// Hack to change endpoint url for each OS function getEndpointDomain() { let OSName; let domain; if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") !== -1) OSName = "Windows"; else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") !== -1) OSName = "MacOS"; else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("X11") !== -1) OSName = "UNIX"; else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Linux") !== -1) OSName = "Linux"; else OSName = "Unknown OS"; console.log(`Detected operating system: ${OSName}`); if (OSName === "Windows") { domain = ""; } else { domain = "https://localhost:8444/" } return domain; } function getDataFromEndpoint(url, callback) { const token = localStorage.getItem("token"); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); console.log(`Attempting a connection to the following endpoint: ${url}`); xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { console.log("GET SUCCESS!"); console.log(`Server response:\n${this.response}`); parsedData = JSON.parse(this.response); callback(parsedData); } else { console.log("GET FAILURE!"); console.log(`Server status: ${this.status}`); console.log(`Server response:\n${this.response}`); } } }; xhr.onerror = function() { alert("Connection error!"); }; xhr.send(); } function buildEditReportForm(parsedReport) { const modalTitle = document.querySelector("#editReportModalLabel"); console.log("In buildEditReportForm"); console.log(JSON.stringify(parsedReport)); } function editReportFormClickHandler(event) { const url = getEndpointDomain() + "backend/get_report"; getDataFromEndpoint(url, buildEditReportForm); } function displayListOfReports(listOfReports) { const cardBody = document.querySelector(".card-body"); const table = document.createElement("table"); const reports = listOfReports.reports; let reportsAdded = 0; // Create report table for (let i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) { let title = reports[i].title; let dateCreated = new Date(reports[i].date_created).toLocaleDateString("en-US"); let state = reports[i].state; let dateSubmitted; // Create edit/view button let actionButton = document.createElement("button"); actionButton.type = "submit"; actionButton.setAttribute("data-toggle", "modal"); actionButton.classList.add("btn"); if (state === "created") { // Edit button dateSubmitted = "TBD"; actionButton.classList.add("btn-primary"); actionButton.innerHTML = "Edit"; actionButton.setAttribute("data-target", "#editReportModal"); actionButton.addEventListener("click", editReportFormClickHandler); } else { // View button dateSubmitted = new Date(reports[i].date_submitted).toLocaleDateString("en-US"); actionButton.classList.add("btn-success"); actionButton.innerHTML = "View"; } let bodyRow = table.insertRow(i); bodyRow.insertCell(0).innerHTML = title; bodyRow.insertCell(1).innerHTML = dateCreated; let stateCell = bodyRow.insertCell(2); stateCell.innerHTML = state; stateCell.classList.add("d-none", "d-lg-table-cell"); let dateSubmittedCell = bodyRow.insertCell(3); dateSubmittedCell.innerHTML = dateSubmitted; dateSubmittedCell.classList.add("d-none", "d-md-table-cell"); bodyRow.insertCell(4).appendChild(actionButton); reportsAdded++; } if (reportsAdded === 0) { // Report list is empty const p = document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML = "No reports found."; cardBody.appendChild(p); } else { // Report list exists and table rows have been created // Create table header, add it to the table, and append the result to the card body const thead = document.createElement("thead"); const tr = document.createElement("tr"); const headTitle = document.createElement("th"); headTitle.innerHTML = "Title"; tr.appendChild(headTitle); const headDateCreated = document.createElement("th"); headDateCreated.innerHTML = "Date Created"; tr.appendChild(headDateCreated); const headState = document.createElement("th"); headState.innerHTML = "State"; headState.classList.add("d-none", "d-lg-table-cell"); // Column shown only on large displays tr.appendChild(headState); const headDateSubmitted = document.createElement("th") headDateSubmitted.innerHTML = "Date Submitted"; headDateSubmitted.classList.add("d-none", "d-md-table-cell"); // Column only shown on medium and larger displays tr.appendChild(headDateSubmitted); const headAction = document.createElement("th") headAction.innerHTML = "Action"; tr.appendChild(headAction); thead.appendChild(tr); table.prepend(thead); table.classList.add("table", "table-striped", "table-responsive-sm"); cardBody.appendChild(table); } } function getReportHistory(event) { /* const token = localStorage.getItem("token"); const url = getEndpointDomain() + "backend/list_report"; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); console.log(`Attempting a connection to the following endpoint: ${url}`); xhr.open("GET", url, true); //xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", `Token ${token}`); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { console.log("GET list_report SUCCESS!"); console.log(`Server response:\n${this.response}`); listOfReports = JSON.parse(this.response); displayListOfReports(listOfReports); } else { console.log("GET list_report FAILURE!"); console.log(`Server status: ${this.status}`); console.log(`Server response:\n${this.response}`); } } }; xhr.onerror = function() { alert("Connection error!"); }; xhr.send(); */ const url = getEndpointDomain() + "backend/list_report"; getDataFromEndpoint(url, displayListOfReports); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", getReportHistory);