to check.
# grab field set
check_fields = Field.objects.filter(section_id=section_pk)
# return true if any field is complete
for i in check_fields:
if i.completed:
return True
return False
def send_report_to_admin(request, report_pk):
Sends an email message to admin with html/txt version of report,
along with file attachments. Cc sent to user.
request -- Request object with user info inside
report_pk -- ID of the report to submit
params = get_report(report_pk)
from_email = config('SUBMIT_REPORT_FROM_EMAIL')
cc = request.user.email
msg_html = render_to_string('backend/email.html', params)
msg_plain = render_to_string('backend/email.txt', params)
message = None
if params['reference_number'] == '':
message = EmailMultiAlternatives(
message = EmailMultiAlternatives(
"[RT - Request Tracker #{}] {}".format(params['reference_number'], params['title']),
message.attach_alternative(msg_html, "text/html")
for f in get_files(report_pk):
def get_files(report_pk):
collects all the files in a particular report and returns them
in an array.
report_pk -- ID of the report to collect files for
sections = Section.objects.filter(report_id=report_pk)
files = []
for section in sections:
fields = Field.objects.filter(section_id=section.id, completed=True)
for field in fields:
if field.field_type == "file":
print("appending {}".format(field.data_file.name))
return files