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< h3 > Biography< / h3 >
< div class = "bio" > Ria Farrell Schalnat works with the Open Program Office of Hewlett Packard Enterprise. This role combines her prior lives as a computer programmer, lawyer and adjunct professor specializing in intellectual property subjects including open source. She has guided initiatives in patent portfolio management, intellectual property due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, software licensing, workflow and process management.
Ria is served for two years as President of CincyIP, a local bar association dedicated to intellectual property education. She also served as an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati School of Law and University of Dayton School of Law on subjects including Patent Litigation, Cyberspace Law and Open Source Licensing. Within the Linux Foundation, her extracurricular activities include both the SPDX project and CHAOSS. Finally, she participates in ongoing CISA-hosted community discussions related to software bills of material (SBOMs).< / div >
< h3 class = "my-4" > Presentations< / h3 >
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< a href = "../../../schedule/presentation/260/index.html" > Discussion: Scalability Through Open Source Hygiene< / a >
4:30 p.m.– 5:15 p.m.
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< strong > FOSSY 2024< / strong > < br >
August 1– 4th 2024 < br >
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