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< h1 class = "page-title" > Unlocking containers on ARM64: A story of runtime and image support< / h1 >
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2024-07-30 03:56:01 +00:00
327 | < span class = "presentation-time" data-starttime = "2024-08-01T16:30:00" data-endtime = "2024-08-01T17:15:00" > Thu 01 Aug 4:30 p.m.– 5:15 p.m.< / span >
2024-07-23 23:59:24 +00:00
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< strong > < a href = "../../../speaker/profile/321/index.html" > Phil Estes< / a > < / strong > < br / >
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< div class = "bio" > Phil is a Principal Engineer for Amazon Web Services (AWS), focused on core container technologies that power AWS container offerings like Fargate, EKS, and ECS.
Phil is currently an active contributor and maintainer for the CNCF containerd runtime project, and participates in the Open Container Initiative (OCI) as the member of the Technical Oversight Board (TOB). Phil has also been a long-time core contributor and maintainer on the Docker/Moby engine project where he contributed key features like user namespace support and multi-platform image capabilities.
Phil enjoys helping others understand and apply container and cloud native concepts and speaks worldwide at industry conferences and meetups, and is a member of the CNCF Ambassadors program.< / div >
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< h2 class = "mt-4" > Abstract< / h4 >
< div class = "abstract pb-4" > < p > Container runtimes like Docker and containerd are the core software components that enable the adoption of container technology, whether in cloud orchestrator systems like Kubernetes or in edge and embedded compute scenarios. Similarly, the Open Container Initiative (OCI) has standardized the concepts around containers, like the image and runtime specifications, so that all runtime implementations are interoperable.
In both these worlds, the adoption of multi-platform support has made steady progress for the last 6-8 years. While progress has been slow at times, the ecosystem has now fully unlocked the advantages of ARM64 as one of the key platforms supported directly by runtimes and encoded into the specifications of the OCI.
In this talk we'll walk through this history of the adoption of ARM64, including a focus on the CNCF containerd project as a shining example of the adoption of multi-platform support, and specifically the enablement of the containerd project to build, test, and release official support on ARM64. We'll look at example use cases and where the industry is using this support today to enable production workloads on ARM64.< / p > < / div >
2025-02-12 06:19:32 +00:00
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