const reportType = { NEW : 1, EDIT : 2 }; // Hack to change endpoint url function getEndpointDomain() { return "https://" + window.location.hostname + ":8444/"; } function makeAjaxRequest(method, url, callback, optional, payload) { const token = localStorage.getItem("token"); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); console.log("Attempting a connection to the following endpoint: " + url);, url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); switch (method) { case "PUT": break; case "POST": xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); break; default: payload = null; break; } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { console.log(method + " SUCCESS!"); console.log("Server response:\n" + this.response); let parsedData = JSON.parse(this.response); optional ? callback(parsedData, optional) : callback(parsedData); } else { console.error(method + " FAILURE!"); console.error("Server status: " + this.status); console.error("Server response:\n" + this.response); } } }; xhr.onerror = function() { alert("Connection error!"); }; xhr.send(payload); } function updateSection(parsedData, saveButton) { const sectionIdStr = "#section-" + + "-"; const sectionState = document.querySelector(sectionIdStr + "state"); const collapseDiv = document.querySelector(sectionIdStr + "collapse"); // A completed section gets a header icon if (parsedData.completed) { const sectionAlert = collapseDiv.querySelector(".section-alert"); console.log(sectionAlert); if (sectionAlert) { collapseDiv.firstChild.removeChild(sectionAlert); } if (parsedData.rule_violations.length === 0) { // Complete with no rule violations sectionState.classList = "fas fa-check-square"; collapseDiv.className = "collapse"; } else { // Complete but with rule violations sectionState.classList = "fas fa-exclamation-triangle"; } } const cardFooter = createCardFooter(parsedData.rule_violations); if (collapseDiv.lastElementChild.classList.contains("card-footer")) { collapseDiv.removeChild(collapseDiv.lastElementChild); if (cardFooter) { collapseDiv.appendChild(cardFooter); } } else { if (cardFooter) { collapseDiv.appendChild(cardFooter); } } saveButton.innerHTML = "Save"; saveButton.disabled = false; } // Wraps a Bootstrap form group around a field function createFormGroup(sectionIdStr, field) { const inputId = sectionIdStr + field.field_name; const formGroup = document.createElement("div") formGroup.classList.add("form-group", "row"); const label = document.createElement("label"); label.classList.add("col-sm-4", "col-form"); label.innerHTML = field.label + ": "; label.setAttribute("for", inputId); const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("col-sm-6"); const input = document.createElement("input"); = field.field_name; = inputId; switch(field.field_type) { case "boolean": const select = document.createElement("select"); = field.field_name; = inputId; select.classList.add("form-control"); const yesOption = document.createElement("option"); yesOption.innerHTML = "Yes"; yesOption.value = "true"; const noOption = document.createElement("option"); noOption.innerHTML = "No"; noOption.value = "false"; if (field.value === true) { yesOption.setAttribute("selected", "selected"); } else { noOption.setAttribute("selected", "selected"); } select.appendChild(yesOption); select.appendChild(noOption); formGroup.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(select) formGroup.appendChild(div); break; case "date": input.type = "date"; input.placeholder = "mm-dd-yyyy"; if (field.value === "None") { input.value = ""; } else { input.value = field.value; } input.classList.add("form-control"); formGroup.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(input) formGroup.appendChild(div); break; case "string": input.type = "text"; input.value = field.value; input.classList.add("form-control"); formGroup.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(input) formGroup.appendChild(div); break; case "decimal": input.type = "number"; if (field.value === "0.00") { input.value = ""; } else { input.value = field.value; } input.classList.add("form-control"); input.step = 0.01; input.min = 0.00; formGroup.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(input) formGroup.appendChild(div); break; case "integer": input.type = "number"; if (field.value === 0) { input.value = ""; } else { input.value = field.value; } input.classList.add("form-control"); input.step = 1; input.min = 0; formGroup.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(input) formGroup.appendChild(div); break; case "file": input.type = "file"; input.classList.add("form-control-file"); let uploadMessage = document.createElement("p"); uploadMessage.classList.add("form-text"); uploadMessage.innerHTML = field.value; div.appendChild(input) div.appendChild(uploadMessage); formGroup.appendChild(label); formGroup.appendChild(div); break; default: break; } return formGroup; } function createCollapsibleCard(sectionIdStr, sectionTitle, sectionCompleted, ruleViolations) { // Create card and header const card = document.createElement("div"); card.classList.add("card"); const cardHeader = document.createElement("div"); cardHeader.classList.add("card-header"); const sectionState = document.createElement("i"); = sectionIdStr + "state"; // A completed section gets a header icon if (sectionCompleted) { if (ruleViolations.length === 0) { sectionState.classList.add("fas", "fa-check-square"); } else { sectionState.classList.add("fas", "fa-exclamation-triangle"); } } // Create h2, button. Append button to h2, h2 to header, and header to card const h2 = document.createElement("h2"); h2.classList.add("mb-0"); const button = document.createElement("button"); button.classList.add("btn", "btn-link"); button.type = "button"; button.setAttribute("data-toggle", "collapse"); button.setAttribute("data-target", "#" + sectionIdStr + "collapse"); button.innerHTML = sectionTitle; h2.appendChild(button); h2.appendChild(sectionState); cardHeader.appendChild(h2); card.appendChild(cardHeader); return card; } function createCollapsibleCardBody(form, sectionIdStr, sectionDescription, sectionCompleted, ruleViolations) { // Create wrapper div const collapseDiv = document.createElement("div"); = sectionIdStr + "collapse"; const cardBody = document.createElement("div"); cardBody.classList.add("card-body"); const sectionAlert = document.createElement("div"); if (sectionCompleted && ruleViolations.length === 0) { collapseDiv.classList.add("collapse"); } else if (sectionCompleted && ruleViolations.length > 0) { collapseDiv.classList.add("collapse", "show"); } else { sectionAlert.classList.add("alert", "alert-danger", "section-alert"); sectionAlert.innerHTML = "This section is not complete"; collapseDiv.classList.add("collapse", "show"); } // Create card body. Append form to body, body to wrapper div cardBody.appendChild(sectionAlert); cardBody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", sectionDescription); cardBody.appendChild(form); collapseDiv.appendChild(cardBody); return collapseDiv; } function createCardFooter(ruleViolations) { if (ruleViolations.length === 0) { return null; } const cardFooter = document.createElement("div"); cardFooter.classList.add("card-footer"); const violationMessage = document.createElement("div"); violationMessage.classList.add("alert", "alert-danger"); const heading = document.createElement("div"); heading.innerHTML = "Rule Violations"; heading.classList.add("alert-heading"); violationMessage.appendChild(heading); violationMessage.appendChild(document.createElement("hr")); for (let i = 0; i < ruleViolations.length; i++) { let violation = document.createElement("p"); let violationLabel = document.createElement("strong"); violationLabel.innerHTML = ruleViolations[i].label; violation.appendChild(violationLabel); violation.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); let ruleBreakText = document.createTextNode(ruleViolations[i].rule_break_text); violation.appendChild(ruleBreakText); violationMessage.appendChild(violation); } cardFooter.appendChild(violationMessage); return cardFooter; } function createReportForm(parsedData, type) { let modalBody; let modalLabel; const accordion = document.createElement("div"); accordion.classList.add("accordion"); if (type === reportType.EDIT) { modalBody = document.querySelector("#editReportModalBody"); modalLabel = document.querySelector("#editReportModalLabel"); = "editReportAccordion"; const deleteButton = document.querySelector(".delete-report"); if (deleteButton) { deleteButton.setAttribute("data-rid", parsedData.report_pk); } } else if (type === reportType.NEW) { modalBody = document.querySelector("#newReportModalBody"); modalLabel = document.querySelector("#newReportModalLabel"); = "newReportAccordion"; } else { return; } const reviewButton = document.querySelector(".review-report"); if (reviewButton) { reviewButton.setAttribute("data-rid", parsedData.report_pk); } const finalizeButton = document.querySelector(".finalize-report"); if (finalizeButton) { finalizeButton.setAttribute("data-rid", parsedData.report_pk); } while (modalBody.firstChild) { modalBody.removeChild(modalBody.firstChild); } // Add report title and date modalLabel.innerHTML = parsedData.title; // Traverse the report's sections array const sections = parsedData.sections; for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { // Create a new form let sectionIdStr = "section-" + sections[i].id + "-"; let form = document.createElement("form"); form.classList.add("form", "section-form"); = sectionIdStr + "form"; form.setAttribute("data-rid", parsedData.report_pk); form.setAttribute("data-sid", sections[i].id); // Traverse the fields of this section let fields = sections[i].fields; for (let j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { // Create a form group for each field and add it to the form form.appendChild(createFormGroup(sectionIdStr, fields[j])); } // Add save button to the current form let saveButton = document.createElement("button"); saveButton.innerHTML = "Save"; saveButton.type = "submit"; saveButton.classList.add("btn", "btn-primary", "save-section"); form.appendChild(saveButton); // Create collapsible card body, append form to it, append card to accordion let cardBody = createCollapsibleCardBody(form, sectionIdStr, sections[i].html_description, sections[i].completed, sections[i].rule_violations); let cardFooter = createCardFooter(sections[i].rule_violations); if (cardFooter) { cardBody.appendChild(cardFooter); } let collapsibleCard = createCollapsibleCard(sectionIdStr, sections[i].title, sections[i].completed, sections[i].rule_violations) collapsibleCard.appendChild(cardBody); accordion.appendChild(collapsibleCard); } modalBody.appendChild(accordion); } function displayListOfReports(parsedData) { const reports = parsedData.reports; const cardBody = document.querySelector(".card-body"); const table = document.querySelector("table"); cardBody.removeChild(cardBody.firstElementChild); // remove loading spinner if (reports.length === 0) { cardBody.removeChild(table); const h5 = document.createElement("h5"); h5.innerHTML = "No reports found."; h5.classList.add("text-center"); cardBody.appendChild(h5); } else { const tbody = document.querySelector("tbody"); // Insert data into the table row for (let i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) { let title = reports[i].title; let dateCreated = new Date(reports[i].date_created).toLocaleDateString("en-US"); let state = reports[i].submitted; let dateSubmitted; let rid = reports[i].report_pk; let bodyRow = tbody.insertRow(i); bodyRow.insertCell(0).innerHTML = title; bodyRow.insertCell(1).innerHTML = dateCreated; /* let stateCell = bodyRow.insertCell(2); stateCell.innerHTML = state; stateCell.classList.add("d-none", "d-lg-table-cell"); // Column visible only on large displays */ // Create edit/view button let actionButton = document.createElement("button"); actionButton.type = "submit"; actionButton.setAttribute("data-rid", rid); actionButton.classList.add("btn"); if (state === false) { // Edit button dateSubmitted = "TBD"; actionButton.classList.add("btn-primary", "edit-report-button"); // Add event listener class actionButton.innerHTML = "Edit"; actionButton.setAttribute("data-toggle", "modal"); actionButton.setAttribute("data-target", "#editReportModal"); } else { // View button dateSubmitted = new Date(reports[i].date_submitted).toLocaleDateString("en-US"); actionButton.classList.add("btn-success", "view-report-button"); actionButton.innerHTML = "View"; actionButton.setAttribute("data-toggle", "modal"); actionButton.setAttribute("data-target", "#viewReportModal"); } let dateSubmittedCell = bodyRow.insertCell(2); dateSubmittedCell.innerHTML = dateSubmitted; dateSubmittedCell.classList.add("d-none", "d-md-table-cell"); // Column visible on medium and larger displays bodyRow.insertCell(3).appendChild(actionButton); } = "visible"; } } function displayReport(parsedData){ //Able to get the correct report ID now just needs to display the //report as an modual const modalBody = document.querySelector(".modal-view"); const modalLabel = document.querySelector("#viewReportModalLabel"); while (modalBody.firstChild) { modalBody.removeChild(modalBody.firstChild); } // Add report title and date const reportTitle = parsedData.title; const dateCreated = new Date(parsedData.date_created).toLocaleDateString("en-US"); modalLabel.innerHTML = reportTitle + " " + dateCreated; const card = document.createElement("div"); card.classList.add("card"); const cardHeader = document.createElement("div"); cardHeader.classList.add("card-header"); const cardBody = document.createElement("div"); cardBody.classList.add("card-body"); const sections = parsedData.sections; for (let key in sections) { let section = sections[key]; if(section.completed) { const h4 = document.createElement("h4"); const value = document.createTextNode(section.title); h4.appendChild(value); cardBody.appendChild(h4); let fields = section.fields; for (let key in fields) { let field = fields[key]; const p1 = document.createElement("p"); let p1Value = ""; if(field.field_type == "boolean") { if(field.value == "true") { p1Value = document.createTextNode(field.label + ": " + "Yes"); p1.appendChild(p1Value); cardBody.appendChild(p1); } else { p1Value = document.createTextNode(field.label + ": " + "No"); p1.appendChild(p1Value); cardBody.appendChild(p1); } } else if(field.value == "") { p1Value = document.createTextNode(field.label + ": " + "None"); p1.appendChild(p1Value); cardBody.appendChild(p1); } else { p1Value = document.createTextNode(field.label + ": " + field.value); p1.appendChild(p1Value); cardBody.appendChild(p1); } } cardHeader.appendChild(cardBody); card.appendChild(cardHeader); } } modalBody.appendChild(card); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { if (window.location.pathname === "/edit_report.html") { const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/reports"; makeAjaxRequest("GET", url, displayListOfReports); } }); document.addEventListener("click", function(event) { if ( { if ("edit-report-button")) { const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report/" +; const type = reportType.EDIT; makeAjaxRequest("GET", url, createReportForm, type); } else if ("view-report-button")) { console.log("View button clicked"); const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report/" +; makeAjaxRequest("GET", url, displayReport); } else if ("review-report")) { event.preventDefault(); console.log("review-report"); const result = confirm("Are you sure you want to submit this report for review?"); if (result) { const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report/" +; makeAjaxRequest("PUT", url, function(parsedData) { alert(parsedData.message); location.reload(true); }); } } else if ("finalize-report")) { event.preventDefault(); console.log("finalize-report"); const result = confirm("Are you sure you want to finalize this report? This means you will no longer be able to modify it."); if (result) { const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report/" + + "/final"; makeAjaxRequest("PUT", url, function(parsedData) { alert(parsedData.message); location.reload(true); }); } } else if ("delete-report")) { event.preventDefault(); const title = document.querySelector("#editReportModalLabel").textContent; const result = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the report \"" + title + "\"?"); if (result) { const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report/" +; makeAjaxRequest("DELETE", url, function(parsedData) { alert(parsedData.message); location.reload(true); }); } } } }); const newReportForm = document.querySelector(".new-report-form"); if (newReportForm) { newReportForm.addEventListener("submit", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report"; const payload = JSON.stringify({ "title":, "reference": }); console.log("Payload:\n" + payload); const type = reportType.NEW; makeAjaxRequest("POST", url, createReportForm, type, payload); }); } document.addEventListener("input", function(event) { if ( === "date") { if (!moment(, "YYYY-MM-DD", true).isValid()) {"Invalid date format"); } else {""); } } }); document.addEventListener("submit", function(event) { if ("section-form")) { event.preventDefault(); let saveButton =; saveButton.disabled = true; saveButton.innerHTML = ""; let span = document.createElement("span"); span.classList.add("spinner-border", "spinner-border-sm"); saveButton.appendChild(span); saveButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Saving...")); const formData = new FormData(; const url = getEndpointDomain() + "api/v1/report/" + + "/section/" +; makeAjaxRequest("PUT", url, updateSection, saveButton, formData); } }); // Jquery is required to handle this modal event $(document).ready(function(){ $("#newReportModal").on('', function() { location.reload(true); }); });