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< h1 class = "page-title" > Identifying Common Issues, and Potential Solutions, Across Sectors Doing Open Work< / h1 >
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E146 | < span class = "presentation-time" data-starttime = "2023-07-15T16:30:00" data-endtime = "2023-07-15T17:00:00" > Sat 15 Jul 4:30 p.m.– 5 p.m.< / span >
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< strong > < a href = "../../../speaker/profile/241/index.html" > Stephen Jacobs< / a > < / strong > < br / >
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< h2 class = "mt-4" > Abstract< / h4 >
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< div class = "abstract pb-4" > < p > Those of us pursuing or performing Open Work in Industry, Academia and Government face common challenges around getting support for, incetinization of and credit around Open Work practices. The problems of “Invisible Work” needing to demonstrate ROI and KPI for non software engineering efforts, getting evaluated for “invisible work.” Etc. Though there are shared issues across these sectors, the language and processes are often different, leading to difficulty in identifying and applying best practices from one sector to the other. This session will discuss the common challenges and related best practices in each sector and seek common ground in addressing them< / p > < / div >
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< strong > FOSSY 2023< / strong > < br >
July 13-16 2023 < br >
Portland, OR< br >
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