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Software Freedom Conservancy will again hosting a community oriented conference this coming summer. FOSSY (Free and Open Source Software Yearly) is focused on the creation and impact of free and open source software, uplifting contributors of all experience.
We will have community-led tracks with talks over four days. The call for tracks is currently open! Previous tracks included community building, education, development and legal and licensing issues, our conference will provide ample learning and networking opportunities for contributors of all levels of experience. There will be hands on workshops, lightning talks and traditional 50 minute talks.
As we look to the future of conferences, we are excited to focus on using free software to run a conference and will seek to help reduce the amount of proprietary software that is treated as default.
If you are interested in sponsoring our conference, please see our [FIXME Sponsorship Prospectus] or contact us at
Talks from last year's FOSSY are [FIXME available here].